Remus celebrates! (open RP for Ravenclaws and whoever else shows up)

Aug 18, 2006 22:16

Upon receiving his letter from the Sorting Hat, for a moment Remus couldn't believe his good fortune. After so many months - so many years - he would actually be teaching his favorite subject again, his area of expertise. He was completely thrilled - so thrilled, in fact, that he wanted to tell someone about it right now. Anyone would do - even ( Read more... )

daniel jackson, sarah williams, homsar, sirius black, fry, rp, lily potter, remus lupin, oz, minerva mcgonagall, stephen maturin

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estebanmd August 19 2006, 04:49:17 UTC
Stephen wandered into the Ravenclaw common room, book in hand, in search of Madeira. Oddly enough, there were more people here than usual. As was his habit when unaccompanied, he did not approach any given person or group. He poured himself some wine and found a comfy armchair.


profmoony August 19 2006, 05:12:56 UTC
It took a while for Remus to notice Stephen sitting in his armchair, but when he finally did catch sight of him, he waved happily. "Stephen! I'm the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor! I just got the letter from the Sorting Hat today - it's official!" He waved the letter around excitedly. (The letter was getting rather battered and champagne-stained by now, but Remus hardly noticed.)


estebanmd August 19 2006, 05:18:14 UTC
"Give you joy of your new post, friend!" Stephen was just as excited, and raised his glass. "A drink with you?"


profmoony August 19 2006, 05:32:17 UTC
"Thank you!" Remus raised his glass as well, thinking that Stephen was proposing a toast, then paused. "Wait, is this some sort of 19th-century thing? Is there something I ought to say? Maybe I could make a speech."


estebanmd August 19 2006, 05:40:46 UTC
Stephen chuckled. "A 'nineteenth-century thing' it may be, but no speech is necessary unless you cared to make one. To Hogwarts, to its professors, and to Defense Against the Dark Arts," he toasted, and drank.


homsarhomsar August 19 2006, 05:48:29 UTC
Homsar had just finished a rousing round of Jenga (with whom, he would not confess!) and decided to go out into the Common Room for a victory blibble. And who should he come across but Sidewalk Sam!

"DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I'm saving the best for last!"


estebanmd August 19 2006, 05:52:10 UTC
Hearing the dulcet tones of Homsar, Stephen turned, honoured by the august Arithmancer's presence. Ah, the brightest star in Hogwarts's intellectual firmament shone here in the dim Ravenclaw common room. "Professor! How goes it?"


homsarhomsar August 19 2006, 05:55:51 UTC
Homsar's bowler hat did several 360s as he blibbled a bit closer to Sidewalk Sam. The best might indeed have been saved for last!

Looking up in wide-eyed joy (which is to say that Homsar's expression was entirely inscrutable), Homsar shouted, "It's a long time gone, but we're still carrying on! Kashooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"


estebanmd August 19 2006, 06:00:43 UTC
(( *dying* ))

Stephen nodded. His mind frantically worked to decipher Homsar's words, for they must surely be some code, the sage speaking in riddles, or else wisdom fractured by the tragic failure of an arithmantic rite, as Edward Elric had surmised.

He drew a blank.

Though the decision might not have been advisable, Homsar being an unpredictable creature, Stephen ventured to speak to him in kind, hoping to gauge his reaction and thereby perhaps discern a meaning.

"Kashooooooooooo indeed, sir."


homsarhomsar August 19 2006, 06:06:46 UTC
Homsar understood every word of what Sidewalk Sam said - and was mortified. Evil clowns? Here in Ravenclaw? There was only one solution for that.

Homsar quickly blibbled around and behind the bar. Then, using his astonishing powers of levitation, he lifted a tray of Jell-O shots out of a special wizarding cooling container, raising it onto the bar. He then blibbled back over to Sidewalk Sam and looked up at him again.

"DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I like the way you move!"


estebanmd August 19 2006, 06:12:29 UTC
Stephen looked from the evil clown repellent to Homsar, eyes narrowed. Homsar, a genius, must have detected a threat in the vicinity which no one else had the acuity to detect. Resolutely he rose, took a glass from the tray, and downed the protective gel.

"We should not incite a needless panic. If all present are sure to consume some of the evil clown repellent, the menace should thus be warded off. Kashooooooo," he added, for emphasis.


homsarhomsar August 19 2006, 06:24:26 UTC
In turn, Homsar levitated a blue Jell-O shot up and into the rim of his bowler hat. It would provide the most protection from up top.

Based on the last word in Stephen's statement, it was clear that the evil clown threat was close at hand. Now, the question was to determine just who was the evil clown. And to do that, Homsar would need a good vantage point. He levitated his entire body on top of the bar and looked out across the crowd.

"DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I'm a little light in the leftovers!"


estebanmd August 19 2006, 06:28:33 UTC
Stephen had noted the recurrence of daaaAAAaaaaaAAAAaaa sounds in Homsar's communications. He hesitated to attempt such a sound himself, and wondered whether he might devise some sort of gadget to produce it for him, something like a duck call. For now, he shared only one word with Homsar.

"Kashoooo -- " And then Homsar had leapt, astonishingly, onto the bar, by some unearthly power (the arithmancer held no wand, had uttered no Levicorpus or other charm to explain it, the power must be held within him), and Stephen looked on in frank awe.

He did not know what to say. Homsar had taken command of the situation.


profmoony August 19 2006, 11:42:41 UTC
Remus had watched the interaction between Homsar and Stephen with fascination, too distracted to return Stephen's toast. He was intrigued not only by Homsar's mysterious abilities and fervent glossolalia, but also by Stephen's reaction - rather than wanting to dissect Homsar, as one might expect, he actually seemed to revere the blibbling creature.

"Stephen, do you know what species Homsar is?" he asked with great interest, retrieving a shot of Evil Clown Repellent Blue from Homsar's tray and downing it without thinking about it.


estebanmd August 19 2006, 18:23:01 UTC
"Sure it is a question to which I have not given much thought," Stephen answered. "I had thought he likely began as human, before the accident." He meant the arithmantic rite gone wrong, the tragedy to which Homsar's assistant had once alluded. "To sacrifice so much, and yet look how much he has gained by that terrible bargain."


profmoony August 20 2006, 01:42:21 UTC
"Human? Oh no, I don't think so. I think he's some sort of magical creature - perhaps some variety of gnome. Perhaps I could write my next paper about him. Do you think he'd allow me to observe him for a few days?" Remus found himself wondering many other things about Homsar - what he ate, for instance, and his great interest in Scrabble, and whether his hat was a mere accoutrement or some extension of his person. And he also wondered if Homsar had some ability to cast a Confundus charm, since he certainly seemed to have the normally astute Stephen under some sort of spell.


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