Nov 17, 2010 03:24
I may be romanticizing LJ in retrospect, but seeing its present state (ghost town!), I feel like something very special has been lost. Most people seem to have moved on-- I'm hoping to greener pastures, but I suspect Farmville and WoW may have played a part.
I think I took the quality of conversation here for granted while it was happening. It's one of the only popular e-bastions that not only allowed substance but made it so easy to find, and here it is... pretty much lifeless. I know there is still some life here, but it may just be rigor mortis brought on by nostalgia. Can't tell...
The internet has so much potential (like most technology) to be a powerful source of learning and progress. Instead, it's just a suffocating void of LOLcats... cute at first, just the same old shit after awhile. Like an endless one night stand. (I've actually never had a one night stand. I'm kind of happy about that.) I know there are pockets of gold here and there, but... that's not good enough.
This seeming tragedy has re-focused me a little on my goals, reminding me how important it is to have a space like this around, motivating me to make it happen. Without spilling into great detail (not that I usually venture beyond Vague Land), my "big dream" is to construct a venue that engages minds in good conversation. Not necessarily with words alone, though those are swell!-- I also mean dialogues through music, art, recreation, you name it. I mean for this venue to exist offline, but I encourage similar online forms as well. So, it's almost an affront to me to see LJ like this... and I feel guilty, since I have appointed myself to be a convo-savior of sorts. Swooping down with a cool cape, rescuing people from boring bullshit? Something like that.
I plan to update frequently, at least for awhile. Every few days = frequent. We'll see what happens, but LJ may be dead.