Your Headmistress and I are happy to announce the new (in most cases) Prefects and Co-Prefects! Thank you to everyone who applied. :)
Hufflepuff - Prefect:
criickettGryffindor - Prefect:
autumnelephantSlytherin - Prefect:
achon_jonus Co-Prefect:
starbucks5721Ravenclaw - Prefect:
forfunandprofit We were fortunate in that each position for Prefect has been filled and in the case of Slytherin, we have both a Prefect and a Co-Prefect. When the time comes and the Prefects let us know that they need help maintaining the commonrooms we will put out applications for the remaining Co-Prefect positions.
Now if the prefects could please head over to
this post on
hgchbackstage you'll be able to find out more about your duties and responsibilities. :)
Also, everyone else feel free to comment on that post with suggestions/ideas for the commonrooms!