Kira and Setsuna - Completed RP

Aug 14, 2006 22:21

The adventures of Kira and Setsuna going nowhere, installment 2, part 2/2.
Continued from here.

[[OOC: This is backdated to about...three weeks ago, I believe.

Warnings: I believe S&M discussion, Setsuna and Kira talking about the usual.... Nothing out of the ordinary, for them. Oh - Kira trying to dominate Setsuna twice in public? Yeah, I think that's a definite warning, even though it's completely innocent, I swear.]]

Kira looked up at the waitress and got an 'OH SHIT!' look on his face, before quietly ordering a soup and salad and a water to go with it, before raising his eyebrows at Setsuna's tall order. He waited until the waitress was gone before he addressed Setsuna again.

Giving in, he sighed and said, "Okay, so if I'm your uke-boy, do I at least get a pretty dress?" Grin.

Blink. "That's all you're going to eat, senpai?" Setsuna asked, voice a bit quieter. Didn't Kira know what kind of portions they served in European restaurants, or had he become too accustomed to Hogwarts portions? That was probably it.... Well, he was in for a shock when his food arrived.

Now back to the game. Smiling like he wanted to compete with the sun, Setsuna responded, "Of course! You'll have only the best. Finest silks, trimmed in pearls, and gold, and the selection of the finest things. Whatever you want."

"I'm not hungry," Kira admitted, and it was true. He was mostly here to talk to Setsuna and flirt with the waitress. Besides, he'd just eaten... and he wasn't used to fancy restaurants, anyway.

Blush. Mumble mumble. Smile.

Flirt with the waitress, eh? Not much of that had been done yet, and with the two so engrossed in each other she wondered....

"Ah, okay. If you're sure. We can just take some of my left-overs back with us, then eat them later if you're hungry later on. My treat - don't forget that. Feel free to get whatever you want. Especially since that order was so much like a girls," Setsuna commented, unable to hold his observation back, along with a grin.

"And what's wrong? What has you so flustered? You are pretty! So I'll need to make sure you have the best, of course."And since you've given in, we can stop this little game, right?

Setsuna tilted his head for a moment, then as he returned to a more serious tone asked, "How much of this is game, and how much do you mean? I wouldn't put it past you to start telling people I'm yours, and telling them to stay away from me."

Squirm. Kira wasn't sure why being complimented on his looks was blush-inducing. He knew he was pretty! But the fact that it was Setsuna saying it, even in just, didn't help. Kira fanned himself with a hand. "Is it just me, or do they keep it way too damn hot in this place? I feel like I'm burning up."

Kira rolled his eyes. "A girl's, huh? Are you sure a girl would order the soup, too?" Kira smirked.

"Please," Kira said. "I wouldn't do that without your permission. You should know that."

Setsuna noticed Kira's odd behavior, then lifted out of his seat to lean over and touch Kira's forehead with the back of his hand. Not standard Japanese checking, but Setsuna wasn't accustomed to that anyway.

"You okay, senpai? You don't feel too warm," Setsuna remarked, wondering if something was wrong with Kira, suddenly. It really wasn't that warm inside. Was it?

"And yeah, in Europe, a girl would order the soup, Setsuna answered, "She'd need to, or she'd starve."

There was another head tilt as Setsuna snorted. "You better not. But it's you. You probably will anyway." In truth, Setsuna just wasn't positive on that one.

Kira wasn't expecting that. He took a deep breath and tried to stop blushing. "Must be in my head," he murmured, trying to smile.

Then Kira sighed, a little miffed that his joke had been missed. Not wanting to admit he wasn't funny, however, he just and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm hopeless at these fancy places," he said.

"I won't, okay?" Kira was starting to sound annoyed. "I don't do that to my friends."

Catching the annoyed tone, Setsuna realized he had missed something.... Eyes a bit wide, Setsuna scooted back in his seat some and said, "Okay, okay. I was just playing, and wasn't sure. Don't have to get all huffy about it."

His eyes trailed to the table after that. What a lousy day, but with Kira to share it with, it hardly matched up to the days at the military school.

Setsuna might have laughed at the fancy restaurant bit, but his mood was dampened now. As much as he tried not to think about how much he'd rather be on a plane back to Tokyo, it was choosing now to hit him.

"..." Kira watched Setsuna's mood seem to darken and tried to cheer him up. "...I just didn't want you to think I'd hurt you like that," he admitted. Then he added, "So instead of telling them you're mine, I'll just knife them with no explanation every time they look at you."

Brown eyes rolled up lazily from the table to Kira, then Setsuna sighed to that. He wasn't in the mood to joke back now, but Kira was trying again....

He didn't want to bring Kira down with him, but Setsuna was accustomed to Kira being the one to drag him out in the first place. The recent flip of roles had been unusual, slightly tiring, but refreshing. If nothing else, it left Setsuna with a greater respect for Kira, but he just couldn't get himself to smile at Kira's attempt.

"Right...." was eventually the only word he could get out of his mouth.

Kira gently brushed Setsuna's forehead with a hand. "Hey. We can try again in a few days. You'll see her soon."


"I know," Setsuna said softly as their food arrived. He moved to allow it room on the table, then started to cut his steak.

Eyes focused on the meat now, Setsuna asked, "But have you considered I might just get sent back if I'm caught in Tokyo?" Setsuna hadn't until then, but now he had a whole host of questions running through his mind. Granted, if he was sent back to military school, he'd just sneak out again and everything would start all over. He wasn't going to let it stop him. It just became tiring after a while fighting your own mother, and now he was concerned how Kira would deal with it.

At least the food was good, or at least the steak was - tender and flavorful. The waitress was still wondering if she would be flirted with, or if they were together, and several other patrons wondered where Setsuna was raised to eat his steak first instead of the salad and soup.

Kira grinned and made goo-goo eyes at the waitress, one hand under his chin. He watched her until she was gone, thinking she had a rather nice ass. He noticed Setsuna was getting strange looks, although he wasn't sure why, but all the same he leaned in and said, "Hey, I think you might be doing it wrong."

"You didn't hear a word I said, did you?" Setsuna muttered, eyes following Kira's view, then back to Kira with a sigh. And now that Kira hadn't heard...well, why bother asking again? They'd worry about it when and if it came up.

"And yeah? So? I don't care. I want my steak now, so I'll eat it now," Setsuna insisted, shooting dirty glances back at the other customers. A good portion of them went back to their own meals at that and stopped looking. As for the waitress, she was finally happy she managed to catch the eye of the pretty, taller male, in fact, she was near giddy and went back to whisper to one of her friends about how soft and sweet his eyes were, and how he was looking at her.

"I heard you," Kira countered, leaning over to cut off a piece of Setsuna's steak for himself and put it in his mouth. "You might get sent back if you get caught in Tokyo. But unless the one who catches you is your mother, I doubt that'll happen. You escaped from a boarding school, not a maximum-security prison. The Japanese government is not going to catch you, perform horrible, sexualized torture on you and then send you back to England. ...They'll just catch you and perform horrible, sexualized torture on you." Kira was eating his own salad now.

"I'm not concerned about the police, Kira." Wasn't that obvious?

"Oh well, look...just forget it -" Setsuna broke off as he noticed where his steak was going and shouted, "HEY! If you wanted some, you should have got your own! That's mine."

Granted, Kira was eating his salad innocently enough by the time Setsuna was done ranting at him, but...still, his steak.

As for the waitress - she was watching Kira while taking another order, and just begging for an excuse to go back.

"Then what are you concerned about?" Kira asked, laughing when Setsuna went off on a rant about steak. "Neener, neener."

"No, tell me," Kira insisted. Despite the fact that he was blushing at the waitress now, he really was listening.

"Nah, it's fine," Setsuna insisted, just enjoying the taste of the steak, because it was. He'd just take care of any problems when he got there, and try to avoid his mother at all costs. The police, again, were not his main concern. Except if he was listed as a runaway over there too...but he didn't stop to think about that at the moment.

Setsuna was too busy noticing Kira watch the waitress. "You know, the friend she was whispering to? She's looking over here now too," Setsuna commented when he noticed a pair of blue eyes studying them closely. She blushed and quickly looked down, acting like she hadn't been.

Their original waitress stopped by and asked, coyly, "Would you care for more water, sirs?" Her eyes flickered from Setsuna to study Kira once more. That didn't stop them from looking at Setsuna again, though, then right back at Kira - he looked like he could use another glass of water.

"Tell me," Kira persisted. He wanted to know what was bothering his friend. Of course, that worry didn't stop him from messing with his hair as soon as Setsuna said the girls were looking at him. His last attempt at hitting on waitress hadn't gone well (good thing for him, slap marks faded quickly), so of course he was pleased. When the waitress asked if he wanted more water, Kira jumped and stopped playing with his hair. He smiled. "Yes, please," he said. See, Setsuna? his tone seemed to imply. THIS is how it's DONE.

Setsuna couldn't contain the light smile of amusement at Kira acting so flustered. The way he jumped, the slight blush.... It was actually cute, and Kira being cute wasn't something he saw too often.

As for the question, Setsuna muttered, "Look, it's not important, and the more time you spend talking to me, the more the waitress thinks you're not interested in her. We'll worry about the Tokyo stuff when we get there, but I hope that can be really soon."

He watched the waitress' blush deepen as she left, then returned with a pitcher of water to refill Kira's glass with. Still in Japanese, Setsuna asked, "Why don't you get her name and number and be done with it already? She's obviously hooked. Just tell me when she's coming over so I can avoid the room, okay?"

"Just say when," the waitress told Kira, smile playing on her full lips. She watched him, then remembered to look back at the cup.

Kira looked a little flustered at Setsuna pointing out that he was flirting with the waitress. "Uh..." He wasn't used to people doing this without him offering sex. It was a little bit like how things had been back in Tokyo, except Kira'd been smoother then. How had a few months managed to corrode his skill so badly?

"...Maybe I'll get her address to," Kira told Setsuna in Japanese, before he turned to the waitress and spoke in English.

"Uh..." Silly grin. "Uh... WHEN!!!" he yelled when he looked at his cup and noticed it was overflowing.

"Ah!" She squeaked out, her entire face red from humiliation as the water started to run from the cup, across the table, and headed towards Kira's lap. "I'm so very sorry. I'll clean it up," the waitress hurriedly said as she grabbed thick napkins from a nearby table and started to absorb the water.

Setsuna also grabbed his own napkin and reached over, while telling her, "It's okay, really." Kira would hardly let that ruin their flirting, he figured. He shot Kira a questioning look to see how he'd handle this one.

Kira yelped a little at having water spilled on him, scooting his chair back and then trying to laugh it off. "S'no problem," he said to the waitress, smiling, trying to seem genial. He didn't mind much, although he felt silly. He stood and reached for napkins, too, trying to absorb what was all over his lap.

"Don't be sorry, really," he said, although he turned to Setsuna with a wink and a "Thank you" in Japanese.

"Like you need to thank me for anything," Setsuna muttered back, his eyes flickering from Kira to the waitress, who was trying to follow the water and catch it wherever it was about to fall. This ended up with her clumsy hands in Kira's lap for a second before she yelped as well.

It popped out before Setsuna even considered the thought, and in English, no less. "You're a total clutz. Figures."

Face bright red again, she threw the wet napkins on the table and took off, but not before looking at the ground and telling Kira, "I am so incredibly sorry. I'll get someone else to help you for the rest of your meal."

Kira smacked his palm against his forehead. Of course, Setsuna would say something like that. So much for getting laid. Like she'd do him NOW. Oh, well. Maybe someone back at the castle would, ah, give him a hand? He seemed to be losing his touch, anyway.

"Heh. Stay," he told her. "My friend's an idiot. Don't listen to him." Granted, Kira half-wanted to make a break for it, but he also wanted to finish his food.

"Besides, the other girls aren't as pretty as you."

She had, of course, stopped at being told to stay, and turned back when Kira called Setsuna an idiot.

"Hey!" Setsuna protested. "It's just the truth."

She tried to ignore him. Setsuna considered keeping his mouth shut for Kira's sake, and already knew it was a good thing he was paying for their meal - he owed Kira this one.

At being told she was prettier than the other girls, the waitress looked at Kira, and still entirely bright red, asked in a shocked voice, "I am? Umm...I'll gladly help you then. I'm still, terribly, terribly sorry. I promise that won't happen again, and I'm very grateful you're so understanding about this."

Setsuna rolled his eyes at the two and went back to his steak, while the waitress handed Kira a few unused napkins. "There...for your um...." her eyes went downward for a moment - the blush deepened - then immediately went back to his face when she realized what she was staring at, "your lap. So sorry."

"How many times are you going to apologize?" Setsuna asked, slightly bored look on his face. "Really. You made a mistake, then put your hands just where he wanted them. Don't worry about it."

Kira sighed. He should've been expecting that. "Did you finish your food, Setsuna? I think it's time we got going." He kept attempting to wipe his crotch.

"Not yet. I haven't had much time to eat it," Setsuna answered while the girl just stood there, mouth slightly open.

"I.... Umm.... I...." She stared at Kira, lips in a quivering mess between a smile, amusement, interest, and a frown of shame at herself. "You aren't leaving already, are you? I'm terribly sorry if I offended you. I'll get another waitress, or I'll pour another glass of water for you." She didn't add away from their table so she wouldn't be tempted to stare too long at Kira again.

Kira was blushing something fierce. "Well, hurry," he said, trying not to sound impatient. He doubted Setsuna realized the likely consequences of what he'd just said, so he couldn't get too angry. He just told the waitress, "It's fine. Really." and then went back to nibbling at his salad, trying to focus on anything else. He just wanted to leave now. He'd thought it'd been going okay, but... well, couldn't win 'em all. Le sigh. "So," he persisted. "What were you trying to talk to me about earlier?"

Feeling ignored again, she half-glared at Setsuna, then turned and left, not sure what she was supposed to do now. He didn't answer any of her questions, so annoyed, she went looking for take out boxes.

"Kira, make up your mind. Either I need to hurry, or you want to hear about something I've already forgotten about, but I can't do both," Setsuna responded, catching the waitress' narrowed eyes as she walked away.

"And besides," Setsuna started to talk again, piece of steak ready to go in his mouth once he was done, "aren't you going to get her number? Or are you waiting for me to leave the table first before asking?" Forget it...Setsuna's mouth couldn't wait that long. The steak was thrown in, then he pointed out, trying to keep the meat to the side as he spoke, "I think she's getting impatient."

"You can hurry and start talking at the same time," Kira insisted.

At the mention of the waitress, he laughed. "I think she's had it with me, no thanks to you and your hands comment." He shook his head. "I never used to be a klutz. What happened to me, Setchan?"

"Not really," Setsuna muttered back while trying to throw a few lettuce leaves in his mouth. "But I can try."

Setsuna shrugged, but had to wince at the mention of his commentary. "Err...sorry about that. And I don't think it's you - I think it's my mouth."

As though to answer that, the waitress reappeared just then and tossed the take out box in front of Setsuna, along with the check, then walked off without another word.

"Well, that's one way of telling us we're not welcome here.... I suppose. Yeah, looks like you really messed up, Saku-chan," Setsuna said, voice full of mock-playfulness.

"So start trying." Kira sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can't take you anywhere, can I?" Laugh. "I'll write my name and cellphone number on a napkin. If she wants it, she can take it. If not, she can toss it out."

Gently, his foot nudged Setsuna's under the table.

Setsuna spat back, "Well, I can't now. I need to cram everything in here to leave," as he started to shovel his food into the take out box. Then he looked at the napkin and shrugged. If that's how Kira wanted to do it, then fine. But he couldn't stop his lips from moving, yet again. "You do realize doing it that way just makes you look desperate. I wasn't aware your sex life had plummeted that much, senpai. Clearly I am mistaken."

As for the foot nudging, Setsuna blinked - and only after he kicked Kira's foot in return, completely unsure what that was about - did he consider it might have been on accident. "Err...what?" Setsuna finally settled for asking. Did Kira want him to give the napkin to the girl when he paid? What if she thought it was his number instead of Kira's?

"Fine," said Kira, laughing a little.

"You know, you're cute when you're pissed off." Kira was writing already. He intended to simply leave the napkin on the table, hoping she'd know whose it was. "Like flirting with the waitress in the first place doesn't make me look desperate?" he countered. He shook his head a little. "When was the last time you saw me act this silly in front of a girl, Setsuna? Clearly, you're mistaken, yes." But there was a hint of amusement there.

"Nothing. Jesus, I'm glad we're not really doing it. You can't even play footsie right."

"Cute?" came Setsuna's response, in a slightly enraged tone. Cute? Cute? Cute? Did Kira want to pick a fight in the middle of a restaurant? Setsuna failed to feel the heat on his face, but his cheeks darkened in color for a moment. He listened to everything else Kira had to say, then curiously asked, "If I didn't know any better, senpai, I'd say your heart's not into it anymore. But that can't simply be it, can -"

He would have finished but then there was the comment about playing footsie. Kira could not be serious. Not that Setsuna's mind registered this before he stood up and shouted at Kira, practically in his face - but at least in Japanese! - "Okay, yeah, you're just desperate. So desperate you're coming on too strong and failing with girls, and now trying to hit on your best friend." He would have kicked Kira again, but he was standing up in order to lean over and yell like this.

Kira's eyes widened and he sunk down into his chair. Eyes closed, hands in the air, laughing nervously, a big blue sweatdrop dripping down the side of his face. "Wait... Setsuna, I was just playing... please don't be angry... heh heh..." he said, voice shaking with both laughter and apprehension, before he started to scratch the back of his head. "Really, Setsuna, you're blowing this out of proportion! I was kidding, honest! I would never have tried to play footsie with you if I'd known you had no idea how to play footsie right!"

Setsuna took a deep breath as he settled back into his seat. "Okay, good. What a relief. You scared with me the cute comment on top of it." He laughed a bit himself, and had to add, "I still think you're desperate, though."

With that, Setsuna went right back to throwing in food, hoping to get out of there now, since most of the people were staring again. Yeah, not so great day, Setsuna.

"Err...sorry about blowing your chances with the girl, senpai," Setsuna finally said, absently as he closed up the box, then held out the check for the waitress. She saw it, frowned deeply, then went over to take it.

Kira was laughing like a lunatic out of sheer relief that he wouldn't be pulverized any time soon. Who cared who was starting at them? He left his number on the table for the girl to take if she decided she wanted it (he hoped she would), and stood, saying, "Let's go, then."

Granted, when the girl came back, she reached over to where she had noticed Kira leave his number, put the napkin up to eye level, then very quietly tore it down the middle. She put the pieces together and tore it again, then again, and again.

The pieces were then thrown in Kira's face without a word, and she left after quickly giving Setsuna his change.

"Err...yeah. We should really go," Setsuna agreed, puzzled as to what her problem was. "On second thought, Senpai, it's not you that's having the problem. It's these European girls. That's what it is. This bunch of people you're trying to hit on lately? They have issues." Yeah, that had to be it. He was nearly convinced, now. Setsuna grabbed his box and left the table to walk out with Kira.

Kira stood there and took it, then sighed and turned away. He put an arm around Setsuna's shoulders. "Thanks," he said. "You always make me feel better about my virility." It wasn't completely a joke. While Setsuna had little to do with Kira's virility, he was good at making Kira feel better.

Setsuna leaned into Kira, comfortable and secure, "Right... I was just being honest. I think there's something wrong with them. I mean, why did she do that for? She was obviously hitting on you back earlier," Setsuna mused out loud as they walked right out the door.

"'re good-looking, so why turn you down? I don't get it." Hey, if Kira could get away with calling Setsuna cute, he could get away with mentioning Kira wasn't hard on the eyes. Then again, he had called him pretty earlier, but that was while they were joking - this was almost a serious conversation! Almost.

Kira laughed. Normally, being told he was good-looking made him squirm, but Setsuna was saying it now and he knew Setsuna was sincere, because Setsuna was always sincere, so he wasn't bothered. "Maybe because you told her I wanted a handjob?" Kira asked, nudging Setsuna gently in the ribs with an elbow. "Nice going. It's all your fault I can't get any."

"Oh sure, blame me on your inability to charm girls anymore," Setsuna jested in return as they walked down the sidewalk. He nudged Kira in return, either to say it was still Kira's fault some, or just to get back at him for the effort. Kira could interpret it how he wanted.

Then, words carefully still in Japanese, Setsuna's tone finally turned a bit serious. "Senpai, while we're talking about your sex life and stuff, can I ask you some personal questions?"

Kira shrugged and just snuggled against Setsuna. "Okay, sure," he replied, in Japanese, taking his cue from Setsuna.

"Well, just what fetishes are you into? What actually turns you on? What kind of S&M things do you normally do?" Setsuna decided to finally inquire. He had been considering this for a while, but finding the right time to ask Kira had been difficult. Any other time would have felt awkward. ...Actually, it still felt awkward, shown by how Setsuna's nose scrunched a bit after asking.

Kira laughed a little. After the way Setsuna acted with Kaiba, he should've expected this. Calmly, he said, "Are you sure you really want to hear about this? You seemed reluctant before."

There was a quick squirm of obvious discomfort but determined, Setsuna nodded his head, and said, "Yeah, I am. I mean, I might not like the idea of you being hurt, but I need to know. I tried doing an internet search about this stuff to learn more, and I ran into a lot of sick things.... There was too much information. I want something to help me narrow it down with, so I need something specific."

Kira nodded. "It does cover a wide field of behaviors," he said. "Well, for one thing, I'm not into what some people call 'lifestyle D/s,' which means I don't want to be part of a relationship based on twenty-four hour dominance and submission. I want it confined to the bedroom." He was quiet for a little bit. "And anything involving feces or bestiality isn't for me. As far as what roles I take... I guess it depends what I'm after.

"Sometimes all I want is to get smacked silly. As a sub, I'm a lot more comfortable accepting more damage than I'd be willing to dish out as a dom. Also, I only switch with men. With women, I'm always the dominant." Well, that wasn't completely true -- if he was anyone's bitch, he was Alexiel's -- but Setsuna didn't need to know that. "Is that enough information for you?"

"Umm...." Setsuna looked up at Kira, staring for a while. Most of that he could deal with after the first shock of learning Kira was into this sort of thing, but now learning Kira was okay being dominant over girls? That almost stopped his steps. Finally, eyebrows furrowed together, lips close to a line, Setsuna asked, "You hurt girls? You're okay with that? You're supposed to protect them...."

He decided then and there he didn't need to know anymore about that portion of Kira's interests - that didn't have anything to do with Kira possibly being injured, at least.

"But umm...I was wondering, more specifically what types of kinks you did. What do you mean by smacked around?" Setsuna really wanted to narrow this down, and not have to look through the millions of different ways people hurt each other.

Kira smiled fondly and rubbed his nose in Setsuna's hair. "Only if they want to be hurt. Sometimes BDSM sexplay doesn't involve actual pain or violence. It can be as little as tying someone's hands to the bed with a ribbon, sometimes." He sighed and laughed nervously. "Besides, she's got all the power, anyway. The sub decides what happens, how far it goes, what her limits are, what she's comfortable with it and so on. Not that I've had much opportunity for sex with girls lately, anyway."

There was silence from Kira's end for quite some time. How honest could he afford to be? He didn't really want to freak Setsuna out. "Oh, sometimes I want a big strong man to rough me up, that's all. Shove me around a little. Tie me up and... well, do things."

The fact the submissive was in charge was nearly comforting, but everything else left Setsuna's eyebrows still meeting together in slight upset. Yeah - he didn't need to know more about this aspect. Kira sounded as though he knew exactly what he was doing, so what was there to be concerned of?

"Well, okay...if you say so. But I'd rather not hear about any more of that," Setsuna told Kira, snuggling a bit closer. "It helps to know you wouldn't do anything they wouldn't want, though. And that you know what you're doing. This also means as the sub with guys you're in charge, right?" he asked innocently, insisting confirmation for his assumption.

Kira was being specific enough for Setsuna to continue research, but the teen could figure enough out that he should simply trust Kira. Still...there was a strong desire to make certain, to check, to never allow Kira to be harmed. Somehow it never bothered Setsuna when he was the one reaching over to smack Kira, but more because that was usually light, playful, and for completely different purposes. It wasn't about harming him anymore than Kira deserved, or attempting to arouse him.

Kira hesitated and just let Setsuna snuggle him. Sometimes he was in charge.

Sometimes, though, the whole point of going to a skeevy club was to find some random fucko to sexually assault you (or, well, what would constitute sexual assault if you hadn't gone looking for that sort of treatment in the first place) against a grimy wall. And even as the sub, Kira was comfortable asking to take a lot of damage. He liked being hurt. What was more, he was a monster who deserved it. But he couldn't tell Setsuna that.

"Yeah, I'm in charge," Kira promised. It wasn't like he couldn't overpower anyone who did anything he did like, besides. So in a way, he was always in charge.

Of course he couldn't tell the kid, because there was little Setsuna would argue more than Kira being a monster deserving of pain. And of course, Setsuna was completely in the dark of just how far Kira would go, or what else he would do.

He just comfortably relaxed against Kira, feeling assured Kira was in charge of the situation, no matter what.

"Thanks. I think this means I can just stop researching now. I appreciate that." He couldn't begin to say how much, considering how much attempting to learn about these aspects left him squirming in discomfort and wincing.

"But you still promise to tell me if anyone ever goes too far, right?" Setsuna asked, again, light brown eyes peering intently up at Kira, waiting for an answer. And it had to be an affirmative, or Setsuna would force one out of Kira.

"Sure, I promise," Kira lied, giving Setsuna a reassuring half-hug. "No secrets between us."

Yeah right. There were already so many secrets between them they took a lifetime to create, and only one misplaced moment could bring everything crashing down, splintering that fine line between silence, truth and lies into nothing but slivered fragments.

But Setsuna wanted to believe Kira, he wanted to trust this. "Okay, senpai." But he also knew Kira. "Just don't lie to me and actually say we won't have secrets, though. I know better than that."

Then again, maybe Setsuna liked to think he actually knew Kira.

kira, rp, setsuna mudou

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