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toujours_sirius October 24 2006, 09:12:54 UTC
Sirius stopped and turned towards Yang. "Do you wanna come with me and witness for yourself?"

Now he was feeling worked up, and that often led to outlandish behaviour on his part. This situation was apparently no exception.

He reached out to take his shirt from Lily, and then her hand was on his, squeezing it, and he felt even more embarrassed, because his problem was clearly related to her in some way, because his heart was pounding, and that was not cool.

And Lily was still topless. Bollocks. Being very careful to keep his eyes on hers (as much as he wanted to look away, he didn't want to accidentally get an eyeful of boobs wrapped in pretty red lace), he returned her look with a sort of blank stare. "Nature calls," he said simply. "Happens to the best of us."

He watched her go over to Cox (thankfully, she had put her shirt back on!), entirely confused over what had just transpired and why everyone was upset...especially he himself. Unfortunately, he felt himself growing even pricklier at the mention of Steeler, whose acquisition had made Sirius feel a bit of trepidation in the first place. When Lily had told him about Steeler, he had protested a bit about the responsibility associated with taking care of a dog, but now he wondered if it had to do with Cox and Lily's relationship. After all, a dog meant commitment.

But why was that a bad thing? Sirius had felt much better about it after he had got to know Steeler himself; he had completely fallen in love with the little guy, in fact. But now, the mention of the two of them going to walk the dog that Sirius loved, too....

Oh, come on, this was so irrational. He was jealous of walking a dog now?

And Cox seemed to be attempting to burn a hole through Sirius's face with his eyes. Brilliant. For a moment, he thought about asking Cox what the hell his problem was, but then realised that'd lead to a fight, and that was the last thing he wanted, especially in front of Lily.

Shaking his head, he looked back at Lily, only to find her, too, looking at him with a strange expression on her face. Too absorbed in his own problems to read it very carefully, he shrugged and said defensively, "What, a bloke can't go to the toilet without everyone wondering why?"

He looked back over at Yang. "So, coming to the loo with me? We could make out in there."

More outlandish behaviour. Magnificent.


beverlyhillsdoc October 24 2006, 23:11:24 UTC
"Did you- did you just-," Yang sputtered at Sirius incredulously. "Did you just ask me to make out with you in the bathroom? Are you insane?"

She looked from Sirius to Lily and then to Cox and then back at Sirius. "What the hell is going on here? Is there-?," she gestured back and forth between Sirius and the other two, "-Something going on here? Because seriously, what the hell? Are you sleeping with one of them-," she pointed at Cox and Lily, though she was obviously addressing Sirius, "Or do you just want to?"

Throwing out her arms in exasperation, Yang finally exclaimed, "Seriously!"


lilypotter60 October 25 2006, 00:58:56 UTC
And then it all went to pieces. If Lily had been confused before, it was nothing compared to what she was now. Blinking widely as Cox pulled away, her brow furrowed slightly as she struggled to work out exactly what had just happened. "Perry," she said, hand reaching out to him before her eyes narrowed. Wait. What the bloody hell was he mad about, now?

If there was one thing Lily hated, it was not understanding. It was the thing that drove her to spend hours in research, it made her an excellent student, and it was also the reason her temper - her sodding temper - flared at this moment. Cox wanted to stomp off like some bloody sprog who'd had his toy taken away? Fine. She was sodding sick of running after him, and she hadn't done anything. Lily didn't mind fighting, obviously, but she would prefer to know what the fuck she was fighting about.

Sirius wasn't helping. At all. Going on about making out in loos with sodding Yang instead of talking like a normal person. He was acting insane and short with her and Lily was just so done. She turned away from them all, planning to simply pick up her bag and escape for a bit. And then Yang spoke. Lily froze, tensing up, eyes blazing in sudden fury.

Rounding on them all, Lily's wand was suddenly in her hand, fingers clenched around it, knuckles white. Cox and Sirius were both favouried with a glare. "No," she hissed shortly. Confused and frustrated and suddenly so angry she was near shaking she looked as if she might say something more. She needed to throw something or shout or fucking hit a wall or something because she suddenly couldn't breathe for all the tension and the feeling of being completely lost - like everyone else was speaking a language she couldn't understand - and Cristina's smart comments pushed her over the edge. With a sudden, angry growl, Lily turned and hurled a hex at an empty table. The table shot back with the force of the spell and slammed against the wall, shattering into pieces.

Hot tears welled up in Lily's eyes and she jerkily wiped them away. Not sparing a look for Sirius or Cox, Lily just headed towards the door. Her bag was summoned after her, but she was halfway across the common room before it caught up with her. She needed to get out, to get away, to go and be around something she understood. The library. She'd go and immerse herself in research. Even if she didn't know the answer to that, there was always a way to find out. Unlike this.

Sodding men. She didn't understand, she was fucking confused, and she hated it. As she stalked across the room, shoulders straight and angry tears tracking down her face, Lily absently wondered if there was a charm to make men understandable. Probably not. She should invent one. Make millions, she would. She could retire on an island, with a parrot named Hubert and a cabana boy named Juan. Survive on chocolate and fruit and drinks with umbrellas. That sounded brilliant.


coxinsox October 25 2006, 02:20:45 UTC
Despite his anger, Cox reluctantly stopped when Lily called after him, turning around just in time to catch her tantrum. He felt a twinge of shame as she smashed the table, and another of guilt when he saw the tears in her eyes, but he was in no mood to deal with even a happy Lily -- much less a furious one. He groaned inwardly as she stormed out and closed his eyes, knocking a fist against his forehead. Dammit, dammit, dammit.

His focus returning to the room at large, Cox now found himself alone with Yang and Sirius. He realized, suddenly, that now that Lily was gone he could confront Sirius as he liked, but his mun something held him back. Gritting his teeth, he made himself disregard Sirius and gave Yang a serious look. "Bonesaw, for your own sake, get out while you still can."

With that, he turned to go, but couldn't resist a parting word for Sirius; even the sight of the Animagus's face as he went for the door filled him, right now, with an absolute rage. With a heated glare, he pointed warningly at the Animagus. "Watch it," he growled. Not the epitome of wit, perhaps, but he thought it got the point across just fine. Now finished, he stalked off for his room.


toujours_sirius October 25 2006, 22:30:18 UTC
Sirius didn't think the prospect of himself and Yang making out in the bathroom was insane. Hadn't the poor girl had a teenagehood? He had made out with people in far stranger places than a loo in his day. And while he may not have been the best-looking man any more - he was well aware of what Azkaban had done to him and the fact that Perry 'Six-Pack' Cox was a much better catch in that respect - he had cleaned up fairly well since he had returned to Hogwarts.

Not that he had really wanted to make out with Yang in the first place. His invitation had just been what he had hoped was a way of halting a rapidly deteriorating situation. Yeah, that had backfired. Bugger.

Yang's second question was completely absurd. "I already slept with him," Sirius said in a slightly snappy tone, gesturing at Cox. "I thought we had established that." He didn't even deign the other half of the question with an answer. Despite all the weirdness that was going on in his head and in the room, one thing was crystal clear to him: Lily was James's wife. Therefore, Sirius was most definitely not sleeping with her, nor was he wanting to.

He watched as Lily hexed the table, holding his face impassive even as a sinking feeling started to overwhelm him. Something had just gone very very wrong here, and Sirius knew it was his fault, at least in part, but exactly what he had done wrong, he couldn't say. Yeah, things had got weird for a bit, but since when was blushing a crime? No one knew what was behind the blush, after all - not even Sirius himself.

Then again, Lily did have a bit of a temper, and it was possible they were all just having a bad day. After all, Lily had already been in a foul mood about the assigned potion. Sirius knew there was more to the story than just that, but at this point he didn't know what it was - or if he even wanted to know in the first place.

He thought about going after her, he really did. He had seen her angry enough times to know how to deal with her; although an angry Lily was never fun, Sirius wasn't afraid of her. And it bothered him that she was so upset. This had to have been a misunderstanding. They could iron it out.

But what - or rather, who - Sirius was slightly afraid of at this moment was Cox. Cox had never been truly unpleasant to him, but he knew Remus and Cox had some sort of bizarre rivalry, and he had got the sense that Cox was not someone you want on your bad side. Anyway, Cox was a friend, and friends don't do things they know will upset each other. And Sirius got the distinct sense that going after Lily would only serve to make things infinitely worse right now. Indeed, he knew enough to realise that for some reason, Cox was intent on marking his territory (Perhaps he had felt threatened by Lily's comments about Sirius's looks? Sirius could only guess at this point....), and Sirius wasn't about to bust through any fences.

And if anything sealed the deal on that, it was the fear that if he went after Lily, he would only make it worse for her. She had had enough trouble as it was; it was best to let her cool down - to let everyone cool down - and then try and solve the problem later.

Sirius stared back at Cox as he delivered his warning, his eyes steady, but his expression otherwise blank.

He didn't move for a few seconds after Cox left, and then, with a quick jerk, he threw on his shirt and grabbed a Firewhisky bottle from the bar. After a quick incantation, the label was transfigured into a sort of handle. He'd need it so he could grip it in his canine mouth as he entered the Whomping Willow. Drinking himself unconscious sounded like a great idea, and the Shrieking Shack was the ideal place to do it in, since it was almost certainly deserted.

Without a word to Yang, he stalked out of Ravenclaw and out onto the school grounds.


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