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toujours_sirius October 19 2006, 06:44:58 UTC
"Phyllis," Sirius said, jerkily picking up his cards, rearranging them, and setting them back down roughly, "is extremely manly and most definitely, mindblowingly impressive."

How he had somehow managed to acquiesce to Lily's nutty pet name for his nether regions was beyond him at this point. It was hard to analyse such things when she was kissing Cox and putting her leg on him and doing all sorts of things that Sirius really didn't want to see. Every time she leant in to kiss him, he felt this horrible, hot wave of something crawl across his skin, and it was beginning to become unbearable.

It didn't help that Cox, for some reason, seemed to be particularly fussy at him, and where normally he would laugh it off, he was at this point in no mood to do so. Instead, he grumpily rolled his eyes at Cox's warning and picked up his cards again, staring intently at them.

It was actually a rubbish hand if ever there was one; he had seen that from the moment he had picked it up, despite his assertion to the contrary. Three of clubs, five of spades, seven of diamonds, eight of clubs, jack of hearts. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

He glanced up at the others to see their reactions to the cards...and saw more kissing and legs on laps and...

...and then Cox referred to him as his 'friend', and Sirius was all confused and frustrated again.

He took a huge swallow of Firewhisky and then switched around his cards as if he actually had something to put in order.

He had been about to go for his Firewhisky again when Lily reacted to Yang's question, and he, too, froze, his cards held out in front of him and his eyes fixed on Lily.

And then Cox comforted her, and Sirius felt a wave of something again, but this time he knew what it was, even though it was something he had experienced only on rare occasions.

It was jealousy. Sirius was not at all the jealous type. He fully and completely trusted those who were his friends. Even after Peter's betrayal, and especially because of the way he had distrusted Remus, he continued to trust his other friends, because without trust, there really was no foundation for a friendship. And jealousy and trust did not make for good neighbours.

Sirius trusted Lily; there was no question about that. They had fought a war together and had been willing to give their lives for each other and their other friends. And she had been married to his best friend - of course he trusted her.

He also trusted Cox. Cox had his quirks, and he was often gruff and blunt, but Sirius believed he was a good person - if anything, Sirius had been sold when Cox had opened up to him about Ben - and he trusted him with Lily. He knew Cox genuinely liked her and meant well.

But somehow despite all this trust, there was a thread of jealousy winding its way around Sirius's flesh, pinching and squeezing and pressing and making it harder and harder for him to breathe.

But what was he jealous of? It couldn't be Cox and Lily's relationship. Sirius liked to flirt with Cox, and sure, they had had sex when Sirius was temporarily a woman, but it was all in good friendship. He certainly had no interest in dating Cox; the thought nearly made Sirius laugh despite his discomfort. And the thought of him wanting to date Lily was laughable, too. Sure, she was one of his two closest friends at Hogwarts, and he loved spending time with her, and she always had a way of making him laugh...and yeah, truth be told, she was very very pretty, especially her hair...but date her? She was James's wife. That automatically shut down any thought process that could've been further devoted to the possibility of a romantic interest in Lily - which was crazy and ridiculous anyway.

((Continued in the next post...))


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