Is Draco still going to be a hooker?

Jul 14, 2006 21:10

Ron lifted his mattress easily, looking underneath. "Harry, Malfoy seems a bit more buff than last year. Suppose he's still going to be the hooker?"

"Yeah. He's so quick on his feet, the captain would be mad to let anyone else do it. The rest of the team move like glaciers compared to him." Harry opened and closed the window.

"I'm pretty sure he is the captain, mate."

"Ah," Harry said, "then yes, what else would he play?"

Ron shrugged and watched as Harry shook out his pillows. He opened the bathroom door experimentally, and was satisfied that the bathroom hadn't been tampered with- that was common ground.

"Do you really think he looks more buff? I thought he looked rather-"

Ron cut him off before this train of thought could continue, noting the glazed look in Harry's eyes. "What were you thinking when you picked O'Malley? The boy's an oaf."

"He's huge for his age," Harry said. "With proper training, he could carry Gryffindor on his shoulders for a few years, even as a back. Imagine him as inside center." After a cursory glance under his bed, Ron flopped on it, nodding.

"I suppose. We've got a good lineup this year. Glad you didn't go soft for Creevey, though. I think we've got a chance."

"Of course we have a chance!" Harry exclaimed fervently as Seamus entered, followed by Hermione. Ron jumped up, and cleared his throat.

"Hermione! Breaking rules twice in one day-"

"I just got an anonymous owl," she interrupted primly, standing right outside the doorway. "It was one of my informants, telling me there's been someone threatening the first years into stealing them snacks from the kitchens. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't one of you, Ronald."

He threw his hands up. "Why do you always look at me? Do I look that desperate?! I know perfectly well how to steal my own food from the kitchens."

"I'm just making sure the power isn't going to your head," she raised her nose, turned on her heel, and disappeared. "I'll be staking out the kitchen to catch him, tomorrow night, if you two would like to help," she called, walking back down the stairs.

"Who said it was a boy?" Ron called back.

"I know that's tempting, guys, but I was going to ask you if you'd mind helping me a little with my scoring?" Seamus asked. Harry turned red. "I meant rugby! I'm finally on the team, I was thinking tomorrow evening would be a perfect time to get some extra practice with the captain..."

"Oh, well, sure," Harry coughed, cleared his throat, and coughed again. Seamus grinned wickedly.

"There's other scoring that some of us could use help with-"

Ron shoved Seamus onto his bed and laughed, closing the door to the dorms before getting back into his bed. "Say, where's Dean?" No one answered, as they all knew just where he was.

"Where's Neville?" Harry responded, a few minutes later.

"I bet you he'll slip in just a minute before curfew. I think he's trying to avoid us, mate, although I certainly couldn't tell you why." Seamus' voice sounded from behind his curtains as Ron drifted off to thoughts of rugby.

hermione, harry, ron, seamus

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