Consider the consequences

Oct 20, 2007 09:22

At the Ravenclaw table, Padma was very busy. It was her mission to tell as many people as possible what Seamus had seen. She changed seats every two or three minutes, each time sitting close to the new person and whispering conspiratorially into their ear.

When she got to Luna she sat a bit farther away, and made her pitch with a bit less enthusiasm. Perhaps it was her less than perfect delivery that caused the wide-eyed girl to say. “Well that doesn’t seem very plausible…”

“What, plausible, are you serious?”

“Hermione is an intelligent person, unlikely to do such a thing without thinking through all the consequences, like the toll it could have on her friendship with Ron.”


“You know, I have been practicing Bhavana some lately, it’s a form of Buddhist meditation, something like Samadhi, you might want to try it out.”

“And why is that?” Padma snapped, feeling peeved.

“The foundation of Bhavana is sila, or morality, practicing it will not only promote peace in your mind but also in the community.” She smiled vaguely at Padma, before moving from the bench she was sitting on down to the floor, her legs crossed over each other and hands held up at her sides. “If you’ll excuse me?”


The Gryffindor table had not seemed an inviting concept to Hermione. For that reason she went early to the kitchens, grabbed a stack of toast, and returned to the hall outside the common room, hidden in a secret passageway behind a tapestry. When Harry approached, she jumped out, scaring a skittish first year and Neville half to death. She allowed Neville and the first year to continue their progression towards the dining hall but led Harry out of the building to stroll around the lake instead.

“Where’s Ron?” she asked as they began their first turn.

“Seamus got to him.” Harry grimaced, “I tried to talk him down but he had gone all green and didn’t seem to hear me, so what happened?”

“Nothing.” She replied quickly

“I am not Ron, it wont hurt me.”

Hermione let out an angry burst of air, “Honestly, if he hadn’t unzipped his fly none of this would’ve happened!”

Harry’s eyes widened, he stopped and turned to Hermione, “Wait, what?”

“Seamus was outside, so Blaise and I came out our hair mussed and there was a hickey on his neck and-“


Once again Hermione realized there had been a miscommunication, she stopped herself and calmly explained the event from the beginning. When she had finished, Harry looked absolutely disgusted.

“What is that look for? I didn’t do anything.” She protested.

“But now it’s his turn again, and that was barely a prank! I mean we died his face green, and then you lowered our score with that stunt!” Harry rambled. “And none of us even got to see his initial reaction! This is a disaster!”

“Harry! The whole school is talking about how I had sex with Blaise!”

“Oh brilliant, Blaise! Is he on our side now? Because we really don’t have any contacts in Slytherin and its really been holding us back?”

Hermione glared at him incredulously “Is that all you can think about?’

“Honestly, yes.”

hermione, luna, harry, neville, padma

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