I love and hate how everything on 4chan disappears after a while, but 4chan is actually great, no names, no egos, no holds, no losses. People come and go and save what they like.
I have been aware for a long time, how problematic it is that so much of us keep so much of ourselves online now, in corporately owned space.
Well, I started using LJ when I was a teenager, to keep in touch with others in fandom, and, LJ was where I posted some of the things I don't feel safe keeping in my paper diary since I don't use my irl name on LJ.
Still, this is a good reminder again what things like LJ really is, whose space it really is. We need to bring the hosting of more of our valued content back into our own computers.
1. I have a mail account with msn, my username is gsyh, if you email me for the first time, please put "Mercurial Georgia" or "hohaiyee" in the subject line. Please do not add me on IM without emailing me first, I get so many invites from bots I just autodelete them.
2. On separating our IDs from a single site's ownership...I think I should come up with a good tripcode. Only jerks use tripcodes at 4chan (unless they were doing a project, or posting art or fic in the comic section), but
TinyChan is the place for it. 4chan is separated into categories, the idea is content by categories and not by users. Whereas Tinychan is a chat board.