Name: Nicholas
Age: 21
Gender: XY
1. Give us reasons for and against you being sorted into each house.
a. Gryffindor
For: I've faced a great deal in my time. I've lost both my parents and have attended university of my own accord and financial status. I've had to take on a great deal of responsibility for myself and for others around me, even when I
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Congratulations! You have been sorted into Hufflepuff! You may now join our many subcommunities and begin participating in the different sections of hogwarts_unity! To start you off, here is a list of some of the main subcomms:
The Founding Four
Petra, Sam, Clare, and Elise
Voting Points
Gryffindor: +0
Hufflepuff: +6
Ravenclaw: +6
Slytherin: +6
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