Open thread

Oct 05, 2006 15:04

Sarah Jane wandered through the halls, not really going any place specifically. She needed to gather up some food to have both Jack and Rose over for dinner and JD of course. Another party, hopefully much better then the first.

As she thought, she jotted down the things she needed on a piece of parchment. So much for notebooks.

jack harkness, ninth doctor, rp, sarah jane, lily potter, stephen maturin

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lilypotter60 October 6 2006, 08:19:39 UTC
Lily was walking Steeler through the corridors; the puppy was getting fat and lazy already, lying about in her room whilst she studied. So, a change of scenery. They were headed outside - Steeler could run about and Lily could get some work done without puppy eyes begging her for attention.

When they turned the corner, Lily spotted Sarah Jane. Grinning, she waved at the other woman. "Hello, mate. Haven't seen you in a bit. How've you been?"


lovesthescarf October 6 2006, 15:23:17 UTC
Sarah Jane looked up to hear another puppy and someone else coming down around the corner. She smiled when she saw who it was. Sarah looked a little worse for wear, perhaps that she'd been fighting or crying or some such. But she was smiling.

"Oh hullo, Lily.. lovely to see you. I'm alright I suppose. Ooh, this must be the other puppy. He's gorgeous just like Key.." Sarah bent down to pet him. Yeah, they needed a puppy.


lilypotter60 October 7 2006, 03:45:12 UTC
Eyes taking in Sarah Jane's slightly morose appearance, Lily said nothing, simply giving the other woman a brief look of concern before kneeling down next to the puppy. "Yeah, this is Steeler. JD and Jack were kind enough to get him for us." She glanced at Sarah Jane and smiled. "I take it you've met Key, then? They're both lovely dogs, and so sweet! We're really lucky."

Petting Steeler's head, she caught sight of Sarah Jane's left hand and her mouth dropped open. "Oi! Is that..." trailing off, grinning, she looked up at Sarah Jane.


lovesthescarf October 7 2006, 03:53:24 UTC
"Oh yes, I've met Key.. they're both gorgeous dogs. I was thinking about perhaps getting one for me and Harry if he's amicable towards it." Sarah looked up at Lily and smiled, trying to hide how sad she was.

Then she aw Lily had seen and positively beamed, looking not so sad anymore. "It is.. Harry asked me to marry him, and I said yes."


lilypotter60 October 7 2006, 04:18:30 UTC
Lily was too well acquainted with the signs of someone who'd pulled themselves together in a hurry to miss the fact that Sarah Jane wasn't exactly as happy as she sounded. However, she didn't want to pry. Not to say she wouldn't, but she didn't want to. If Sarah Jane wanted to talk about it, Lily figured the woman would say something. Perhaps if Lily felt like she could help, she'd push - otherwise, Lily figured it was best to leave it alone. For now.

At Sarah's news, Lily squee'd slightly and threw her arms around the woman. "That's bloody fantastic, mate! Oh, you must be thrilled!" Pulling back she looked back down at the ring. "When did this happen? Oh, the ring is gorgeous."


lovesthescarf October 7 2006, 04:27:22 UTC
Sarah laughed and hugged Lily back tightly. "Oh yes.. I am.. I can't believe I'm actually getting married. It's so strange, but so wonderful. Oh the other night actually. Not too long ago. After our dinner with the Doctor and Rose. He asked me then."

She looked down at her ring and then back up at Lily. It was obvious that the Doctor had something to do with her unhappiness considering how she looked when she said his name.


lilypotter60 October 7 2006, 04:36:08 UTC
"You'll love it," Lily assured her with a wide grin. "I was so nervous before my wedding, but I adored being married. Waking up every day with your best mate, having someone to talk to and," she laughed a little, "fight with and make-up with... It's one of the greatest feelings in the world. When you find the right bloke, it's just...well, it's sodding hard work, but it's worth every moment."

Catching the tone of Sarah's voice, Lily expression turned soft. "Is - is something wrong, Sarah Jane? I don't mean to pry, but...if you'd like to talk..." shrugging, Lily smiled gently at her. "I'd be more than happy to listen."


lovesthescarf October 7 2006, 04:40:12 UTC
Sarah Jane blinked a bit. Maybe she was confused or maybe she hadn't been paying much attention. Either way she seemed to be a poor friend. "Wait you're married to Dr Cox?" she asked questioningly.

"Oh I just.. got into the middle of a Jack and Doctor fight and I.. yelled at them quite a bit and now they're both mad at me." She gave a small sigh.


lilypotter60 October 7 2006, 05:26:42 UTC
Blinking, Lily's jaw dropped. Then, unable to stop herself, she laughed. Hard. "Oh, Merlin, no," she managed between giggles. "And I think, wherever he is, Perry just had a heart attack at the thought." Manging to calm herself, she grinned. "Sorry, love, but that amusing on several different levels. No, I was married before. For four years. Then...well, then we died; I came back, he - James, my James - didn't." A flash of some deep, unspeakable grief crossed her eyes for just a moment, but her smile didn't fade.

News of a fight between Jack and the Doctor made Lily frown in confusion, though. "Wait - why were they fighting? And why would they be mad at you?"


lovesthescarf October 7 2006, 05:30:53 UTC
Sarah Jane might have laughed if she hadn't said that her husband was dead. She frowned a bit, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't think you two were.. god I was about to say. Didn't think he was the type really." She smiled, "Though when I see him, I might actually congratulate him on not being a stupid male who denies his feelings for women." She gave a small sigh.

"Oh yes. They're always fighting. Not physical this time, but they might as well have. Just back and forth and then I exploded. I called them childish and I had tried so hard for them to just talk their feelings out, but it's useless. They're so.. stubborn."


lilypotter60 October 7 2006, 06:40:42 UTC
"Don't be sorry," Lily said softly, smiling a little. "And no, he really doesn't seem the type. He was married before, but he's positively hex-shy about the whole subject now. Well, marriage, love, any sort of deep, serious talk..." Winking, Lily grinned. "He's very much a bloke. A good one, though. He's wonderful to me." Blushing slightly, she looked with avid interest at Sarah. "Tell me about your Harry, then. I remember meeting him at his sorting...still owe him a pint, point of fact."

Shaking her head, Lily rolled her eyes. "Blokes. Seriously. Like pulling teeth, sometimes, to get them to do anything but react. And we know that if they'd just sit down and bloody talk, most problems would be solved in the time it took to have a cuppa. They call us crazy." Sighing, she cocked her head. "But, wait, then...why would they be mad at you? Seems to me as if they'd just be mad at each other."


lovesthescarf October 7 2006, 15:10:32 UTC
"Mm well at least he recognizes the need to be with you. Lord knows the Doctor couldn't tell even if it bit him on the butt." Sarah sighed a bit. "And they are mad at each other, but I said some.. rather awful things. I was angry. And I stuck my nose in, but I had been trying to help before. They just didn't want to actually sit and talk." She took a deep breath.

"Ah yes Harry. You're going to positively look at him and wonder just how the two of us got together. He's quite old fashioned. Calls me old girl even though I've told him a zillion times not to." Since Sarah Jane was so with the feminism. "But he loves me like no one else. He'd do anything for me. He was the only one who really stood by me. I love him more then anything."


lilypotter60 October 9 2006, 07:42:52 UTC
"The Doctor strikes me as someone who could do with a bit of shouting at," Lily shrugged. "Seems as though someone who's lived as long as he has would be a bit more sensible about certain things, but there you are. I'm sure you were right - he and Jack could do with a sit-down, I'd reckon." She reached out and squeezed the other woman's arm gently. "And whatever you said, they'll get over. You're their mate, Sarah, and they know that. Merlin knows I've said some things to my mates I didn't mean. We all do. But if you were trying to help, they'll realize that, I'm sure."

Lily's expression went soft and vaguely wistful as Sarah Jane talked about her Harry. "He struck me as a good egg," Lily smiled. "And he sounds as if he's brilliant to you. I'm so happy for you, mate, really. That's wonderful." Grinning, she shook her head. "You must be over the moon."


lovesthescarf October 9 2006, 15:46:48 UTC
"Mm, well I know they'll get over it of course. I hope so at least, but mostly I just wish they'd both just understand where the other is coming from." Sarah shrugged a bit and looked at Lily with a small smile.

"Harry's wonderful. I'm so happy. I didn't think I'd ever get married, but here I am. Not that it means I'm settling down, mind you. Can't see myself with a house and kids but.." Sarah took a deep breath, "I don't know. Never say never, right?"


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