Star light, star bright -- Ryuuji-Seto RP.

Aug 13, 2006 23:09

((Warnings for lack of dialogue. Really. Only five words are spoken during this entire RP. Basically just brotherly bonding, Seto and Ryuuji stargazing from the top of their spaceship in perfect silence.))

It was late night. Really late night. Past midnight, probably.

Ryuuji was only vaguely aware of the time, though, lying on top of the spaceship and listening to the beautiful, wild song of starshine. It was a cool night for a change, so he'd dressed in his usual black leather trousers, but paired it with a black leather jacket, detailed in red.

Warm and content, one leg bent at the knee and the other stretched out in front of him, the gamer was having one of his rare, quiet, pensive moments, allowing himself to tone down the usual energy and excitement he displayed during the day. It was partly because summer always tired him out what with all the world-jumping and Black Crown business, and also because this had been a pretty hectic summer for a number of reasons.

Summer was ending, though. The heat was dying, school would soon be starting, and Ryuuji was taking these night-hours to just enjoy the quiet serenity of the star-lit sky and the songs that blazed in his ears like the music of a thousand dying swans.

And inside the spaceship, the song filling Seto's ears was much different - the white noise hum of machinary, trudging along. It was accompanied by the sound of clicking keys - quick, constant high-pitched drum beats, complimenting the over all orchestration.

Despite that, summer too was ending all around Seto, and his mind was hardly on the piece that flew under his finger tips. It drifted out somewhere to Tokyo, and the person he knew he should not attempt to stalk down. Maybe Kira had his reason for not telling Seto anything... Maybe, or maybe it was just the carelessness of Kira's personality, and he honestly didn't think to tell Seto he was taking off like that.

Soon that was expelled from Seto's thoughts as his eyes pulled away from the screen and rolled up. Ryuuji was there.... He had been for a while, and Seto had no idea what Ryuuji found so interesting up there.

He pulled away from the spaceship's console and his laptop, and in an unusual move, he too found his way to the top of the spaceship and stood there for a moment, blue eyes focusing on Ryuuji.

Seto himself was dressed in casual businesswear, button up shirt, long sleeved - no matter the weather - and slacks. It felt a little stuffy at first after coming out of the spaceship's air-conditioned environment, but Seto's body soon adapted. Head-tilted, he just observed Ryuuji, wondering if Ryuuji would notice him, or if he would have to speak up.

Of course Ryuuji was aware of Seto's presence. Assassin-trained, it would take much more than a fit of melancholy to have Ryuuji drop his defenses.


It was Seto. Brother. Friend. Not a threat. And the stars were singing, and the night was quiet apart from that, no noise disturbing his reverie, and Ryuuji didn't really want to look away from the velvet-dark sky, speckled with dream-white dabs of stars. They sparkled in and out of his sight, and the intensity of his green eyes was lacking, the lustre that overlaid them not dimmed but hazy.

His mind was inwards-turned, and the sharpness of his pupils wasn't needed, the usually-tiny black dots expanding to a normal size. Fixed on the sky, Ryuuji stayed flat on his back, looking up as if answers would rain down on him in a shower of shooting stars, each bearing the promise of a wish fulfiled.

Seto was about to say his name, the fragile soft word on his lips - and not the nickname Narcissus either, but the proper full word of Ryuuji, in a soft whisper, like something intimate you would breathe in a lover's ear, but he couldn't miss that Ryuuji was off in his world. Ryuuji's computer screen was the very sky itself, so Seto, out of respect, stopped.

His eyes followed Ryuuji's gaze and turned upward. For the second time since going to Hogwarts, Seto found himself fully take in the millions of pin-prick sized lights glittering the night.

With his own pupils expanded, Seto decided now he would speak. "Care if I join you?" He was careful not to speak Ryuuji's name - omitting it from his vocabulary momentarily.

Ryuuji shook his head, a slight movement from left to right. His normal headband was missing, hair loose underneath him and combed away from his face. It was an odd look for him, surprisingly clean and unguarded. It gave him the impression of... well, not quite vulnerability, his expression too remote for that, but of being exposed somehow.

Like he was wrapped in his thoughts, and only in them, and they were all the protection he needed so he could take his normal shields and walls down. No easy laughter, no ready quips. Just a quiet, thoughtful, beautiful broken boy, lying on a spaceship and looking at the stars.

Looking at the stars, listening to their songs, and not consciously aware of anything else.

Seto was unaware of their music, and simply took Ryuuji's head-shake to mean he was free to lay there. Slowly, he took a seat on the metal, then lay back. With his head supported by his hands, locking under thick chestnut stands, Seto's blue eyes took in the sky again, letting it fill his mind.

Or so he tried. Seto was still incapable of clearing his mind and letting it focus on only one thing. He soon found the questions, Where you there when it began? Did you see the stars form and be born? Did you have wings? Why are you called the Dragon anyway? Does Heaven's host have something against Dragons? Somehow...that wouldn't surprise me.

Relaxed as he was, Seto's lips stayed in a firm, small line, and he didn't seem to acknowledge Ryuuji beyond his initial question about joining.

That was fine with Ryuuji. His headshake had meant that yes, he didn't mind if Seto joined him, but that was about it. In stark contrast to his usual attitude, he didn't try making conversation or focus his attention on Seto, normal hyperness lacking completely but the quiet of the night making its absence not too conspicuous.

He had questions too, in his mind. But most of all, he had music, the quiet, multitonal song of the stars, notes so high and clear and pure that it ached oddly to hear them, running clear through his bones and sweeter than the heavy, steady beat of his heart.

Seto breathed it in - the abnormal, precious silence just as precious as Ryuuji's voice. Why couldn't the brothers have more moments like this? Or more moments where Seto didn't feel it necessary to scowl and keep his own defenses up.

They were there now, though - his defenses. They kept that wall between the two as Seto relished in the quiet, eyes on the stares, ears closed, and mind somewhere else entirely.

Ryuuji had one arm bent under his head, pillowing his head on the curve of the bicep, and his other arm was stretched over his stomach, fingers loosely curled over where his hipbone would be, hidden by the t-shirt and jacket he had layered over his skin for warmth. Ryuuji hated being cold.

And normally, he hated silence, filling it up with jokes and laughter and light-hearted teasing. For him, silence normally meant that he was doing something wrong, that the other person wasn't entertained.

This was different. No pressure to be amusing or even beautiful. This was him and the stars and if anyone was watching, that was their problem. Ryuuji wasn't going to put on a show for them, not now.

This was him time, late in the night and out in the open, covered with shadows and courted by introspection while the music of the stars flowed through his blood and made him lie still, loose-limbed and lovely in his rare indifference to everything and anything around him.

Except, Seto never needed a show. Ryuuji never needed to try, and he already had Seto's undivided attention. Not that Seto would ever admit it, now. He tried his best to make sure Ryuuji was aware how much Seto failed to notice him.

And it didn't matter if this moment was silent or not - Ryuuji was there, and Seto was there, and the stars were starting to fill Seto's mind. Questions of if those distant stars warmed other worlds filled his mind, but his lips never formed them.

Never even began.

Brown bangs were ruffled by a light breeze, then blown out of his sight's path.

The stars reflected within the black of Ryuuji's pupils, infinity caught and caged inside perfect dark circles. Circle of Life, Pyrhic victory, vicious circle.

The slow rise-and-fall of his chest was obscured by the jacket he wore, breathing steady and slower than usual. But then again, why shouldn't it be? He wasn't talking, wasn't moving, wasn't laughing or performing pretty pieces of magic.

He was just lying there, statue-still and jewel-lovely, lost in the music that the stars sang as sweetly as a lullaby (or a love song or a war cry, Ryuuji never knew what it should be compared to, he just knew he loved well to listen to them).

So still and silent, Ryuuji could have been a corpse - the most beautiful in existence, or something like a twisted version of Sleeping Beauty.

Seto, on the other hand, was his usually quiet self, body robot rigid and still - nothing out of the ordinary. What was strange was that he was under the stars, laying next to a lovely corpse. A corpse and machine both broken and still in pieces, wires and veins strewn over the floor, bone and metal infused in cracked fragments.

Seto was tense, rigid as usual.

Ryuuji wasn't.

Ryuuji lay in a relaxed, careless sprawl, one knee bent, the other extended, one hand over his stomach and another under his head. His lips were closed, but loosely, like he could speak any moment and the look on his face was one of utter abstraction. It suited him, oddly enough, purifying the green of his eyes and the starlight softening the warm gold of his skin into something less about worth and value and more about sunshine-kisses.

His gaze was pensive, and the black streak of eyeliner under his left eye (he would never, ever be seen without it) was the only reminder of who he was at other times. Everything else -- his pose, his expression, his silence -- made him seem as much like Ryuuji as David Brown had been.

Except he was still Ryuuji.

He was just a Ryuuji caught up in the star-music that only played during the night and could only be heard if you didn't fight for it. You had to lie back, relax and clear your mind.

And then the music would come to you.

But even with laying back, relaxed - for him - the music evaded Seto, and he wasn't even aware of it. His mind was incapable of letting it in so easily, fighting against it, as opposed to fighting for it.

And Ryuuji's quiet eventually became unnerving. Seto was accustomed to Ryuuji being silent when relaxed, but never for long periods of time. More often than not he would start conversing about his day, or ask Seto how he was.

This type of lengthy silence was normally a sign of pain, or distress, as Ryuuji would inwardly deal with it. While Seto could respect that - he did it himself - it didn't cease the worry beginning to build.

But still...he didn't say anything else. Instead, Seto rolled onto his side, then slightly lifted, one arm going over Ryuuji, chest lightly pressed against Ryuuji's side, eyes aiming to get right in front of the stars Ryuuji was fixiated on. He had to break that concentration to obtain Ryuuji's attention, Seto knew, and only then could a question be asked.

But once blue crossed over green, staring intently, Seto's stopped and the worried question slipped back down his tongue.

The instant their gazes met, the music flowed right through Ryuuji's mind and into Seto's. Ryuuji didn't need to be looking at the stars to hear them. Even with his eyes closed, their music would have played in his head, sweet and clear as a drink of water on a hot day, pure as the first snowflake of winter.

His mind was open, wide open in a way that the Occlumency-trained and Sennen Item wielding boy rarely allowed it to be. But you couldn't hear the stars with a closed mind; you couldn't hear their music if you weren't able to just listen.

So he'd let all his shields slip down as he breathed, one at a time, and the music had sounded soon enough, quiet at first but growing stronger with each beat of his heart.

And then Seto had rolled over and covered him, and Ryuuji would have normally hated to have anyone over him like that but...

Stars. Music. Song Seto.

He wanted to share this; Seto needed to hear the stars sing.

So Ryuuji didn't cut himself off from Seto (he couldn't without shutting himself away from the stars and Seto was his brother and brothers shared) but instead, let Seto stay poised over him.

Green, the bright fearless green of emeralds but alive in a way that no gem was, and blue like sapphires born from the heart of a fire. Both colors intense, and the glitter-sparkle in Ryuuji's eyes slowly started to dawn in Seto's, carried by the music that soared through Ryuuji's mind.

Ryuuji's mind was empty except for the music so that the music would stay pure, uncontaminated by human thoughts, and his eyes glittered like a thousand little lights glowed behind the bright green of the iris.

A star was only a sun that was far, far away.

A star had a warmth all of its own, and thought it was too far away for the warmth to be felt, that did not make it any the less beautiful.

Seto was hardly the type to enjoy his position over Ryuuji, and he would have calmly pulled away once the question was drowned out by the music, but he stayed there anyway.

Intense sapphire was caught on white-speckled green, bright exchanging with bright, taking in the sparkling notes flickering through Seto's mind now. They were smooth and flowed like a small river slipping through the earth, sometimes fast, sometimes stopping to barely trickle by. The song could have been anything and everything, ever changing, but still the same tune - an endless melody.

Remaining there, lips slightly parted and foretting their insistence to be firm and unyielding, Seto's eyes stayed locked with Ryuuji's, drinking in the music of the stars.

And finally...his mind was quiet. In that moment, no one else in universe existed, even if their name was so short and simple as a four letter word. Kira.

Star music, star song -- it didn't matter what you called it. The stunning purity of the flawness notes owed nothing to any label that could be slapped on it, coming straight from the stars to Ryuuji's mind, then Seto's.

The stars were no longer reflected in Ryuuji's eyes, but the bright specks of white didn't disappear, little glowing points that came along with the music. Seto blocked out the sight of the stars, but nothing could block the music from an open mind.

And Seto was letting Ryuuji share this with him; Seto was enjoying it.

The song of the stars swept over him, through him, and the softness of Seto's lips made it seem like he'd been frozen the moment before he started to smile.

Seto rarely smiled.

But Ryuuji -- Ryuuji was lost in the music, yet aware of having taken Seto along with him.

So Ryuuji smiled, eyes star-speckled and the curve of his lips unbearably, sweetly distant.

ryuuji otogi, seto kaiba, rp

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