New Week & Prompts!

Jul 07, 2014 09:38

Welcome to July, Week Two!

Be sure to check the spreadsheet for current points!

Weekly Prompts

1. The 10 extra points must not exceed your weekly total of 125.
2. To be eligible for the 10 points, you must have a minimum of 15 points in your post.
3. You will receive 5 bonus points for having graphics related to the general prompt, and 5 bonus points for having graphics related to the technical/graphic type.
4. Not all images in the post must pertain to the prompt (but 15 points’ worth must).
5. You may combine both prompts into one graphic. If you do this, you need to make 15 points worth of material to receive the 10 point bonus. i.e.; If banners and b/w are the prompts, you can make 2 banners (which would be 16 points) that are both b/w and receive the 10 bonus points.
6. Add the bonus points to your points total yourself.

This week's prompts are...
General Prompt: Quidditch!

Technical/Graphic Prompt: Multiples!

*Notes on your prompts!
- Quidditch! Yes, fans in the stands would count as they are at the games!.

- Multiples, in this case, would be the same image used more than once in your graphic. Example would be this lovely wallpaper made by erzsebet from last week.

- If your post hasn't made it through the queue from last week, don't worry! It's just waiting on one mod or the other and will be through soon! Life gets busy for everyone from time to time.

- Please remember to tag your own posts before you submit them to the queue! And don't forget to use that tumblr tag if you want your items reposted by the Order!

*mod: weekly prompts, hih: term 29, *mod: mod posts, *mod: new week

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