Welcome to the first challenge of round two!
There is still time to sign up for round two or to earn a second skip by promoting the community. Please take a look at the
sign up post for more information.
- The community rules are located here.
- You may only use the provided image. Textures, brushes, text are allowed.
- Other images and/or stock images are NOT allowed. Animations are not allowed for this challenge.
- You have to submit ONE icon (please check out the rules for submission guidelines!).
- All comments are screened.
- Do not post your icon anywhere else until the results are published.
- Entries are due Friday, August 20th - 10PM UTC
- hogwartsishome members, please remember to sign your comments with name and house.
Click the thumbnail to get the image in original size!
Participants (if your name is struck through I have received your entry)
rideinthelimo (2 skips)
laurenpuppetpal (2 skips)
sallyna_smile (1 skip)
untapdtreasure (2 skips)
izlightwood (1 skip)
sweetnessarose (2 skips)
gruver26 (2 skips)
easels (2 skips)
rhye (2 skips)
stoopid_silly (1 skip)
hope_guides_me (2 skips)
crusading_soul (2 skips)
caitriona_3 (2 skips)
cyyt (2 skips)
lumiscious (1 skip)
sylvir (2 skips)
quiescent (2 skips)
supremacy_born (2 skips)
maaiker (1 skip)
lmeden (1 skip)
goddess_of_ice (1 skip)
wingsofcaffeine (2 skips)
cheapxdate (1 skip)
mandyloo (2 skips)
cupcakery (1 skip)
jamie_love13 (2 skips)
clasped (1 skip)
_shaomao_ (2 skips)
_wanderingchild (2 skips)
ladybubblegum (2 skips)
rvillarrubia (2 skips)
xtine005 (1 skip)
xmagicworks (1 skip)
scarletladyy (2 skips)
katshakespeare (1 skip)
starrylites (1 skip)
adonniel (1 skip)
omfgerbear (2 skips)
an_ardent_rain (1 skip)
munkymp3 (2 skips)
lucentvictrola (1 skip)
scatteredintime (2 skips)
blackestbird (2 skips)
musikurt (1 skip)
deadly_lemonade (1 skip)
snapesskivvies (2 skips)
shadowshamrock (2 skips)