Exhausted duck to fellow Whovians

Oct 14, 2006 16:51


I wanted to apologize. Which I'm not sure I did after our one fight a bit ago. I'd hoped after the...let's say incident with Sarah Jane that no hard feelings would remain, as usual, but you left potions class in such a rush because of me. I'd hoped to get things out in the open (if they're not already) and just see if we could patch things up. If we can. Though if you just make JD answer for you (why you'd let him in on this would be beyond me, however), I'll get it.

-The Doctor


I suppose I should have apologized a while back because of the dinner. I made it quite the disaster to remember, hm? Anyway, you took it all pretty well, old boy, but I felt it best to apologize anyway. And say congrats about you and Sarah Jane. Should've happened years ago, if you ask me.

-The Doctor


I'm surprised you haven't smacked me. You know, a lot. Because god knows I deserve it. Could've at least done so at karaoke so I don't keep on expecting one. Anyway, the point, really, is to say how sorry I am for the way things have been turning out lately. What with the fighting with Jack and everything with the dinner and not even really being around you much anymore--well, everything with you in-general, if you know what I mean. All of this...I don't know, maybe I've gotten too stuck in my ways in my old age or something. But you might not see me around for a while longer, even.

I've been doing some thinking. More than usual. Well, can't exactly say that, but you know. I think most people would agree that I've been nothing but a bit of bad luck here lately. I think I ought to do a little re-evaluating. Sort of pathetic, yeah?

-The Doctor

Sarah Jane,

In all my years in time and space and all of that cliched nonsense, I don't think I've felt quite so ashamed of myself as when I saw you cry because of my fighting with Jack except for. I want to apologize for that. You were only trying to help us, and we were being stupid. Again.

And for dinner. A lot, that one. Because I was quite the ass, wasn't I? I didn't really mean to ruin things. You Humans, you're so fast. You live your lives because you don't have a lot of it. Maybe I'm just resisting change for once. But I know I should've probably jumped on the opportunity when it arose, when you and I and Harry were all together. And now you're fed up with trying, and I don't blame you. Rather fed up with myself at the moment, too.

I've been giving what you said a lot of thought. About being a coward. About being alone. About not knowing me. And I suppose it's all really true. I've never denied being a coward. And, well, alone, sort of the curse of the Time Lords as it were. There are things I haven't told you. Things I don't think I could or would or want to. Ignorance can be bliss, which is all I ever wanted for you. And I've changed a lot since we last met. I know it hasn't been long for you, and that's rather fantastic for you, it's great, really, but it's been lifetimes for me. I'm not who I was--I can't really try to be, and I guess you shouldn't expect me to be. I know it doesn't matter, lack of scarf, no more curly hair, all that, but I don't mean to scare you. Because I know I do, or I have. Since the start, with the yelling. Like I said, things have happened that I haven't said. I guess I wasn't anything what you were expecting out of another regeneration. We've known each other for longer than I've known most people I travel with. Going back to the start with that is...strange, but possibly necessary. Wish it wasn't. Wish I didn't disappoint you like that. Should've been more concerned with cheering you and Harry on rather than argue and bicker over god only knows what. Maybe I've gone old-fashioned on you.

Maybe it was a mistake thinking we could go back to like it was before. Best wishes and good luck with everything--the rest of your life. I do hope everything that's been said and done doesn't permanently sever all of our ties and feelings. I never was any good luck charm for you and never will. I left you in Aberdeen! That's not even the same country! I never even said goodbye! And I have no idea why. Should've, would've, could've. Maybe I ought to just let the past be for now. I like to think all things fixable, but I've learned that that's not true.

-The Doctor

owl, jack harkness, ninth doctor, harry sullivan, rose tyler, sarah jane

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