Sometimes, irony just hurts (open thread)

Jun 30, 2007 21:43

Who: Daphne and whoever wants to join in (open to all at Hogwarts)
When: In between classes
Where: On one of the moving staircases
Summary: On Daphne's day off from working in the infirmary, she finds she needs to make a visit there for treatment herself. Ah, irony.
Rating: Probably just PG for mild British cursing

En route to her next class, Daphne's mind was on many things - but not the moving staircases of Hogwarts. That was most unfortunate, as that was exactly what she should have been paying attention to at that very moment. The exact moment that her balance was most precarious, the staircase she was walking up jolted. With all of her weight on one foot, she jolted too. Painfully.

Searing pain shot through her ankle, the pain going all the way up to the nerves in her leg, though the pain was the sharpest at the ankle.

"OW!" Daphne yelped, taking in air sharply when the pain struck. The pain was also enough to make her forget all about things like being ladylike for the moment. In fact, it made her forget that anyone else was around for a moment, so her normal soft-spoken voice was sharp and irate.

"Bloody hell, what daft arse thought moving staircases were a good idea?!"
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