potions sign-up

Oct 02, 2006 15:12

The following is posted outside the Great Hall and in the common room of each House.

Potions class will be held the evening of 9 October (Monday, a week from today).  Those interested in taking Potions should sign up here. List your full name -- with the personal name, in Western order, preceding the surname -- as well as your House affiliation.  If you have no surname, supply the name of your place of origin, and that will be used as your surname.

Questions should be directed to Mr McGinnis, the new teaching assistant for this course. Dr Maturin may be consulted in his office in the event that Mr McGinnis cannot answer your questions.

S. Maturin, potions master
T. McGinnis, potions assistant

(( OOC: The fine print.

I'd like you to choose your own groups of three or four OOCly -- you can arrange that in the comments to this post, or elsewhere -- but please let me know what you've decided.  This way, I can claim that the pairs were ICly assigned, which gives you the option of choosing partners that your character ICly doesn't know or even hates. Those characters whose players haven't let me know about a group placement by the day class is to be held will be assigned a group by Terry-mun and myself. I'll maintain a roster here for easy consultation.

I'll start posting stuff for the class at 8 pm Eastern Daylight Time of the night specified, but of course the RP can continue well into the following day(s) -- Stephen isn't going to interpret realtime as identical with gametime, so don't worry that you're going to get docked points or kicked out if you're not at the keyboard when I am.

The only way your char will be interpreted as having skipped class is if you tell me OOC that you want that. Otherwise, you can retroactively send Stephen or Terry an illness excuse or something of the sort. Ditto for interpretations of "leaving class early"; unless you tell me otherwise OOC, once your char shows up, they're interpreted as being there for the duration, since obviously Stephen isn't the sort to let people flit in and out of the room whenever they like.

A final note: Stephen is not inclined to hold personal 'detentions'. Characters who have genuine difficulty making their potion -- which will be a relatively foolproof one -- will be asked to serve a 'detention' with him that is in reality another chance for them to try to make the potion. Characters who are acting up or causing mischief in a way Stephen sees IC as being on purpose will be notified to serve a detention with Teatime, who is the caretaker currently handling detentions. I don't want to send anyone's char to Teatime without OOC consent and ideally advance planning, so I wanted to make that clear. However, you are welcome to plan "accidental" mishaps insofar as the fairly foolproof potions assignment permits, or if your character is known to have some handicap that Stephen can't fault them for -- e.g., Real!Ron wasn't held accountable for the misdeeds of Puppet!Ron.

Also. If you're signing up because you think it would be out of character for your char to pass up the class, but in reality you don't have the time/inclination to RP it out, please do go ahead and state that when you sign up! That way you won't let down a potential partner.

Enough said? Any questions, feel free to bug me. ))

classes, stephen maturin

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