Closed RP, Abby and Ford

Aug 23, 2006 01:42

Ford was in his office, flipping through his copy of The Guide looking for information to use in class.

Teaching - There was a time when a hitchhiker could make good money teaching Galactic Basic on remote planets; however, the profession was rendered obsolete by the babelfish. Should you find a teaching position keep the following in mind ( Read more... )

abby sciuto, ford prefect, rp

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cafpowgirl August 23 2006, 16:54:24 UTC
Abby got Ford's last owl, and set out to meet him. On the walk, she thought about the unique position she'd gotten herself into. She was going to be teaching magic-users about all the stuff she knew herself. This wasn't even really going to be work, it was going to be fun. Lost in her thoughts, she walked right past the door to Ford's office. It was only after turning down a dead-end hallway that she realized her mistake and backtracked, hoping desperately that he hadn't noticed.

"Hey, Ford." She grinned.


researcher42 August 24 2006, 05:57:42 UTC
"Abby!" Ford greeted her happily. "Thanks for coming. Grab a seat." He gestured to an open chair, the only clear space in the room other than a fraction of the desk. The thrif tstore mish-mash of old muggle gadgets and junk that filled the classroom's storage closet inhabited most of the office as well. Some of it, he had to admit, he didn't even know what was and he was pretty sure that most muggles wouldn't recognize the items either. "How are you? Do want something to drink?"


cafpowgirl August 24 2006, 06:21:53 UTC
Well, Ford was glad to see her. That's a good sign. She looked around at the piles of stuff. She could recognize gyroscopes, a microsocope, kaleidoscope, and even a bunch of things that didn't have the word scope like a compass, racecar, can opener, 80's era clunky old laptop, a decoder ring, and a bicycle. There were things she didn't even recognize, but that's all right.

She amde her way gingerly through the stacks to sit down in the offered chair, the grin never leaving her face. "I'm doing good, what about you? As far as a drink, I'll have what you're having."


researcher42 August 24 2006, 07:01:14 UTC
"I'm alright. How about gin and tonics then? A solid muggle drink, something we can really wrap our minds around. Or something like that. Anyway, it seems appropriate."

He fiddled around at a minibar situated behind the desk. He hadn't installed the minibar, it had been there when he arrived. This fact, along with the office's rather intriguing mess made him suspect he would have got on quite well with the former muggle studies professor had they ever had occasion to meet. Ford produced two drinks, complete with lemon twists. For some reason he'd always thought the lemon was the most important part of an Earth gin and tonic.


cafpowgirl August 25 2006, 01:44:20 UTC
"Gin and tonics work for me." Abby hadn't had one of those in several years, so the change would be nice. She also noticed the minibar with a great deal of amusement.

"Did you install that yourself?" She took the drink, taking a sip. "Good.." And it was, Ford was a good bartender. "And may I ask, where'd you learn to bartend?"


researcher42 August 25 2006, 07:51:52 UTC
"Nope. Would you believe it came with the office?" Ford laughed, gesturing at the bar. It did look rather out of place in the academic office. "Must have been a fun professor here in the past. I think Muggle Studies teachers must all be pack rats. This office is like an archaeological dig, each layer tells the story of who was here before." He grins madly. "Either that or it's just a mess."

"I worked as a bartender for a while in Ursa Minor." Ford spins his glass with his finger tips. "Had to stay there a pretty long time while I was trying to get a job with The Guide. I was spending most of my time in bars anyway, so I figured I might as well get a job in one. It didn't pay great, but the tourists usually tipped well."

"Have you..." he was about to ask if she'd ever been to Ursa Minor, but stopped short. Sometimes he forgot he was still on Earth. "Have you ever worked any other jobs? You know, before you became a brilliant scientist?


cafpowgirl August 25 2006, 08:19:29 UTC
She laughed as he commented on the bar and it's prior steward. His analysis of the clutter in the Muggle Studies room was especially apt. She could only wonder how many people before him had held the position ( ... )


researcher42 August 29 2006, 08:22:57 UTC
"Yes," Ford stares at her for a moment, thinking about her point of view, "I can understand that. It must have been quite a shock."

He blinks and takes a sip of his drink. "I have to admit I was a bit surprised by this place too. I've seen a lot of strange things , but all of them were logical if you thought about it hard enough and bent logic into the right shape. I'm there must be an explanation for what goes on here as well.

"What really gets me is that it's on Earth. I mean, I've always liked Earth, one of my favourite planets really, but it's a bit dull, galactically speaking. Finding a convergence of realities like Hogwarts here is really incredible. It's like all the best bits of the really wild sectors but it still has that small planet feel."

((Sorry for the delay. This thread got kind of buried for me once I posted the class.))


cafpowgirl August 29 2006, 17:06:41 UTC
She smiled a little. She was no stranger to bending logic or the rules on occasion to accomplish things that needed to be done. It was all right with her. "Oh, I'm sure there is an explanation for it, but I'm afraid it's largely a one word explanation. Magic."

She also liked hearing that he liked Earth so much. It was her home, and she cared for it a good deal in spite of it being 'galactically dull'. But, his last comment made her laugh. "It's like that perfect little getaway that's cool because it hasn't been turned into a tourist trap yet? That's funny.."

She took a drink from her glass before she continued. "Do you know a lot of magic yourself, Ford? I've hardly learned any since I've gotten here."


researcher42 August 31 2006, 06:27:20 UTC
"The perfect little getaway," he muses, "that's about right. Although I don't think the tourists will flock here, they'd probably get squibbed."

It was incredible, she really seemed to get what he was saying. By this point in the conversation people usually stopped listening or asked him what the hell he was going on about.

"I don't know much magic," he admitted. "I mean, Muggle Studies is certainly the only thing I'm even remotely qualified to teach. I've picked up a few things though. There's wingardium leviosa, which levitates things, and accio, which summons things. I really like those two. You get things hovering or flying around the room and you feel like you're a jedi or something." Ford may have watched Star Wars a few too many times while he was stranded on Earth. But really, it was a compelling film and the other fans didn't look at him funny when he started rambling about space ships.


cafpowgirl September 2 2006, 09:17:29 UTC
Abby laughed at the idea of squibbing tourists..of course that was only because she had no idea that squibbing actually equalled death. In her mind, only one person had ever deserved to die: Ari Haswari, for killing Kate, Abby's best friend.

"Feel like you're a Jedi...that sounds cool." She paused. "I see you're a Star Wars fan." She smiled at Ford, amused by the concept of a towel-clad Jedi fighting evil.

She really didn't know what to make of Ford. He was different than everybody else she'd met at Hogwarts. Not that that was a bad thing, if there was one thing Abby liked, it was something different.


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