Aug 15, 2006 18:37
A big envelope is stuck up in front of the doors to the Great Hall, with the following message scrawled on the front in a bold, confident hand:
Submit your articles/stories/erotica/photographs here! Have them published in the first ever edition of Hogwarts Focus: A Wicked Boar. Credit will be given if names are submitted, otherwise, names will be left off.
Thank you to everyone who is contributing.
((Right. I know I'm posting this late but I didn't want to spam the comm what with the Quidditch posts and everything.
Basically, just dump your char's stuff here, either in the comments directly or as a link to an uploaded Word document, and I'll piece it together as a paper of some kind. Photographs, if you're submitting fanart/pics of a char that isn't yours, make sure you run it by the mun of the char in question first. No rating on the paper so anything goes though Ryuuji will spell 'adult' material to not be visible to eighteen-and-younger. Cracky pictures are love, but if they're obviously something that never happened at HH, they will be shown off as art instead of photos. If you know the artist who drew it if it's fanart, please put the name in so that we can credit them.
Comments are screened to keep the newspaper's contents a surprise. If you're not ready yet to give whatever it is in, no worries. We can have the first issue come out in September to celebrate the school opening.^_~))
ryuuji otogi,