Open thread

Oct 05, 2006 15:04

Sarah Jane wandered through the halls, not really going any place specifically. She needed to gather up some food to have both Jack and Rose over for dinner and JD of course. Another party, hopefully much better then the first.

As she thought, she jotted down the things she needed on a piece of parchment. So much for notebooks.

jack harkness, ninth doctor, rp, sarah jane, lily potter, stephen maturin

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ninth_doctor October 5 2006, 21:54:14 UTC
The Doctor had, of course, been trying very hard to avoid people. People as in his companions/former companions. He seemed to have done a right well job of offending every single one of them. He had also talked himself out of owling the ones from the dinner and apologizing because he's cowardly like that.

"Oh, uh...hullo, Sarah Jane," he greeted awkwardly when he saw her.


lovesthescarf October 5 2006, 21:58:45 UTC
Looking up, Sarah gave a small smile. Ah, well this was going to go well. She didn't have Harry here to reign her or her temper in. She took a deep breath. "Hello Doctor, out for a stroll?" she asked.


ninth_doctor October 5 2006, 22:08:35 UTC
"...Just a bit, yeah. Um, look...about...about the other night, I just wanted to..." Damn it, why did he have to be so very bad at apologies? "I mean, I hadn't meant to...that is, I was sort of..." He sighed. Of course. Of course this wasn't going to work out well.

"Not to say I think I was in the wrong, and I'm certainly not going to take back anything that I said. I sort of might've been not the kindest thing I've ever done or said to friends..."


lovesthescarf October 5 2006, 22:10:42 UTC
She wasn't actually surprised by his apology. And really, she felt as if it was better if he didn't say anything at all. Especially because it wasn't really an apology at all.

Sarah Jane pursed her lips and shrugged her shoulders. "You're never nice, Doctor. I came to realize that a very long time ago."


ninth_doctor October 5 2006, 22:12:52 UTC
"Wha--'course I'm nice!" he protested. "I'm nice a lot of the time! You sayin' I'm not nice? Why's that, then?"


lovesthescarf October 5 2006, 22:18:08 UTC
Sarah gave a soft sigh, "Sometimes you are, yes. When it suits you. You seem to be quite nice to those people who don't go exploring with you who don't act like an idiot. I can't even count the number of times you called Harry names before. Or me." Though sometimes, she did act like an idiot.

"If you know so much about the human species, I don't understand why you don't get how much we don't wish to be handled in that manner."


twoyearsmissing October 5 2006, 22:28:18 UTC
"Because he think's he's better than us." Jack happened to be wandering along, Jack insulted the Doctor, Jack smiled to Sarah Jane as Key gave the Doctor a funny little growl. Obviously picking up on her pet's mood. "And he doesn't know that much about us, he just likes to think he does."


ninth_doctor October 5 2006, 22:31:10 UTC
He was about to answer Sarah Jane (that is, ask more questions and be more insulted) when Jack came along. Oh fun. He crossed his arms and gave him a bit of an exhausted look. Hey, at least the bruise had finally stopped discolouring his cheek.

"I don't think this little conversation included you. I thought you said to JD to say to me about, oh, I don't know, not seeing you or him or your mutt for however long you're going to decide to stay mad at me."


lovesthescarf October 5 2006, 22:53:28 UTC
Sarah cleared her throat and looked between the both of them. "Now look. If you think you're going to fight in front of me, you've got another thing coming. If I have to break something up, someone WILL get hurt, and it won't be me. Do you two understand?" she said with some conviction and then looked down at her feet.

"Oh my word.. is this the puppy? Oh she's gorgeous." she knelt down to give the puppy a good petting.


twoyearsmissing October 5 2006, 23:02:24 UTC
Jack was about to make a comment about how he wasn't talking to the Doctor but then that would have been against what he'd just thought.

"Yes, Coyolxauhqui, Key. Pure bred Siberian Husky." Jack looked proud.

Key was so happy at the attention and wagged her tail happily and gave a friendly woof to Sarah.


ninth_doctor October 5 2006, 23:04:23 UTC
"Who said anything about fighting? I'm not fighting. I don't see him fighting. No, no fighting going on here." Well, hopefully there wouldn't be a fight. Never know with them.


lovesthescarf October 5 2006, 23:06:22 UTC
"Good. Keep it that way." She didn't look at either of them while she spoke. She was too busy petting and cuddling the happy puppy. "She's adorable.. a puppy. Hm." Maybe she could convince Harry to get one.

If one payed enough attention, they'd notice the ring on her finger. "Where'd you get her?"


twoyearsmissing October 5 2006, 23:18:17 UTC
Jack still made a point of ignoring the Doctor.

"Friend, lives outside Cardiff. Got one for Lily and Cox, called him Steeler. Not interested are you?" Jack asked. Jack didn't notice. Key did of course, but not Jack.


ninth_doctor October 5 2006, 23:27:49 UTC
"Oh, yes, because we really need a whole little heard of puppies running 'round the school." Yes, he liked being ignored, totally, very much so, yes--except not.

The Doctor was rather perceptive and observant sometimes. This was, of course, one of these times. "Where'd you get that ring? Looks a bit expensive; didn't think you had that kind of money."


lovesthescarf October 5 2006, 23:30:59 UTC
Sarah Jane looked up the Doctor and then over at Jack, trying her best not to roll her eyes. "Actually, I am. Well I'd have to ask Harry of course. But I think he'd love a puppy. I mean I'm not one for kids really." That was an understatement.

The dog sniffed around her ring and she blinked, looking up and got up to her feet. "Oh well actually. Harry asked me to marry him. And I said yes." Well duh, she was wearing the ring.


twoyearsmissing October 5 2006, 23:37:47 UTC
Oh there was the k word mentioned. Jack tried so very hard not to overreact to it.

"Congratulations!" Jack said with a grin. "Do we get a wedding any time soon?" Still ignoring the Doctor. Immature, Jack? Never.


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