Hi Minna-san ^^
Gomen, I'm late some minutes ^^"" In my time is already 27th ^^"" Jaa~ I don't feel so good xDD Flu or something probably caught me finally ^^" But I'm really happy, I was able to done making this gifs xDD I missed for making funny gifs for all members xDD SO, as usual I hope, you like them xDD Today, I'm giving you a lot of cuteness, smiles and kakkoiness xDD A lot of Akame thanks to one video I found yesterday on youtube xDD It made me laughing so hard xDD But I'm stopping my bubbling and let's see what we have here xDD
[51] Random funny Kat-tun gifs
1. Sweet tongues, ver. together <33 2. Kameeee~ pufff *dead* 3. Choko~ choko~ choko ~ xD
4. Don't cry KAme-chan >.< 5. Uwahhh~ chibi Kame-chan <333 6. Hahhaha~ xDD Such cute slap <33
7. Kame don't play with Maru ^///^ 8. Nyaaa~ kawaii <333 9. How could you kill me, too ? >.< *dead again*
10. Prince of smile <333 11. Prince of cute laughing? xDD <3 12. And our second prince <3333
13. OMG!!! Omg!!! Gomen, Kame >.< 14. But Koki already killed me twice xPP 15. Mazuiiii~, desu nee xDD
16. Hahha~~ 100% of Bandie xDD 17. Prince of Bandies??? xDD <3 18. Hihihi~ he's shaking xDD
19. Kokame you won my heart this evening <333 20. KAME! xDD 21. . . .*now even my soul is dead*
22. Nyaaa~ how adorable <33 23. Buhahhaha xDDD 24. Myauuu~ =3333
25. A grrrr~ xDDD Hhahah xDD 26. First sight love desu, nee~ xDD 27. Poor Maru-Mario-chan xDD
28. Junno is also here xDD 29. Akame everywhere xDD 30. Akame everywhere part 2 xDD
31. AKame chuuu~ <333 32. Koki, leave my Koki alone >.< 33. Life is brutal xDDD
34. Akame, akame, akame~ <333 35. Uepi is here, as well xDD 36. Sweet chuuu and happyEND xDDD
37. Maru's pirouette <333 38. Nyaaa~ chibi naked KoMaru <3 39. *.* First time I see this hairstyle Maru-kun <33
40. Great mission~ rescue of puppy <33 41. 100% of Cuteness <33 42. Waveee~ xDD
43. Tadammm~ xDD 44. Tadam with slap xDD 45. Tadam with sasuage?? xDD
46. Tadammm~ with okane?? xDD 47. Tadam with~ Nani kore? xDD 48. Hhahah xDDD Just laughing is funny xDD
49. Kyaaa~ Uepi, you're such adorable<33 50. Kyaaa~ again <33 51. Koki rulez~ xDD You're smile isajkshjdhasjh LOVE <333
I know I'm modesty, but I'm really immpressed of myself xDD I was able to leave comments for all these gifs xDD Maybe, sometimes it's only kyaa and nyaa xDD But I really love them all =333 I regret that there is no sound for some of this gifs^^ Cuz the effect would even better=3
But I really hope, it's enough how it is xDDD
ANd now something more for you, my sweet Minna <333
I made three more Screen Savers xDD Basing on gifs I made yesterday^^
Two group SS's xDD And I wanna make for my sweet bunny_alice SS with only Maru's wink, but I couldn't cut out part with Kame-chan T_T Today, VirtualDub didn't want to work with me well~ gomen, nee~ I'll try to fix it next time ;33
ALL SSs are little longer versions of these gifs
http://www.mediafire.com/?kfv8zfocisglhb6 http://www.mediafire.com/?xdqdky3now60aai For new visitors, please visit my previous entry
HERE to find more information about using Screen Savers and see MS Special gifs xDD
Don't forget check my whole journal to find aaaaa looootttt funny gifs with our lovely boys xDD For example. entry with '1 Pound Gospel' gifs
Jaaa~ that's all xDDD Hope you enjoyed the time you were here xDD
Btw. My dear friends <33 I wanna know more about you <333 So if you have a little time, please visit
this entry where I put one meme for you <333 I would be really glad if you fill it \(^o^)/
Let's see next time with new portion of gifs and SS's xDD
Love you <333 Bye, bye~
If you like my stuff, share it with me <333 I love all comments =33 They're my motivation xDDD
Credits no needed, but also very loved <333
Feel free to add me as friend, but it would be great if you leave the comment first =333
Now about credits. More of gifs I made from videos downloaded from youtube some of them
1 ,
3 . Unfortunately I don't remeber all of videos ;( But Please check the first video, with Akame MArio, cuz it's really worth to watch xDD The same as the rest one xDD
More credits are going to KAL and
jone_records . There you can really find everything =333 Thanks a lot <333