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pollicle_zapper November 21 2006, 23:57:32 UTC
((Ohhh. Love. Also, small OOC note here. Mistoffelees' PB is Milo Ventimiglia. Thus, he looks an awful lot like Jess. Sounds like him, too, except he has a British accent. Your call how you want Rory to react to this, of course. ^_^))

"Using words like 'agamogenesis' and 'prokaryote' is a sure way of landing you in Ravenclaw," commented Mistoffelees.

He leaned against the wall, nonchalantly crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at Rory with some interest.

"So what books do you have?"


zerotostudying November 22 2006, 00:19:33 UTC
Rory pauses for a moment and stares. Her mouth starts to form a 'je', but she stops herself when he talks. Jess has never been british. "That would be convenient. I've already got the uniform." She opened her messenger bag to rifle through the contents "You look like a Howl man to me. Mind the margin notes."


Vote: Ravenclaw! pollicle_zapper November 22 2006, 00:38:13 UTC
"Then Ravenclaw it is. Though you don't really have to bother with uniforms. I'm not entirely certain, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone around here wearing one..." He trailed off and shrugged. It wasn't as if it was important or anything.

Mistoffelees regarded the bag with a quirked eyebrow. "I'm not really sure what kind of man I am, to be honest." That was because he wasn't a man at all, but a cat currently in human form. "What's this 'Howl' about?"

I think you should be nice to her, because she looks like a nice person, said Quaxo in his head. The kitten had a weakness for cute young women.


Re: Vote: Ravenclaw! zerotostudying November 22 2006, 01:01:29 UTC
"Its a Poem. Part of he whole Beat poetry thing. Alan Ginsberg? I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness?"

She looked back into her bag again after he did, like maybe he'd seen something she missed, then shrugged a little, and handed him the book.

"Its good."


Re: Vote: Ravenclaw! pollicle_zapper November 22 2006, 01:15:55 UTC
The name told Mistoffelees absolutely nothing. Sure, he was supposed to be 'familiar with candle, with book and with bell,' but that could hardly mean every bloody book in existence, now could it? Of course not.

"Well thanks," he said simply and took the book, giving her a little wave with it. "Poetry's okay, I suppose."

He scratched his chin. "What brings you to Hogwarts, then..." Quick glance at the application. "...Rory?"


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