Haven't been posting much, due to channeling my writing impulses into article pitches for
one of my favorite websites in a misguided attempt to make money by writing on the internet. A crazy scheme. However, I felt the need to inform some of you that
Left 4 Dead is coming out next month, and that, if you have a computer and a way to contact me, you should consider purchasing it eventually so that we might have the possibility of slaughtering hordes of zombies together, whenever I get around to buying it.
Also, I just want to state, for the record, that this is the first election I've been old enough to vote in wherein I liked both candidates for President. We won't discuss the VPs. It would almost be enough to shake my lack of faith in politics, except that here at the state level, every congressional seat is a contest between a crook and an idiot, with the roles switching between parties and varying degrees of crookedness and idiocy that somehow manage to balance themselves perfectly until I want to murder all the candidates by ramming their heads up their own asses until they suffocate, and just start over.
Also for the record: Obama is a nice guy with big plans for a better tomorrow. It's too bad that if he wins, all his plans will be utterly mangled into unintelligible messes by congressional infighting and lobbyists. Also, the parallels the media (and, more frighteningly, Hillary Clinton) have been making between him and the Kennedys are like creepy real-life foreshadowing. It's like they WANT him to be assassinated.
McCain, meanwhile, is anything but naive (
usually), and
I still say that his willingness to tell both parties to
go fuck themselves is what America needs. And let's face it: after Dan "Potato" Quail, Al "I invented the Internet" Gore, and George W. "Fool me once..." Bush, America wouldn't know what to do if we didn't have at least one executive in office who said utterly retarded things. That's the real reason he picked Palin. Plus, if McCain died and she became President it would be
hilarious(ly tragic).