
Apr 06, 2004 09:49

Well... HEllooooooo... LONG time no friggin update! Well YANESS im welll happy today.. cos its sun-sun-sunny!!! (and no i do not have a stammer!) Heh. Yay sunnyness rocks... especially after so much fecking rain!!!

Well.. It's the easter hollydays (woop) but unfortunately i have a million lots of work 2 do.. but bah 2 them... its sunny (yay). Amy is away... ellie is away =( stina ist lonesome. hohum.. so is life.

For those of you who didn't know i was 17 last weeeek (on 3oth) and i had funums. emma and amy went crazy and emma put posters all over the common room, which was tres amusant! (thanx em 4 that *mwah*) They also bought me wikidy bo pressies =D hehe.. oo me and amy and ellie went out 4 a meal at the chinese eat all u want in hemel.. was so scrummy! and the crazy waiter guy HAHA "spare tyre.. yay... which one of u bigger" *spastic wink. EXCELLENT.. pure genious

Ah yes.. a couple of weeks ago i met up with jordan, LONG TIME NO FRIGGIN SEEE!!!.. it was nice, he came 2 mine we chatted.. we walked alot went 2 town and the parkums.. was just nice catching up and stuff =) and 4 all of u who assume sumthing went on IT DIDNT just 2 clear that up! Hmph.

Going back 2 along time ago.. the boat party went o so well.. everyone was happy! yay. we all got fabulously drunk and it was grande! =) I can't even think what ive been up2 since i last updated.. probably nothing special.. OOO cept i went 2 my mates party, and there was a french exchange girl there! that was amusement 4 the nite. Paulo kept asking her about her minge in french and stuff. I was surprised how well she understood my CRAP sentence structures... i was telling her how adam and adam Ro were gay together and how adam liked it up the arse (dont even ask how i no that in french!)

I really need my hair cut.. I should get round 2 booking an appointment but i cant be arsed! Gosh im so lazy....

Ok... an update on school life... Fucked up my mocks biiiig time! i mean majorly big, lol basically failed biology (got an E) got like a C in english and i STILL havnt got my psychology results back! DAMN YOU MRS HYAMS!... gah.. but yeah. not doing so well on the school side of life.

I'm megally scared cos i have my drama practical REAL soon... and its really not polished yet. Im no good at being a main character im gona suck so badly! ARGH.. all the other groups are sooo good and finished.. and were just not! Crappy craps. Were doing "daisy pulls it off" its by denise deegan and its set in a girls boarding school in like 1927 or sumthing.. its quite a funny play and were all "jolly" and spiffing! hehe.. its fun 2 take the piss!

Anyhoo i should really go do sum revision or sumthing constructive! I have fook all plannage 4 this holiday so if wany1 wants 2 do sumthing, give us a bell (not literally a bell OBVIOUSLY but ya no what i mean.. well i hope u do)

Love u guysh LOTS!!!!

The Noodle Meister

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