Nazi communities I have recently joined

Jul 03, 2007 23:27, online!

kroenen_love, after the character K the trigger for my current fascination, like, I wasn't immediately fascinated with him because I missed the initial cool parts when I tuned in to Hellboy on Spacecast, be he has the coolest character design evar. Okay, Abe has it, but Kroenen has the fashion. ...and, Clockwork Nazi! Evil Nazi Beanie Baby (you'll get this joke when you watch the movie), and of course, abe_kroenen, the online webcomic that has gotten me hooked. Damn, the action figures are so well made.

nazifetisch Nazi Fetisch - what it said, because Hugo Boss is a fashion genius.

reel_nazis Nazis in Film and Television - if you aren't attracted to the bad guys no matter how stylish they look, there is always the good captain Wilm Hosenfield in The Pianist.

hitler_lolz - We find the fuhrer really funny

lol_nazisThose Darn Nazis!!!

hitlerslash - Hitler/Slash - I knew about this from wtf_inc and tws_support, and I could have sworn it was a busier community. Oh well, I could have sworn there was a Dick Cheney x George W. Bush counterpart to the John Edwards x John Kerry of johnxjohn. If anyone ever finds the Dick x Bush comm, teehee, ring me. If you have image macros...

nazixalchemist The Hitler x Hohenheim 'ship community - ya rly, a crossover with the Full Metal Alchemist anime...or is it a crossover because I heard that they actually went to IRL WWII in the FMA movie...

...I actually do find John x John hot, amusing as well, since they are straight IRL, but hot. With Cheney/Bush, it's for the pure wrongless, ditto for any Hitler slash, except maybe with Himmler because damn, if only they've ditch the whole Holocaust + shared-self-hatred thing and hit Paris (in a good way), well, history would be happier.

I don't know why, but the leader of any evil movement is never sexy no matter their attention to style. Case example; Voldemort from Harry Potter. Lucius Malfoy is hot (though wimpy Draco is not, I like how emo the kid is though), and Sirius's older Death Eater brother sounds hot too. Another would be Rasputin from the Hellboy movie, though his dick must be really impressive for Ilsa to be so loyal to him in spite of his charisma blackhole.

ETA, 12:15am, chozo presents: Hitler Mpreg

...and now, remember that moment in South Park where Eric Cartman was worrying that he'll never laugh again once he broke his hilarity meter? Well, that's me right now. *dramatic da-dun music*

kroenen, weirdness, nazi, hellboy

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