What was the last thing you made into a heart?
A cake!
Tell us about your latest ex?
Do I have to? It hurts to talk about...him.
How tall is the last person you hugged?
...Taller than me.
Speaking of hugs, who is the best hugger you know?
I know three! Me, myself, and I!
What colour is your underwear?
I wear red boxers!
Do you normally sleep with clothes on?
Think about the last pair of socks you wore:
Okay I'm thinking. *thinks*
What show/concert do you want to attend next?
...I'm not for sure.
What are you listening to right now?
Here Without You by Three Doors Down.
Last website you went to was what?
How do you look up new music?
I just look online...or listen on the radio.
What is your favourite colour ice pop?
What is something you wish you had more of?
Last time you had the butterflies, who were you thinking of?
Have you ever made out with a member of the same sex?
Are you gay?
...Yes. Nya~!
Who is your favourite band?
The Chocolates.
Do you have an addiction? What is it?
Not really...
What is the coolest band name you have ever heard?
The Chocolates!
Do you like poetry?
What were you last sad about?
...About me and Oishi not being together.
Do you mind when people talk about your sex life?
Who is the hottest member of the opposite sex you've seen in the last week?
Ummm....no one?
Let's just say you were a serial killer. Would you get caught?
Has anyone ever said they would die for you?
Does it annoy you when people type like they're ghetto?
Do you always answer your phone?
Hold on a second! My cell's ringing.
Who do you text the most?
It use to be Oishi...now its Fujiko~!
What did you last feel bad about?
About me cheating on Oishi.
Are you mean?
NO! ^3^
If you could start your name with any random letter, what would it be?
Who were the last three people to leave you a comment on LJ?
I don't know.
Who of those last three people would you marry, if you had to?
.........Nest question.........
Do you like thunderstorms?
Do you like the rain?
Not really.
When was the last time you were sick?
Two months ago.
Say you were dying tomorrow. What would you want to eat last?
Does something hurt on you right now?
Yes. My heart!
What is your current mood?
Bored. Thats why I'm doing this...
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an E?
No...but their is a person that started with a 'O'. ^^;;
What time do you normally go to sleep every day?
Between 10:10pm to 11:00pm.
Do you like cheese?
Last shirt you wore?
Red color with a blue collar.
How many times a week do you shower?
Name one thing that grosses you out:
...A person who's name I'm NOT saying.
If your best friend made out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do?
Be heartbroken...then get over it.
Have you ever cheated on a significant other?
Who do you know that can make you feel better if you're not feeling happy?
It was Oishi....but now it's Fujiko.
What are you doing besides this?
Listening to sad love music.
Are you logged into any instant messenger programs?
Already logged in.
Do you have any dishes in your room?
Are you someone who remembers dates?
Would you rather get shot or get injected?
O.o Neither.
It's 10am. What are you doing?
Depends on what I feel like doing.
Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping?
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
Oishi breaking up with me.
If your friend did something bad and you didn't know, but it had to do with you, would you expect them to be a man and tell you?
Do you take your phone to the bathroom with you?
No. Thats gross!