Lamb, by Moore; Good Omens, by Gaiman & Pratchett; Trainspotting, by Welsh.

Jan 22, 2008 09:35

Name: Sonsy.
Age: Twenty-Eight.
Gender: Femme (Fatale).

1. Give us reasons for and against you being sorted into each house.
a. Gryffindor
For: I will stand up for what I believe in, others be damned. I will fight with you to prove that I’m right, no matter what it takes. Even if I’m proven wrong, I have a hard time letting go, and I will continue to try and bring you round to my way of thinking.
Against: I’m not the sort of person to put my life on the line for someone else, or make sacrifices for the greater good. Kudos to those of you who are able to do that, of course. I have to say I admire you.

b. Slytherin
For: I will do what must be done to get what I want or what I need. If it means stepping on someone’s toes to get it, so be it. And I definitely feel the need to prove to others that I have what it takes to succeed. I grew up not understanding the meaning of the word ‘no’ because I never heard it. ‘No’ is not an answer, and I refuse to accept it as such.
Against: There are times that I do lack the drive to do certain things. I think everyone does, to a degree. I find myself sometimes taking the easy way out of situations rather than summoning the ambition to get things done properly. Not very often, but sometimes.

c. Hufflepuff
For: I’m hard-working and diligent, most of the time. If I do something, I don’t do it by half-measures, I go all out to do the best I can. I don’t see the point in not doing my best.
Against: I’m not particularly loyal. There are few people in this world whose interests I place above my own, and I don’t have any especially close friends. I will say, however, that once you’ve won me over, I’m all yours.

d. Ravenclaw
For: I’m intelligent. I know this, because I have been member of MENSA. I know it sounds arrogant, but why be shy? I like to solve challenges and puzzles. If something doesn’t make me think very hard, chances are I won’t be interested. I’m also not very socially inclined; I’d rather spend the evening with my nose in a book than in a room full of people. Not that Ravenclaws are anti-social, but I see them as being more interested in learning than in gossiping and partying until dawn.
Against: I don’t always put learning above all, as I think Ravenclaws have a tendency to do. There are times when I truly cannot be arsed to focus long enough.

2. If you had access to a Time Turner, and did not have to worry about any restrictions, nor about whether you were going to return or not, what would you use it for and why?
If it wouldn’t screw up the world too much, I’d find a way to save my nephew. I would want him to know the joys of childhood and experience life. Perhaps that’s selfish of me, because he may not have had a good life. He was in hospital for the majority of his seven months of existence, so perhaps his death was for a reason. In any case, I’d go back and try to do something to help him if I could.

I’d also slap some sense into my sister, and tell her that drugs are not the key to happiness. I’m fairly certain that her little problem had much to do with Aries’ death, so perhaps the way to save his life is to make my sister see the light.

Just to clarify, I’m not trying to be judgemental toward people who use drugs. It’s their bodies and their decisions. However, people need to realise that they aren’t just hurting themselves, but those around them.

3. Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse?
For two reasons: in self-defence and to save a family member. These are self-explanatory, really.

4. Under what circumstances would you work for Voldemort?
If, after a serious cost-benefit analysis, I could determine the world would be a better place with him in charge. I’m kidding; I wouldn’t work for Voldemort because he only cares about himself and no one but he would benefit from anything. Maybe to save my family, but probably not even then because I don’t think they would want to live in that sort of world.

5. What class do you think you would excel in at Hogwarts? What do you think would be your favorite?
I would love to try my hand at Transfiguration. It’s very practical and can be amusing. If I found myself stuck in the woods for whatever reason (humour me, okay?), I could transfigure a pile of leaves into a nice, cushy bed. I could change a frog into a cup, and dip it into a stream to drink water from.

The amusing aspect of the subject would be transfiguring someone’s car keys into a potted plant and watch them search for hours. That would be tremendously funny, I don’t care who you are.

I think that I would excel in this class because I would find it interesting for the reasons listed above. When I am interested in something, I do well in it.

6. You have to make five Horcruxes. What significant objects would you choose, and why? Why are these objects so important to you, that you would be willing to stick your soul into them?
This has got to be one of the best questions I’ve ever seen on a sorting application. It’s something I actually have to think hard about before answering, and I love it.

These are in no particular order of significance, by the way.

1.) My computer. This one was easy, because I spend so much time using my computer, I may as well put a bit of my soul into it. It feels like I already have. It’s my connexion to my friends around the world, and my primary form of communication with most people that I know. I use it to get news and information and for entertainment.

2.) My cats, Hermione and Ginny. I love them dearly, and they are a huge part of my life. I have no children and family in this country, so they are my family whilst I am here. When I go back to England, I’m going to do what I can to take them home with me. I am very much attached to them, and since I share so much of my time and love with them, I can share my soul with them as well. Yes, they are two, so there would be a total of six Horcruxes. I didn’t list them separately, because that would feel like cutting corners and I don’t think I could choose which cat I’d prefer. If I had to only pick one, I suppose it would be Hermione. She’s very moody and independent, like I am. Ginny’s more of an in-your-face sort of cat, and she insists on following me everywhere and knowing what I’m doing at all times. I can’t even use the toilet without her trying to climb onto my lap, which, quite frankly, is weird. I’m sure you can tell that I named them before I knew their personalities.

3.) My copy of Good Omens. I love that book. If there was a book I’d want to stick my soul in, that’s the one. I don’t really know why it would be a good Horcrux, other than I love it and I think that everyone should read it at least once. I wouldn’t possess innocent teenage girls, though. That’s just bloody creepy.

4.) My passport. I travel a lot between England and America, so I am very attached to my passport. Without it, I would never have come here, and I would be stuck on the island forever. I love England, but I love to get away for a bit as well. With a passport, you can travel the world, learn new things, and meet new people. I think it’s a perfect place for a piece of my soul.

5.) My camera. I use it to capture the world around me and to record my memories. I have a lot of my life stored in there, so it’s like part of my physical being is as well. Some cultures believe that when you photograph someone, you are taking a piece of their soul, so why not make it so? That and the fact that I’d be mildly amused if my image showed up in all the shots, like a ghost from a J-Horror film.

7. What would your Boggart form be? Why?
I suppose it would take the same form as Molly Weasley’s in that I would see the people I care about dead. I’ve seen that happen already, and it’s frightening. I may also see myself dead of some horrific violent action. I’m not afraid of dying, really, but I’m afraid of being killed violently. No thanks.

On a less serious note, I’d see a huge spider or a pool. I’m terrified of spiders because they are creepy in the way that they move so quickly with all eight disgusting legs moving at once. Yuck. I’d see the pool because I have a fear of drowning. I have asthma, and not being able to breathe properly is terrifying. That would be a million times worse if I were stuck under water. Plus, when I was five, I had a swimming teacher who would hold my head under water for a count of ten because I was afraid to get my face wet. She thought she could get me to overcome my fear by forcing me to do. And guess what? Almost twenty-four years later, it’s much worse.

8. You can only store one memory into your Pensieve to visit over and over again. Which one would it be? Why?
The day my niece was born. Like I said above, I have no children of my own, so being able to be there and witness such an awesome event is one of my favourite memories. She was so tiny and beautiful! I knew from the moment I saw her that she would be a huge part of my life, and I would do anything in the world for her. I love my nephews as well, of course, but Haley and I share a special bond. I took care of her on my own for two years when my sister abandoned her to my mum and me.

They day of her birth was one of the happiest days of my life, and it was three days after my birthday, so I look at her as a gift. She’s so bright and intelligent, and she actually favours me quite a bit. People think she’s my daughter.

9. You have stumbled across the Mirror of Erised. What is it that you see? Why?
I would see myself with my nephew, Aries. He passed away when he was seven months old, and he’d be almost seven now. I would see us playing a game or reading a book. My answer to this question is short, and for that I apologise, but it’s a sad thing for me to think about for any length of time.

10. What are your hobbies/interests? How do these activities contribute to your personality?
I love to read, and have since I was very young. Reading is my way of escaping into another world, and sometimes I take things a bit too seriously and have a hard time remembering that it’s just a story. I think sometime I take this Harry Potter business a bit too far, and it annoys the hell out of people.

I also love to write. I love to tell stories as much as I like hearing them. I especially love writing fan fiction, because it’s a way to be recognised by others with similar interests. That’s a big part of my personality right there, wanting to be recognised for the effort I put into something, and if writing silly little slash stories gets me that, then that’s great.

When I’m not reading or writing, I’m spending my time being active in other sorting communities. I love these places, because like the writing fan fiction, they are another way for me to interact with people like me. And they’re fun. I’m in many clubs, and I participate in as many activities as I can, because having people see my work and appreciate it makes me happy. Earning house points brings me the recognition I crave, and people like me for it. And I feel good about myself knowing I’ve done something good for my House. Lame? Nope.

11. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I don’t honestly know. I know loads of people would say they wanted world peace, but I wouldn’t. People have been in conflict since there have been people to conflict with; it’s human nature. What I would try to do would be to perhaps make people smarter. There is a lot of ignorance in the world, and that can be cured with education. So, I suppose, to make a long story short, I would make it easier for those who wanted a good education to get one.

12. List three major qualities you look for in a friend. Why are these qualities important to you?
1.) A sense of humour. This is a must, because I like to have fun. I don’t want to be surrounded by people with sticks up their arses. If you can’t relax and enjoy life, what’s the point of living it?

2.) Intelligence and wit. As much as I enjoy a good night out once in a while, I also enjoy serious, stimulating conversation. I think I value this above all, because being with fun but stupid people can get boring after a bit. What would you do when the buzz wore off? Stare at the walls?

3.) The ability to put up with my crap. I can be moody and temperamental. I don’t want to have to find new friends every time I get into a bad mood. Love all of me, or don’t love me at all, because I am not changing.

13. Who is one person, real or fictional, that inspires you? Why?
Another difficult question! I don’t know who has inspired me, really. I sort of do my own thing. If I were to say one person though, it would be my mother. If she can kick a coke addiction and stay clean for twenty-plus years, I suppose I can do whatever I set my mind to as well.

14. Outside of Harry Potter, what book has had an impact on your life and why?
The first book I really got into more than others was The Outsiders, which I read when I was twelve. I understand class separation, because I grew up with it. I come from a very well-off family, and was expected to behave a certain way and associate with certain types of people. The thing with Ponyboy and Cherry really got to me, because I could see that despite the fact that they came from two very different parts of society, they could get along. And it taught me that not all poor people are wastes of space, as harsh as that sounds. Ponyboy was smart and I think he really did want a different life. He did well in school, for the most part, and he was bright. He made some questionable choices, but who doesn’t? The Socs weren’t blameless, either.

I think this affected me because I saw my preconceived notions of ‘lower-class’ people fly out the window, even if it was just a work of fiction.

15. What excites you most out of life? What is it that makes you feel so fulfilled and enlightened about it?
I think I am most excited by putting something I’ve worked on out there for public consumption. I know I’ve said it a few times throughout my application, but I love recognition for my work. I get such a thrill out of having people like something I’ve put my hard work and effort into, because it gives me a sense of self-satisfaction. And when I’m happy with myself, I can be happy with other people as well. I love the anticipation of waiting to see what people think. I think that may be another reason I’m fairly addicted to sorting communities. I love to know what people think and how they perceive me.

16. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
I am outspoken. I don’t believe in wasting time beating around the bush, so if I have something to say, I’ll say it.

I am, for the most part, honest. This sort of ties in with the outspokenness, I suppose, but why should I lie about things? Yes, sometimes the truth is hard to hear and speak, but in the long run, honesty really is the best policy. This goes for being honest with myself as well, which I am working on being better at doing.

I have a good sense of humour. Yes, it’s a bit twisted at times, but I know how to have a good time. I can laugh at myself as well as at others, and that’s important. You should never take yourself too seriously, and I don’t.

I try not to take sides unless I know which side is right. Some people may see that as a shortcoming, but it isn’t. I never rush into making a choice until I have as much information as possible. Where information is lacking, I go with my intuition.

I’m protective of what I perceive to be mine. This includes my friends and family. If you insult or injure someone I am close to, you will have my wrath to suffer. For example, my former stepfather once called my mother a bitch, and I kicked him in the nose. My mum and I laugh about it now, ten years later, but then it was serious business.

17. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
I’m going to include outspokenness here as well, because sometimes my mouth gets me into trouble. I realise, often too late, that some things are better left unsaid. As much as this seems to contradict what I said above, it doesn’t. There is a time and a place for everything, but sometimes, in the heat of a moment, I don’t consider that.

I have a short fuse. Case in point, kicking my stepfather in the face. It doesn’t take much to anger me, really, and there have been times I have frightened myself with my temper. I’ve lost several mobiles and a few remote controls to fits of rage. This is something I am actively working on, however. I’m learning to step back and think before I react.

I am overly critical of others. I need to realise that no one is perfect, and that includes me. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and insulting someone outright, and I need to find it. More than once I have been told that I need to climb down off my high horse and get over myself. I do try, but I like for things to be done a certain way, and when they aren’t, I lose my cool. I usually end up laughing about it later, but in the moment, I’m a stroppy child. Mostly, I think it is because I’m a bit insecure of myself and my abilities, and I think I have to prove myself lest others think I’m stupid.

It seems that I thrive on drama and turmoil. I don’t really know why, but there are times when I am perfectly content to wallow in the misery of others, especially people I don’t like. I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it. I think it’s because I am sometimes jealous of others who have more or have done more than I have, and seeing them fail somehow makes me feel better about myself.

I procrastinate sometimes. There are times when I know I need to do something, but I’d rather do something else. All too often, the ‘something else’ wins out. Like now, I’m meant to be looking for a new job, but here I am, applying to yet another sorting community. It’s an addiction, I tell you.

18. Do you believe in fate or free will?
I believe in a combination of the two. There are circumstances over which we have no control, but we can definitely control how we react and respond to them. They way a person decides to do this will have an immense impact on his or her life. People need to take responsibility for their own actions instead of depending on things to work themselves out and blaming others when they don’t. I think the world would be a very different place if more people took control of their own destinies.

19. If someone close to you was in danger, what would you do to save them? This could be anything.
I don’t think there is anything I wouldn’t do, even kill if the situation warranted it. Of course, that’s easy to say whilst sitting here all cosy in front of my computer. I would hope that if I found myself having to come to someone’s rescue, I wouldn’t chicken out and run for it. I don’t know that I could or would sacrifice myself for very many people.

But truly, my secret ambition is to learn how airplanes stay up, so maybe that’s what I would use to save my loved one. Become an aeronautical engineer and learn how to crash a plane on purpose.

20. What is one important life lesson you have learned so far? What did it take out of you to realize this?
Oh, my. Life lessons, eh?

I suppose I can say that I have learnt not to take things for granted, especially life. Your life can end at any time, without warning, so you should definitely live it to its fullest. That lesson was taught to me by my nephew, Aries. I sure talk about him a lot, don’t I? He was proof that what you expect to happen and what really can happen are two different things.

Cherish what you have, because you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.

21. You have stumbled across five magical wells. One is the Well of Common Sense and Logic, the second is the Well of Creativity, the third is the Well of Optimism, the fourth is the Well of Physical Strength, and the fifth is the Well of Beauty. You can only drink from one well, but once you do you will be endowed with that ability for the rest of your life. Which well do you think you would definitely not need, and which do you think you would want to drink from?
Well, I don’t think I would need to drink from the Well of Common Sense and Logic. I’m fairly certain I have enough of that. People often come to me for advice, because I can step outside of a situation and see the cold facts. And I don’t go rushing into situations without having as much information as possible. And I think that I am fairly creative as it is, so I wouldn’t squander this opportunity by drinking from that Well, either.

It comes down to either the Well of Beauty or the Well of Optimism. I’m a fairly pessimistic person, and quite cynical as well. I would like to be able to have the ability to see the bright sides of situations rather than always expecting the worst. That probably seems to contradict my reasoning for not wanting Common Sense and Logic, but it doesn’t. When it comes to me personally, I can’t be objective. When it comes to other people and their problems, I can. Perhaps the Well of Optimism would also help me learn to see the good in people as well so that I could learn to be more trusting. I don’t place my trust in people very often, because people are fickle and have the potential to turn on one another as the situation warrants. I’ve certainly done so.

I would want to drink from the Well of Beauty, because I certainly do not see myself as physically attractive. I don’t even think I have an attractive personality, so maybe this Well would help me with the whole package- beauty from within and from without.

If the Well of Beauty would only change other people’s perceptions of me, and not my own, I don’t know that I would choose it, because this should be about what I want, and not what I want other people to want. Or something. That was one heck of a run-on sentence.

22. How did you find out about hogwarts_unity? (If you remember a certain person tell us so we can award points.)
sinistrasnape found it and suggested we both apply.
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