If Women Ruled The World: instead of terrorism 9/11 or other word-out through killings...

May 02, 2007 02:01

How violence is regularly used for people to give themselves fame, to draw attention to their cause, to get their message on TV, is something I've been thinking about again with the VG Tech shooting last week.

Especially after reading this article:
Message of hate delivered by death
Thursday, April 26, 2007 8:59 AM EDT

...with the emo-killers, there is really no excuse for what they do, if they want attention, there are other ways to get some, be the class clown if all else fails, their killings are completely unjustified.

...but what about the terrorist?

Does terrorism works?

...does any positive ends outweight the negative effects? Such as, giving the American government full-go to rob-kill-rape brown people in broad daylight instead of covet operations through CIA?

If Osama Bin Laden wanted to plunge the entire Middle East back into the cruel theocratic grasp of Taliban and co, he's won. Iraq, the secular Arab state, is no more. For any citizens of an Middle Eastern state that had resented United States not on religious grounds but for their imperialism and sinister interferences however, they've lost.

Instead of having their planes crash into their commercial towers, which, while dealing United States a grave blow, somehow left them the message that it happened because the ragheads hated their freedom...what would I have done instead had I headed the terrorist cells?

Broadcast signal intrusion, instead of training people to hijack planes, I would have had them trained to hijack television channels. Find someway to keep whatever materials that need to be played on for days and days, because while many Americans will no doubt turn off and tune out when their Superbowl/Soaps/RealityShows are replaced with footages of American funded Israeli tanks rolling over Palestinians and their homes, Saddam shaking hands with Dick Cheney right before footages of him massacring civilians, evidence of American aid to the Taliban in order to drive the Soviets out, testimonials by survivors of American bombings... Sooner or later, with nothing else to distract them in days, with that OTHER Reality they have shut out so long right there on their television set, their curiosity will drive them to watch and maybe something good will come of /that/.

It'll be like, Harrison Bergeron (1995), except whereas that movie focused on how one of the higher-ups changed his mind, this one would be totally outside-of-the-government? Also, in Harrison Bergeron, like in V for Vendetta, the protagonist didn't hijack the channel from elsewhere, they both did it inside the station.

Broadcast signal intrusion is also something I want to write about in fiction eventually. I'm quite a fan of crafting dystopias, I just wonder where to fit this in, in Sun & Shadow or something else (something closer to an North American political AU instead of the Asian one Sun & Shadow is...but then again, I suppose it could be later and set in the east-west-blended HK). I've always wanted some feminist underground group in there, this is influenced by how cool the existence of 'whitehat hackers' are, something I heard about back in high school. When people think hackers, at least back in highschool, they think about teenage boys on an ego trips. There are women hackers though, and some of them, work with the police to shut down child pornography sites and track those people down. Others might over take a popular gen site and replace it with their cause of the day, I can't remember which site it happen to, but one site got redirected to the site about breast cancer for a day and I'm pretty sure that was a hacking thing.

The difficulty about writing this is, I have no idea how to hack and stuff...I'm not very technical, and I've never really been involved in any illegal civil movement, though later I've been more and more curious since attending a meeting months ago. Vandalism, I can't believe the penalty can be over 1 year though, especially insulting when threats against women will get you much less in this world of pigs. (I'm especially pissed off lately since learning David Miller had basically sold our public space to an ad company. If I'm ever in a situation where he's drunk with me, I'll have him wake up with that ad company's logo henna-tattooed all over his face)
So far, I've struck to post it notes and little posters, and writing over commercial posters. *le sigh*

vandalism, sci-fi, women world, tech, america, terrorism

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