This month's earned points...
Slytherin: 5,903
Gryffindor: 13,556
Ravenclaw: 10,676
Hufflepuff: 13,674
Which brings the end of term totals to...
Slytherin: 36,506
Gryffindor: 66,893
Ravenclaw: 56,756
Hufflepuff: 38,798
Which means...
Gryffindor has won the House Cup! Congratulations!
Your banner will be provided tomorrow!
And the Quidditch Cup goes to...
Slytherin! Congratulations!
Text Contest - 'Twas The Night Before Christmas
Slytherin: 30
Gryffindor: 70
Ravenclaw: 100
Hufflepuff: 50
Misc Contest - Greeting Cards
Slytherin: 60
Gryffindor: 10
Ravenclaw: 60
Hufflepuff: 80
In House Contests
Slytherin: 180
Gryffindor: 250
Ravenclaw: 160
Hufflepuff: 160
Slytherin: 3263
Gryffindor: 8844
Ravenclaw: 5103
Hufflepuff: 8730
Hogsmeade - N/A
Debate - N/A
Quidditch - N/A
Slytherin: 50
Gryffindor: 42
Ravenclaw: 71
Hufflepuff: 80
Icontests (HP Stillness/Pimp Cane/Sorted Challenge)
Slytherin: 220
Gryffindor: 640
Ravenclaw: 650
Hufflepuff: 320
Flourish and Blotts
Slytherin: 593
Gryffindor: 1307
Ravenclaw: 1316
Hufflepuff: 1622
Gryffindor: 200
Slytherin: 20
Ravenclaw: 270
Hufflepuff: 340
Writer's Block
Gryffindor: 95
Slytherin: 30
Ravenclaw: 20
Hufflepuff: 120
Gryffindor: 180
Slytherin: 110
Ravenclaw: 115
Hufflepuff: 460
Now Playing
Slytherin: 1226
Gryffindor: 1864
Ravenclaw: 2765
Hufflepuff: 1648
Quibbler / Daily Prophet Submissions - N/A
Shpadoinkle's Knut-to-Point Conversions
Slytherin: 121
Gryffindor: 54
Ravenclaw: 46
Hufflepuff: 64
Please remember that you no longer need to link to anything! These are directly depositing into your vaults! If you don't have an vault, go
HERE and request a vault!
If your name is italicized, it means that you currently do not own a vault. If you don't have a vault, go to the above linked post, and please include the amount of knuts you earned when you request a vault. :)
2weeks3days - 13
1deadheart - 120
_crashed_cars_ - 30
_normal_girl_ - 65
__cursedtears - 60
__opalescence - 60
_allshallfade - 60
_seraphina_ - 10
aoyana - 5
asterapallas - 40
angelofstrange - 136
askani - 67
amariscamden - 90
acidroses- 35
alonelymiracle - 10
allyyoko - 50
aquidis - 75
acciosnitch - 60
amaelgreenleaf - 30
amethystwind - 45
astranyx - 45
aurora_rose_fsu - 15
azurien - 15
angeleyesjg24 - 60
bartendersgirl - 225
bethyss18 - 30
beanpop - 30
bagofbagels - 5
bel_mulderlia - 60
betta329 - 60
brittknee - 45
cherrysk8fan - 120
cinnleigh - 70
cantatrix05 - 50
crimsontears__ - 120
clex_monkie89 - 25
clevermonikerr - 30
coaltrain_613 - 120
chaqchuqa - 45
callanta88 - 15
daphyn - 30
eternalslacker - 85
esrielle - 67
eight_plus_ten - 30
enchantedblood - 15
funn_bunn_83 - 250
faroutdragon1 - 335
f4l - 65
fleur13 - 15
fallofxparadise - 60
greeneyes_____ - 35
getaway_machine - 120
hotpink___lips - 10
harvestmoon_63 - 30
hxcpunkchick - 30
hot_radcliffe - 45
hope99_31516 - 60
intotheheart - 180
industrikitty - 110
imafairbeater - 5
italianqueen13 - 15
jagged__dreamer - 20
jissa - 60
jedilora - 115
jane85 - 45
jessmah - 45
jacquie_ - 60
keristars - 164
karinablack - 104
krissybl - 75
kadie_darling - 5
krystalego - 55
kaci_2005_tide - 30
kimtothemax - 30
ladykuroda - 35
laynie - 140
lionheart22 - 15
ladyrishikesh - 35
lo0ser_chelza - 5
la_fille_dodue - 30
lessthangreat - 30
lizzie9281 - 30
lacedwithwoe - 60
lafemmepapillon - 105
linz_lou - 60
lumy12 - 60
lariren_shadow - 45
literaticat - 45
lovin_cali - 15
lux_roark - 15
lacedinlight - 60
meli_p - 210
maegwin_of_hern - 161
mhookmyers - 170
memeann012084 - 70
meidinhell - 65
madamebella - 15
marthabeans - 15
memyselfandi87 - 60
musicaltwin07 - 60
my_badgers_27 - 105
magelet - 30
nelliewu - 85
nextstephm - 60
n_o_c_t_u_r_n_e - 60
nyreak - 15
owensboro_hope - 60
oh_no_bad_touch - 60
orpheous87 - 60
ozbourne - 45
orignalbatgirl - 30
possibilities - 110
rocknrollpixie - 145
rhowan_jane - 95
spidez - 120
starrynights75 - 120
sparkling_mud - 125
snuggled - 130
sarahsaloser - 15
shayuko - 140
sandygurl_31 - 117
spazzychick96- 52
sweetgarbage - 105
stakey - 30
starlight_19 - 30
shadowkitten87 - 60
sadisticsquirrl - 15
sidekick__ - 15
sofiaagapao - 15
takarakanashi - 150
thehangedwoman - 60
theweezerlover9 - 60
theaeblackthorn - 15
thecrazyliberal - 15
vixen_of_light - 40
villagemonkey86 - 60
wingsgirl14 - 30
wrenifer - 45
zentraedi_shep - 85
zrileybaby - 60
*Note on Officials' Salaries -- Happy Holidays Bonus! ^_^
Don't forget to
Vote Here if you haven't already; Also, this month's first main contest is located
Also, Officials Applications are open for the rest of the week