Imperius Curse: as Treatment for severe trauma and mad rages

Apr 07, 2012 22:14

Warning: Spoilers for Book 7 Deathly Hallows and all before.

"It was the most wonderful feeling. Harry felt a floating sensation as every thought and worry in his head was wiped gently away, leaving nothing but a vague, untraceable happiness. He stood there feeling immensely relaxed, only dimly aware of everyone watching him."
- Harry Potter under the Imperius Curse in Goblet of Fire

Consider this: Imperius is hard to fight because those under it don't want to fight. They'll listen to the commands of the castor, but they are not dead puppets, there are still there, but in a trance like state where they feel all their worries and responsibilities drained away, because the castor would make the decision for them.

Ariana Dumbledore should have been stationed at St.Mungo, perhaps even more than the Longbottoms, though we'll never know because being in care, the Longbottoms never killed anyone the way Ariana did when one of her explosions killed Kendra, her mother, when Alberforth wasn't there to calm her down from another mad rage. Only Alberforth seem to be capable of getting a positive response out of Ariana, getting her to eat (the implication being that the others couldn't get her to eat. Ariana was a danger to others and incapable of caring for herself.

Ariana's problem was that Ariana couldn't control Ariana. In a muggle institute someone like her would have been drugged, if there is no drug that could make someone sane, it could at least subdue the insane. The wizarding world have something even better, it leaves those under it feeling bliss. If the Imperius curse was used on Ariana most times when her favourite brother was not there, than she would feel at peace and she could be instructed to remember eating and bathing.

harry potter

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