Term XXVIII, Issue 3

Feb 10, 2014 06:30

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Term XXVIII, Issue 03                                                                                                                              February 10, 2013

Welcome to hogwartsishome! You will find many great people and many, many fun things to do. We hope you'll have a great time with us at Hogwarts!

Common rooms:
gryff_lions the_puff_house
ravenclaw_house cunningfolk

Activity: Spot the Prophet
Participation Points: Participation Only. 10pts/5kts (+5 bonus points with a Daily Prophet subscription
Deadline: Saturday, February 22nd, 11:59pm UTC
Details: Submit an image of the Daily Prophet in an unusual location, with a short writeup (~50 words) of how it got there. The image must be photomanipped in some way, OR a picture that you took yourself. Make sure your width and height don't go over 800px total!

Submit your images here!


Activity: Harry Potter Word Puzzles, Part 2
Details: Solve the following Harry Potter word puzzles by guessing what HP concept/phrase/person/thing they're alluding to. 2pts/1kt per correct answer.

House Totals:
Gryffindor: 85
Hufflepuff: 45
Ravenclaw: 85
Slytherin: 50

By xonceinadream


January's Points, Knuts and Activity has been posted! Congratulations to Hufflepuff for leading the race.
Results have been posted for the Order's Get to Know Each Other and Get to Draw Each Other. Congratulations to Ravenclaw for getting the most points for Get to Know Each Other and Hufflepuff in Get to Draw Each Other.


We had newbies in January! Go give them a welcome or just fill out a few fun questions to get a conversation going.
► Jayden/slashedsilver posted a Winter Olympics Social Post to get everybody in the mood for the Olympics!
► Kaity/kaitydid33087 posted about 12 Post Potter Revelations and wanted to discuss whether you knew all that was revealed by JK Rowling or not.
► Andie/tralfamadore posted the news that JK Rowling regretted Romione and opened up a discussion about ships in Harry Potter.
► Evy/slumber promoted a laid-back, low-drama and fun game called The Last Station.

Don't forget to check out HIH on twitter and tumblr. @hihnews and fromplatform934.

Apply to be a:
Registered Animagus
HP Character

Writing Communities:

Icon Making Communities:

Sponsored Shops

Attention Shop Owners!
Would you like to see your banner here? Then come over to this post to find out how!

By slumber

"Hey Professor Dumbledore!

From one candy lover to another, how much candy is too much candy?

There's Never Too Much Candy, Right?"


I agree; you really can never have enough.


"Dear Professor Dumbledore,

I've decided to tell the girl I've been crushing on about my love for her on Valentine's Day. After all, it is the most romantic day of the year, right? But I don't want to do the whole cliche chocolate and flowers thing. Do you have any advice on what is sure to impress her?

Wants to be lucky in love"

Dear Wants to be lucky in love,

Congratulations and good luck! You're already halfway there. I suggest, since you're likely to know this girl more than I do, to do something you think she'll like. There's nothing more impressive than finding out someone's been paying attention.


"Dear Dumbledore,

I heard that your beard grants magical wishes to the person who can successfully french braid it. Is this true?

Someone who is willing to try"

Dear Someone who is willing to try,

Have the Weasley twins been spreading rumors about me again?


Write to Dumbles
You can write to your headmaster here; Dumbledore will try to respond to all letters, but there may be some delay before he gets to yours. All letters dealt with in strictest confidence.

If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.

Term XXVIII, Issue 03                                                                                                                              Page 2

By la_loony

By wasureneba

Hello all! I hope that the last few weeks have kept you all well.

Before we move on to recs, we have the results of Writer's Block #2, "Overheard." First place went to Kristine/flipflop_diva with "The Girl of His Dreams"; second place to Emily/xonceinadream with "Moving Furniture"; and third to Brina/brinchen86 with "Secret Overheard". Congrats, everyone, and congrats to an overall first place finish to Hufflepuff! You can read all of the fics here.

The first Artist's Block will be going up today - make sure to head over to Sugarquill and check it out! There will also be information going up soon about this term's special event; keep your eyes peeled!

In honor of the upcoming Valentine's Day, I'll be featuring work on the more romantic side. (Don't worry; I promise no one has to wear pink robes, and there won't be a single cupid in sight.)

Have you been distraught by JKR's recent revelations regarding R/Hr? Do you just want to retreat into fandom and read fic? Brina has got what you need. Go forth and be healed, Romione shippers.

In the mood for both Lucius/Narcissa and cuteness? Crystal/bluemermaid is here to help you out: check out A Glow to the Darkness.

Looking for some romance with a bit of angst? Cyn/cyn_ful has some for you with the latest installment of All I Want for Christmas, a Susan/George fic featuring some background Susan/Theo (among other pairings).

Lorraine/gamma_x_orionis has the femslash for us! Get some sexy Lavendar/Parvati in Buttercream Log Cake.

hh_sugarquill sortedchallenge hogwartsicons
By evening12

Welcome to another column of Fanart Spotlight. I've got some lovely graphics and art to showcase, so please take the time to leave some comments for the creators.

I come delivering the results of sortedchallenge's first non-icon challenge! Tiffany/fangss of Slytherin took 1st place with a lovely Remus Lupin-centric graphic. Ravenclaw's Evy/slumber placed 2nd, while Caitie/caitieness of Hufflepuff and Jess/rhye of Gryffindor tied for 3rd place. Kristine/flipflop_diva of Hufflepuff received the award for "most creative".

Come right here to see all of the winners.

Gryffindor's Jess/rhye took 1st place in challenge 3 with her Sirius Black banner. Tiffany/fangss of Slytherin placed 2nd, while Nikki/nowheretogo26 of Hufflepuff placed 3rd. Beth/djmayhem_aubrey of Slytherin received the award for "best use of text".

Come right here to see all of the winners.

Challenge 5 is still running until February 14 1:00am UTC. Stop by and see if inspiration strikes you.

It's still rather quiet at hogwartsicons but I do still have some lovely graphics to share with you all.

Ravenclaw's Sam/pretty_panther created some great text icons.

To see the rest of the graphics, stop by over here.

Brina/brinchen86 of Hufflepuff created some banners that show the relationship of Ron and Hermione throughout the entire film series.

Check out all of Brina's banners right here.

Ravenclaw's resident artist, Delphine/nearlyconscious, shared a beautifully coloured portrait of Luna. I rather like the flower in Luna's hair.

Stop by and comment on Delphine's post.

Muffin/muffinpatronus of Gryffindor also drew a character from her own house.

Come on over and leave some comments for Muffin right here

I'm off for this edition of the Daily Prophet but keep on sharing your wonderful pieces of art and you might find yourself in the spotlight next time!

By slumber

Hello, club fans, and welcome to our third edition of news straight from hh_clubs!

Sam/samantha is our newest Club Leader, taking over Art Club! Don't forget to sign her roster here!

A few results have been posted since the last Daily Prophet edition, and it looks like our hardworking badgers have been PWNING left right and center! Congratulations to the Hufflepuffs for coming in first at Music Club's The Lost Composition, Potions Club's Plenty of Bottles, Divination Club's Back and Forth Forever, DADA's Confronting the Faceless, Muggle Cultural Society's Time Capsule, CoMC's At the Winged Horse Stables, Herbology Club's HP Trivia, Owl Post Secret's Owl Peekaboo, Slug Club's Sluggy's Puzzles, History of Magic's Chocolate Frog Cards, Restricted Section's Cryptic Clue, Smarmy Society's A Clue to Who and Follow the Crowd, and Astronomy Club's Rename the Moons!

Meanwhile, Slytherins themselves have had a great showing, too, winning by a landslide at Ministry of Magic's What did the wizard do?, Charms Club's Flitwick's Makeover, and Healers' Association of Hogwarts' All Dolled Up on the Ward Part II.

Not to be outdone, Gryffindors took first place in the following activities: Shutterbug Society's Horcrux Photo, Wizarding Wear's Fashion is Everywhere, and Young Death Eaters' Just Blend In.

And while Ravenclaws have had a consistent presence in these activities, you really should check out Ren/renrenren3's winning entries in the DADA and History of Magic Activities:

The winning book cover for Confronting the Faceless

Hermione's Chocolate Frog Card

Meanwhile, a few activities are ending this week. Join in Sorters Anon as members discuss sorting cheat sheets, share your own headcanon about minor characters in Smarmy Society, play a flash game for Restricted Section's Book of Treasures, explain the importance of a witch or wizard from any other fandom in History of Magic's MIW, and place your bets at the winged horse races for Care of Magical Creatures or actually run the races at Divination Club's Year of the Horse activity!

Astronomy Club poses a great new question: What should the new planetary acronym be? Charms Club needs your help with rampaging cupids, Art Club challenges you to guess the patterns, Muggle Cultural Society invites you to share your home environment, and Slug Club's asking for last-minute outfits to wear to Slughorn's party. Music Club's got a great game of pop pirates to save your music, Owl Post Secret's playing guess who the letter is from with its Dear You activity, and Healers' Association of Hogwarts needs your help piecing back the shattered slide that could clue you in to what mysterious disease is ailing a hospital wing patient!

At Clubs, there's always something for everyone, so dive right in and check out what else is in store!

Source: Loleia on DeviantArt

By starfaerie82

Love is in the air, and while in the long term, steady relationships are preferred, don't discount something short and passionate in the meantime. You might just find something that will last in one of those flash-in-the-pan type hook ups.

Patience, dear Taurus. This is your watch word and has never before steered you wrong in anything, especially not in love. However, taking a little leap of faith might lead to something new and exciting that may well prove enriching.

Don't be flitting from one person to the next in love so quickly. Stop, take inventory, and listen to both your heart and your brain. Remember that the heart can steer you just as wrongly as using only your head. A nice balance of head and heart is needed in matters of love.

Emotions running high will not always lead you in the right direction, especially in the romance department. Use your head when considering new relationships, or changing established ones. Change is good, but listen to what your partner wants and find a happy medium where both of you can be happy.

Stealing the show is sometimes a good thing, but not so in matters of the heart. Yes, sweeping a potential mate off their feet is nice, but you don't want to have to try topping yourself every time, do you? Eventually you will run out of ideas. Instead, take a step back and think of something small but really special; this will wow people much more than something extravagant.

Try something new with a partner, or if you are not paired up, do something special for yourself. Being staid and steady is a fine goal in most areas of life, but in love it can fast turn stale, stagnant and downright dull. Special treats can be anything to spice things up, have a little fun, or simply take a step back and relax.

You are exceptionally good at balance, but cupid is equally as good at knocking you off kilter and blindsiding you outright. Don't let it get to you, it's nothing personal. Love is equal opportunity in that department. Take a deep breath and get ready for a wild ride!

Being the one who is always right won't earn you any points with regard to romantic partnerships. Remember, they are a partnership, which means there is a lot of compromise and finding the middle ground. Don't be the one left behind because you'd rather be right.

Fiery passion and strong feelings will lead you down the primrose path, but watch what's lurking in the shadows. You may find somebody behind the scenes who is more worthy of your attentions than those right in front of you. Don't discount something or somebody coming out of nowhere - you might find they are better suited than the one you had been after in the first place.

Being stubborn and staying with a toxic relationship will only get you more and more frustrated with your partner and more disgusted and angry with yourself. If it is time to move on, do so. In the long run, it will be better for both parties to find greener pastures elsewhere. However, if due dilligence and patience will help the situation, then calmly talk it out and find the common ground.

Don't be wishy-washy; make a decision and stick by it. This holds true for matters of the heart as well as those of everyday life. Love is a wonderful thing and tends to knock even the best of us off center, but wavering between whether or not to go for it isn't going to help. Go for it! The worst that can happen is things don't work. Better to have made the leap and tried, than to have never done anything and die with a heart full of regret.

Emotional roller coasters are nothing new for you. Just ride out the valleys and eventually another peak will come along. In matters of love, strife happens. Just take a step back before you open your mouth and hurt somebody with words like daggers, or stick your foot in it. Things said in the heat of the moment could come back to haunt you.

By starfaerie82


There's plenty going on over in the Animagus community to get excited about, both all term long and as part of our usual monthly fun. Firstly, our lovely mods have posted to the main community to remind us that applications for an animagus form are always open and that so far there is only one application in the queue. If you'd like to apply, and own the Standard Book of Spells volumes 1-5, then head on over to the application post, fill it out and submit it to the queue. Speaking of applicants, the choices have been posted for last month's applicant. If you are curious, you can check out the choices post.

Next up, a friendly reminder that you still have time to join a pack, the term-long activity that is a bit of an amalgam of the Evolution Adventure from two terms ago and features badges similar to those we had last term. You can earn badges by participating in activities, signing up to be part of a pack, and voting on monthly animagus applications, as well as special things our wonderful mods will clue us in on as the term progresses.

Speaking of activities, did you know that the February monthly activity has gone live? This month, our mod team is asking you to say what animagus form your favorite television characters might take. You get 10 points and 5 knuts for participating, and a bonus of 5 points and 2 knuts if you are a registered animagus already. While we are on the topic of activities, the results from our January activity have been posted! In first place, with an impressive 190 points ... Hufflepuff house! Congratulations Hufflepuff, you've made Madam Pomfrey and Mama Helga extremely proud!

Finally, please put your paws, fins, flippers, feet or hands together for our January animagus of the month Curtis/musikurt of Hufflepuff! You can join in the congratulations on the announcement post. Curtis has earned an additional fifty points for his house. Well done!

That's all I have for now my friends. Time for me to find a nice, warm, safe place to hibernate until the world thaws! Until next time ... stay amazing!

By flipflop_diva

Hello, HiH! Before we get to the final results from January’s Hogsmeade, we have some breaking news to discuss. As mentioned last edition, the lovely Bei/sapphoatsunset had to step down from her position as Hogsmeade Co-Mayor and thus applications were put up.

But now, voting has ended and HiH has spoken and our new co-mayor is the totally awesome and fabulous

ALEX/gryffinwhore of Gryffindor!

Let’s all give Alex a warm welcome round of applause!

I’m seriously scared looking forward to what Liz/erzsebet and Alex are plotting planning! Stop by this post to congratulate Alex!

Okay, now let’s return to January’s Hogsmeade. Not only have all results been posted, but banners and winners’ lists have also been announced!

All together, 75 members came out to participate in at least one points-earning activity or social component of Hogsmeade, but of those 75, seven emerged to stand on top of the pile of superawesome and earned themselves this beautiful banner, made by Rachel/moony_blues, for doing absolutely everything.

Congrats to those seven! Aviflyingharmony of Hufflepuff, Kaity/kaitydid33087 of Hufflepuff, Ren/renrenren3 of Ravenclaw, Colleen/schizophrenic0 of Ravenclaw, Evy/slumber of Ravenclaw, Rachel/moony_blues of Slytherin and William/mmailliw of Slytherin.

In addition to the seven Superawesome recipients, 18 people earned the regular banner, made by Nikki/nowheretogo26, by completing at least 18 activities.

And even more in addition, 26 people earned the Hogsmeade participation bonus by completing at least 13 activities.

Congrats to everyone!

But wait, there is just a little more. Winners of the HiH choice awards were also announced! Congrats to Kristine/flipflop_diva of Hufflepuff (*blush*) for Most Inventive Active and Most Theme-Fitting Activity with Transfiguration’s Rejected Crests, to Curtis/musikurt of Hufflepuff for Most Theme-Fitting Activity with Platform’s The Original Sorting Ceremony, to the mayors Bei/sapphoatsunset and Liz/erzsebet for Favorite Points-Earning Activity with Helga's Assignment: Food and Company, a Fine Match Indeed and to Beth/prongsy of Gryffindor for Favorite Social Director Activity with pornyclaw Apples to Apples.

And with that, Founders’ Hogsmeade is officially done. Stay tuned for news about the next Hogsmeade and start resting up now. No, seriously, start resting up now! You can never be too prepared for Hogsmeade :)

Chocolate strike

It may be a very chocolate-free Valentine's Day for the poor students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rumor has it one very depressed house elf ate so much of the fine yummy goodness that is has now been banned - for everyone - from the kitchens and all other castle locations.

Hogsmeade Drama

Things are coming to a boil at Hogsmeade as two shop owners argue about their property lines. We're not naming names but a popular food-related shop has been tossing garbage in a dumpster that may not belong to them. An artifact shopkeeper, tired of the rotten smell that comes through his windows, allegedly sent all that garbage dancing back through the others' front door!

Dancing in the Dark

People are talking about secret dance parties happening late at night. No one knows who is participating, but 80's muggle music has been reportedly heard somewhere on the 3rd floor.

A Budding Romance?
Rumor has it the recent cleanliness of our caretaker is due to a romantic interest in a professor with a penchant for pink. They were seen walking the grounds together last week and reports say he was giving her a rose...

Got gossip? Tell us here!

If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.

Term XXVIII, Issue 03                                                                                                                              Page 3

gryff_lions|Flourish Shoppes|Pirates
By xonceinadream

Hello Gryffindor! No rhymes this edition (sorry).

To start with, we had the results for the January In-House. We earned 40 points for Gryffindor. Great job! We also have a new In-House contest for February. For 10 points, you just have to write a love letter between a Gryffindor and any other character. Can't wait to see those Valentine's Day entries!

Don't forget about the Spreadsheep! that Jess/rhye is keeping updated for us! Keep track of your progress and find activities that you haven't done on it. Martine/la_loony also posted the February Activity Round-Up if you'd like that instead.

If you're interested in seeing your name in lights, then we can't help you. But if you're interested in seeing your name in the Spotlight of Glory (and you've participated in something), check out January's here and the start of February's here. Don't forget that if your name is on the Spotlight of Glory 15 or more times then you get an awesome badge!

If you've participated in Lion Week, then don't forget to turn in your raffle entries here. There are some awesome people giving out some awesome prizes so be sure to use your entries!

Until next time!

the_puff_house|Flourish Shoppes|Puffs of the Round Table
By kaitydid33087

Hello once again Puffs!

Hope you're all having a good start to the month! Hard to believe that January came and went so quickly!

Speaking of January, have you seen the points for January?! Way to go everyone!

The new In-House was posted for February! Stop by and solve the logic puzzle! You have until Feb. 28, 11:59pm UTC to complete it.

We're doing a love exchange! Stop by and leave your name and leave some love for your fellow Puffs! Everything will be revealed on Valentines Day!

Stop by this week's Social Post! We're playing Never Have I Ever!

We're doing quite well around the comm! Check out these results!

+ Stop by Clubs Round-Up to see how many activities we took first in!
+ Congrats to Kristine/flipflop_diva and Brina/brinchen86 for taking 1st and 3rd, respectively, in the 2nd Writer's Block challenge!
+ Check out the January Animagus monthly results and the voting points!
+ Congrats to Nikki/nowheretogo26 for placing 3rd in the third Sorted Challenge (Friends-Only Banners) and congrats to Caitie/caitieness and Kristine/flipflop_diva for taking 3rd place and Most Creative in the second Sorted Challenge (Tumblr Graphics)! Way to go ladies!

Way to go everyone!

Keep up the awesome work guys! We're doing AMAZING this month!

'Til next time!

ravenclaw_house|Flourish Shoppes|Vikings
By slumber

Hello darling Claws, and welcome to our third installment of Claw Corridor this term!

First let's welcome our new Clawesome Claw, Jalen Strix//jalenstrix!!! Say hi to her here and welcome her back to the tower! Speaking of the tower...

Tower Happenings:
  • Just a reminder that claw chat is a great place to get to know your fellow Claws. If you head over and nobody's around, don't hesitate to leave a note in the CR inviting everyone to come by! There's probably a Claw or two or three thinking the same thing and just waiting for an excuse/reminder to go. ;)
  • Our magnanimous prefects have posted the Term XXVIII Roster! Check it out in all its shiny, updated glory!
  • Clara/nevarren wants to know: Do you wanna be a penpal?
  • Emma/storminmay just announced the Twitter list member cut so if you're a Claw and you're on Twitter, make sure she knows!
  • Martine/evening12 is looking for job hunting tips and tricks from everyone in the same boat - head on over and give her your two knuts.
  • Emma/storminmay reminded us about Order lottery and referrals, and by the way, way to go Claws for having your profiles up to date!
  • Sam/pretty_panther has a great post about writing!
  • Emma/storminmay wants to know all about you and music!

    Clawsome Claws:
  • Clara/nevarren was our Star Sorter!
  • Congrats to Ren/renrenren3, who won 1st place at History of Magic's Chocolate Frog Cards activity, and also 1st place at DADA's Confronting the Faceless book cover activity!
  • Allison/pinksonia and Ren/renrenren3 placed 2nd and 3rd, respectively, at the Potions Club's Plenty of Bottles activity!
  • Colleen/schizophrenic0, Ren/renrenren3, and Evy/slumber all earned the Superawesome Banner for Hogsmeade!
  • Ren/renrenren3 placed 2nd in Godric's Assignment!
  • Lexi/moonlightstorm and Colleen/schizophrenic0 placed 1st and 2nd in Putting Godric's Sword in his hands!
  • Evy/slumber won 2nd place at sortedchallenge's Tumblr Graphics challenge!
  • And speaking of graphics, check out all of Sam/pretty_panther's submissions to Hogwarts Icons!

    Pillaged Villages:
  • We placed 1st at Transfiguration Club's Magnetic Poetry, Part 1 activity!
  • We were 2nd at the Sorters Anon Hidden Words activity!
  • We also earned 2nd place at Smarmy Society's Follow the Crowd activity!
  • We were 3 points out of 1st place at HAH's All Dolled Up!
  • We earned the 2nd most points in Slug Club's Sluggy's Puzzles and Owl Post Secret's Owl Peekaboo!
  • What a great showing at Hogsmeade, everyone!


    cunningfolk|Flourish Shoppes|Vampire
    By autumn_mist

    Welcome to another edition of "Cunningfolk", where I tell you all about the fun things going on over in the Slytherin Common Room.

    • CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER FOR Lexi/lelek for becoming our NEWEST Star Sorter of Term XXVIII!! Speaking of Star Sorters ... have you been collecting your tags? Now everyone who votes on an applicant gets a shiny tag to display!

    • CONGRATULATIONS ARE ALSO IN ORDER FOR Rachel/moony_blues for being named Slytherin's Purest Snake for January 2014!!

    • Don't forget about our current In-House event going on now! It's an easy way to earn points for our noble house!

    Now on to Slytherins Around HiH!



    • Krystal/autumn_mist has posted a fic entitled "Unexpected Love (Chapters 16-18)" that can be viewed HERE

    • Cyn/cyn_ful has posted a fic entitled All I Want For Christmas - Part 4 that can be viewed HERE



    • Beth/djmayhem_aubrey has posted TWO new events for the Slug Club that can be viewed HERE and HERE. Make sure you're on the ROSTER to get those bonus points!

    • Krystal/autumn_mist has posted a new event for the Charms Club that can be viewed HERE. Make sure you're on the ROSTER to get those bonus points!



    • Don't forget you can order a MAX of 10 sigtags from ALL our Slytherin shops located at hh_flourish if you find any that strike your fancy. Our current shop keepers are:

    Krystal/autumn_mist with Accio Malfoy

    Heather/burningxhope with Black Rabbits

    Cyn/cyn_ful with Ultimate Surprises

    Tiffany/fangss with Riddikulus

    Rachel/moony_blues with MoonyDoodles

    OR if you are graphically inclined yourself, why not apply for a spot?. There are currently still FIVE spots available!

    And always remember Slytherin House - You ROCK!

    If you would like to write an article for a future issue of the Daily Prophet, please comment at the signup sheet.

  • daily prophet, term xxviii

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