1. Old meme ^^ 2. And one Organizational case xDDD

Dec 24, 2010 23:33

Hi Minna-san!!! xDD
First, I just wanna say:

Merry Christmas!!! \(^o^)/
or / and
Happy Holiday!!! \(^0^)/ Minna-san <3333
Because of the winter, I also changed the apperance of my Lj xDD Hope you like it=333
1. One old MEME ^o^
I filled it in, few monthes ago, but I still remember about it ^^ I did it at my dear firends Ljs, and I said I'm going to do ( Read more... )

meme, about me...

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chuckles0505 December 26 2010, 00:14:29 UTC
1. Your Middle Name: Tien-Dai
2. Age: *cough* 25 *cough*
3. Single or Taken: single, *sigh*
4. Favourite Film: The Joy Luck Club and Back to the Future
5. Favourite Song or Album: Fav song is Unfold by Jason Mraz
6. Favourite Band/Artist: I love KAT-TUN but my favorite of all time is Jason Mraz
7. Dirty or Clean: Messy and disorganized >.<
*8. Tattoos and/or Piercings (Do you have some?):
Just standard ear piercing
No tattoos but if I were to get one, I would like a sakura flower on my wrist ^^
*9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? // Propably not ;( But we can became friends on FB xDD
Yay, we're friends on FB \O/
10. What's your philosophy on life? Everything ends up working out in the end.
11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? I hope for half-full but with my luck they tend to be half-empty.
*12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? // I don't like this question, cuz it's hard, so let's skip it xDD
*13. What is your favourite memory of us? or Do you remebmer how we met first time? =33
I first got to know you because of all your lovely gifs but every single one of your comments is a great memory. Pola you are always such a sweet girl with a huge heart <33333
14. What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
Definitely LJ at the moment
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
My middle name is based off of Sendai, where my parents use to live for before coming to the states.
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they? I wish to be able to see KT in concert, a decent job after graduation, and just live happily
17. Can we get together and make a cake? Sure, if I ever go to Poland or if you ever come to the US
18. Which country is your spiritual home? Japan
19. What is your big weakness? //Except Kat-tun? xDD Definitely procrastination >.<
20. Do you think I'm a good person? I don't think, I know you are ^^
21. What was your best/favourite subject at school? science and math
*22. Describe your accent: How many languages do you know? Which level? xDD I'm really only fluent in English. I can get by with understanding Vietnamese conversation but my speaking skills are atrocious. I learned French for 4 years in school but don't know anything now. I took 1 year of Japanese in college but again I don't know anything now >.<
*23. If you could change anything about me, would you? How long are you interested in Japan / japanese entertainment / Kat-tun?
I took elementary Japanese my 2nd year of college back in 2004-05 but I wasn't really interested in Japanese culture until 1 or 2 years later when I got into anime/manga. I only became a KT fan around May of 2010.
24. What do you wear to sleep? pajamas or sweats
25. Trousers or skirts? trousers
26. Cigarettes or alcohol? neither really but alcohol on rare occasions
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!) Take KT hostage and we'll have our way with them *hee hee*
28. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? You already have ^_^

Speaking of DVD, I pre-ordered the LE. I want the calendar too and of course I want to get the new single too >.< KT I love you but you're making me broke T_T


hohoemi90 December 27 2010, 21:07:05 UTC
#4. Back to the Future - I love that movie <333 ANd Michael J. Fox ^^ His acting is awesome xDD
#*8. No tattoos but if I were to get one, I would like a sakura flower on my wrist ^^ - Uwahh~ it would be really beautiful <33 I'd like to one tattoo, too but I'm not sure^^ Propably some kanji or something connected with Japan xDD Sakura would great, as well xDD But it's thing for the whole life^^""
#17. Sure, if I ever go to Poland or if you ever come to the US - Would be awesome xDD It's a such pity, I was in US two and half years ago, when I wasn't interested in Japan yet :( But maybe someday, I come back there again xDD
#19. Definitely procrastination >.< I do the same ^^""
27. Take KT hostage and we'll have our way with them *hee hee* - Nyaaa~ *already in dreamland xDD*
Thank you Emily-chan for filled it <33

Jaa, finally I decided to buy that DVD also LE xDD I'm so excited xDD I'm also going to buy calendar and new Single, and I'm already sure, I will have problems with money xDD *family help me >.<* But if I can't go to their concert I wanna support them somehow xDD It's the only way ;33 So I'll do it ^o^
*sunny hugggg*


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