Hello, everyone. It is I, your Mod for this lovely community! I know I haven't been active very much at all and I apologize for that. I just recently got a new job, as well as a new boyfriend, and don't have much time for my communities. However, I feel this community has potential and I want to give it another try. We may not be able to do all that I hoped for right away, but I think it wouldn't hurt to start out slowly and farmilarize
hogwarts_spirit with the greater-community.
So, to start off, I think we should do Getting to Know You questions sponsored by The Hogwarts Spirit Club! I'm thinking 3-5 questions, once a week. :-) How does that sound? Each week we could have different themes. For the first week, perhaps we should do Introduction-type questions. How does the following list sound?
1.) To start off ... Name/A/S/L?
2.) Favourites?
3.) Likes/Dislikes?
4.) Hobbies/ What do you do in your free time?
5.) Describe yourself (Include a picture if you want!):
Does anyone else have any other suggestions? If not, I'll go ahead and post them on Monday/Tuesday since I'll be out of the country (Err ... In Canada, that it) this weekend. :-)
Also, what else should we do? Our community is all about INTER-HOUSE UNITY so I think all of our contests and activities should support that idea. I doubt we can make it so that we can gain points from the community and it's activities, but I'm sure people will participate just for the fun of it.
Finally, what do you think of have House Laisons, like
_tchp_? Let me know what you think! I'll get back to you ASAP, but probably not until next week since the rest of this week I'll be working or in Toronto. :-D
xx. Trish, Hufflepuff