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polite_sinner October 18 2006, 19:01:59 UTC
The stunt with the broom made Hakkai frown a little in disapproval, but there was no way of telling whether or not it had been intentional or just convenient for Gojyo. Hakkai didn't entertain any ideas that Gojyo was just going to let this embarrassment slide, expecting from the outset that he would think of ways to get revenge on Sanzo and him. Dare or no dare, Gojyo was entitled to some payback, and somehow, Hakkai wouldn't be surprised if Gojyo did, actually, resort to violence.

He supposed that, even if he came away with a few bruises or a black eye, this entire situation was just amusing enough to be worth it. And he had always been a fast healer, besides ( ... )


perverted_kappa October 19 2006, 04:35:43 UTC
((I'll move things along now, in case you two are bored with the *cleancleanclean* already. ;) ))

"Maybe you should do the windows then. I might accidentally trip and fall through them because of these damned shoes, and I doubt even I could survive that fall," Gojyo said, tone indifferent. He showed no signs of moving. Leaning on an elbow, chin propped in his hand, he spent an additional ten minutes on the same spot, rubbing the rag in lazy circular motions. Polishing furniture might be the only chore he didn't mind doing. Drying dishes wasn't so bad, either. But he could do without the rest ( ... )


worldly_monk October 19 2006, 05:09:42 UTC
Hakkai's comment about the window being jealous surprised a laugh out of Sanzo. Gojyo did seem to be applying a certain passion to his cleaning. He had to bite his tongue on another suggestive remark. Watching a sweating, half-naked Gojyo at work was... inspiring.

Sanzo moved around the room, trying to stay out of Gojyo's path. Somehow Gojyo managed to bump into him anyway. He suspected the bumps weren't entirely accidental, but he didn't really blame Gojyo for wanting to get back at them in some way. He certainly wouldn't have wanted to dress up in that outfit. Of course he would have completed that particular dare and wouldn't have had to pay the penalty. Now if it was something like not swearing for a week...

He didn't object when Gojyo finished up and waited by the door. "Not bad. It's good enough for me, but Hakkai's the final authority." Sanzo looked to Hakkai to pass judgement on Gojyo's efforts and decide if they were ready to move on to his room.


polite_sinner October 19 2006, 05:54:58 UTC
The first few times Gojyo ran into him, Hakkai murmurred, "It's all right." The times after that were merely answered with quiet, patient sighs. Hakuryu, however, could only endure a little of the jostling before he started trying to nip at him, most likely to draw blood; Hakkai managed to check the dragon's every attempt, gently catching his snout and giving him an admonishing look. After a while, the dragon finally took the hint and stopped his assault, receiving a rub on his neck for doing so.

Hakkai examined the room for a minute or so before nodding. "Ah, I suppose this is fine." But, he acknowledged silently, he was probably going easy on him. Gojyo had missed a few spots here and there, but Hakkai supposed it would be nice to have something to do himself later, to his own exacting standards. (The first thing he would do, after they got back, was clean behind the beds and rearrange the things on his nightstand.)


worldly_monk October 19 2006, 06:29:33 UTC
"Right then. Let's go." Since there was too much for Gojyo to carry, Sanzo grabbed the dustpan and broom. He opened the door and surreptitiously checked the hallway to make sure it was empty. There was someone walking down the hall, so he paused in the doorway and looked back at Gojyo. "Don't forget your feather duster," he reminded, giving Gojyo a smug smile. "That outfit just isn't complete without it." By then the coast was clear, so he led the way out of the room.

His room was the next one down the hallway, so they didn't have far to go. Sanzo let them into his room and left the broom leaning against the wall. He moved across to the desk so he could grab the ashtray and light a cigarette. "Go ahead and get started."


perverted_kappa October 19 2006, 07:53:01 UTC
Hakkai supposing it was 'fine' was compliment enough, Gojyo figured. It wasn't as though he'd expected any praise, though he had done a pretty damn good job, in his own opinion. Especially for someone who had never done any deep cleaning in his entire life, had never known, before Hakkai, anyone who did, and was pretty much having to figure things out as he went, since he'd never thought to pay attention to how Hakkai cleaned the apartment they shared. (It hadn't seemed necessary to learn how it was done, and most of the cleaning occurred when he was out gambling, anyway.)

All in all, Gojyo felt he deserved at least some credit for the effort he was making ( ... )


polite_sinner October 19 2006, 10:44:49 UTC
As suggested, Hakkai left briefly to replace the dirty water with clean water -- after all, he was the only one of the three who wasn't carrying any cleaning equipment, and he would have felt as though he were being lazy, otherwise. When he returned, Hakuryu left Hakkai's shoulders and flew over to perch on the back of a nearby chair, shaking himself and leaving tufts of fur on the ground. The dragon shot Gojyo a low-level glare, as though challenging him to make some snide comment; it seemed that the dragon was still annoyed that Hakkai had prevented him from attacking before, as he had desired, and was figuring out more passive ways to express his agitation. Currently, extending the time that Gojyo needed to be stuck in that ridiculous and surely uncomfortable costume seemed to be the best option, and Hakuryu was only happy to oblige ( ... )


worldly_monk October 19 2006, 13:13:22 UTC
Sanzo didn't comment as he rescued a newspaper he hadn't finished reading from Gojyo's overeager trash collection. He didn't say anything as he retrieved a couple pages of his notes, or the pen, or the spare lighter either. He knew damn well what was going on, and he was rapidly losing patience with Gojyo's silent, passive-aggressive protests. The third time Gojyo managed to hit him with the broom, Sanzo reached out and briefly grabbed the handle. "Quit it," he warned, before letting go ( ... )


perverted_kappa October 19 2006, 17:09:38 UTC
((But how can Gojyo take Sanzo and Hakkai out if Sanzo's sitting!? XDD He can just injure himself I guess~))

"He's shedding a lot for this time of year. Animals are supposed to grow thick coats for the winter, not lose 'em. I think he has mange. We really ought to put him out of his misery, Hakkai." It wasn't just a snide comment that Hakuryu did indeed receive, but also a light swat from the broom as Gojyo moved past him, collecting the shed tufts of fur on the way, then swept it all into the dustpan and emptied it into the wastebasket.

He climbed onto Sanzo's bed and got comfortable, purposely choosing the side he'd slept on all those weeks ago, and sorted through the clothes. Each article of clothing was held up in turn to be sniffed, and all were apparently deemed dirty, as he then threw each into the laundry hamper. "Whew, Sanzo-sama has bad B.O.!" He waved a hand underneath his nose and laughed. "And no one could make a more attractive woman than you. You already look like one, after all, no makeup or dress needed." With that ( ... )


polite_sinner October 19 2006, 19:34:11 UTC
Whether or not he fully understood what was being said, the dragon hissed at Gojyo angrily after dodging the swat from the broom, attempting to bite at him again as he passed but missing his target. When this earned another reprochful look from Hakkai, Hakuryu took to stewing moodily. Hakkai sighed and shook his head, saying to Gojyo, "I really wish you wouldn't antagonize Hakuryu like that," in a tone of voice that seemed to put Gojyo at fault, despite having been witness to Hakuryu's own share of provocation ( ... )


worldly_monk October 19 2006, 22:44:54 UTC
((Oops? I'm an idiot and forgot. Sorry!))Gojyo's smart remarks about Sanzo's looks earned him a glare, but Sanzo managed to keep his temper for once. Besides, if he shot him now, Gojyo would just bleed all over his bed. That would kind of defeat the purpose of this whole exercise ( ... )


perverted_kappa October 20 2006, 03:56:16 UTC
((I was kidding, no worries! ;) And if Hakkai wants to practise his healing ki thingy on Gojyo, feel free. Otherwise he can play nurse for a few weeks? ;D ))"I'm fine. It's nothing." Gojyo's fairly high pain tolerance is all that kept him from trying to smack Hakkai's hands away. It hurt, of course, but he'd suffered far worse injuries before without complaint. Whining over a sprained ankle would be on par with crying over a scraped knee, as far as he was concerned. (Though if he thought he could make Sanzo or Hakkai feel at all guilty by playing up how much it hurt, he would have ( ... )


polite_sinner October 20 2006, 05:57:56 UTC
". . . why were you in the Prefects'--?" Hakkai stopped abruptly, blinked, and shook his head. "Nevermind," he said. "I don't think I'll ask."

He took the bandages when Sanzo handed them over. "No, I think you're done cleaning today, although I suppose, in this case, it's Sanzo who gets the last word." Hakkai was about to start wrapping Gojyo's foot when he paused to consider something. Setting the bandages aside, he gently placed a hand on Gojyo's ankle and warned, "I'm going to try to heal it," and hope nothing would go wrong, "so, ah, please try to stay still for a moment?" Up until now, the most serious things Hakkai had ever healed were cuts and knicks and wounded prides -- sprained ankles were an entirely new territory for him ( ... )


worldly_monk October 20 2006, 06:38:47 UTC
"How did you get into the Prefects' bathroom?" Sanzo asked, with obvious skepticism. Then he shrugged. "I think you've done enough damage. As far as I'm concerned we can declare the stupid dare officially over."

His eyes widened as he watched Hakkai focus his ki and channel it into Gojyo's injured ankle. He could feel the energy flowing out of Hakkai at an alarming rate, and he wasn't surprised when he swayed slightly as he finished. Sanzo quickly put one arm behind Hakkai to support him, resting his hand lightly on Hakkai's back. "That was impressive, but I think you overdid it." He left his arm there until he was certain Hakkai wasn't going to fall over, then he stepped away and dragged a chair over, just in case.

Sanzo picked up the make-shift ice pack and tossed it at Gojyo. "A hot bath actually sounds good, since my ribs are suddenly very sore for some reason."


perverted_kappa October 20 2006, 13:40:02 UTC
Gojyo rolled his eyes when they both questioned him. "It isn't hard to get passwords around here. Especially when the majority of the students and faculty're drunks. But I suppose you two wouldn't know that, since neither of you get out and socialise."

His muscles seemed to tense up on their own at the beginning of Hakkai's experiment, and he bit back a pained gasp when it felt as though something within his ankle physically shifted, momentarily worsening the pain, and then there was nothing but a dull burning sensation, numbing the area. It put him in mind of what it felt like to summon his shakujou, but that familiarity was coupled with something else, a completely foreign thrum of energy that he thought must be unique to Hakkai. Knowing that Hakkai was literally putting some of himself into him inspired all kinds of dirty thoughts, which certainly weren't hindered by the fact the healing also felt damned good.

"That was cool." Since Hakkai looked like he might fall over at any moment, Gojyo made room for him on the bed in case he ( ... )


polite_sinner October 20 2006, 19:38:32 UTC
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he teased lightly, though he was vaguely pleased by the compliments. Hakkai smiled when Sanzo steadied him, waving a hand when the two of them voiced their concerns. "Please don't worry, I'll be--" His knees suddenly gave out, and he half sat, half fell down into the chair that Sanzo had pulled over. Laughing sheepishly, he gave them an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, I'll be fine, but perhaps I did overdo it a little. I'm just happy that I was able to heal Gojyo's ankle properly."

Hakkai paused at the mention of taking a nap and slowly nodded. "That might be a good idea, actually," he said quietly, and he still retained his embarrassed and apologetic demeanor. "I wouldn't want you two to worry, after all. Ah, please feel free to go ahead without me, though, if you'd like."


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