Kira and Setsuna - Completed RP

Aug 12, 2006 21:27

[[OOC: Things with Kira and Setsuna are still suggestive and full of innuendos, along with play flirting and what have you. That's just how they are.... They're teenage males, so they're going to talk about sex, and think about sex, and they cuss and have a million bad habits I would insist no one else try at home.]]

After exchanging all of the owls with Ryuuji, confident he had enough places to try out, and proper directions, Setsuna finally returned to the room he now shared with Kira, face aglow as he entered the room. No way could Kira's dark mood possibly persist now - Setsuna would see to that personally.

And...he would be doing for Kira what Kira always did for him. Setsuna breathed in deeply, and relaxed a little, slipped into the chair closest to the door and sat there, legs spread out, arms resting along the back of the chair as he grinned.

"Senpai, I hope you don't have plans for tonight. Do you?" he asked, voice confident and gleeful at the same time.

Straight-faced and flat-voiced, Kira said, "I was thinking I'd iron my underwear and then re-alphabetize my lint collection, actually..." Kira was sprawled out on his stomach on the floor, a book on physics in front of him.

Still with that beaming grin, Setsuna slipped forward, elbows on his knees, hands hanging - still completely relaxed - he leaned forward some, to be a bit closer to the floor as he pointed out, "You sound bored. I think a change of plans is in order!"

The smile wouldn't leave; it was stuck there. "I have no idea how we're going to do it, but we're going to London, and we're going to every night club I found out about, and then some. We'll even look around and find a place for ourselves. Something like that. Got it?" He wasn't giving Kira a choice; after all, Kira never gave him one when it was Setsuna feeling down. Honestly, it was for Kira's own good, and any arguing would cause that smile to crack.

Kira looked up from his book, eyes blank and face impassive. Setsuna wasn't usually this insistent. Kira tried hard not to smile. He thought he might know what was going on, and it was really rather sweet. "Not tonight," Kira said, more because he liked to argue than because he didn't want to go.

The smile was quickly replaced, gone with a look of angered exasperation in its place as Setsuna asked, "Why the hell not? You like going out. And we're going. I say so."

Kira needed this! He couldn't just say no. What was he trying to do? Was he trying to say he actually enjoyed being inside all of the time and didn't want to go out to London? No way. Setsuna wouldn't believe that.

Kira laughed at the outburst. "Okay, okay," he relented, pushing himself off the floor. "I'll go, I'll go." He looked amused now. "Where'd you learn about nightclubs, anyway?"

"Just asking around," Setsuna answered casually as he leaned back again. Blond bangs flickered across his eyes, so he blew them out of the way. "But you know how to get to London? And do you have anything leather?"

As for money...? Setsuna knew how to get a hold of plenty, and decided, why not? He'd risk it, take just a little to get them through a night.

Leather? Kira looked at Setsuna suspiciously. "Yeah, I do, to your first question," he said. "And... my jacket. But why?" he asked for the second. His brow furrowed just a little.

The suspicious look and brow change didn't get unnoticed, leaving Setsuna unsure if (or how) he should explain this. "Well, a jacket probably isn't enough. It's just, in order to get into one of the clubs, you need to be wearing leather. It has a dress code. The person who told me about it says you can wear a little, though. Whatever that means" Setsuna really had no idea, but decided to offer the suggestion anyway. And he kept going....

"Either way, I need something leather too, and had nothing on me when I came, so I figured I could borrow something from you? Could I?"

Kira blinked. Suspicion was replaced by outright confusion. He'd been to some of the London clubs before, and while they liked you to look hip, requiring leather was new. "...Setsuna? What club is this, anyway? I've never been anywhere that required leather." He scratched his eyes. "I guess I could lend you a collar or something if you wanted. But," he pressed, "why?"

"Aww...." Setsuna frowned a bit. "I can't tell you, because it's a surprise, and if I tell you, that'll ruin it," he settled for telling Kira. It wouldn't be any fun if Kira knew ahead of time. Would it? Or would it be wiser to admit it now?

Kira wasn't sure if he liked the sound of that. A surprise? Well, that was sweet. ...Or scary. It was impossible to say which. "Setsuna," Kira said warningly.

Sweetly, Setsuna asked in return, "Yes?" with complete mock-innocence, as though he had no idea what Kira wanted to know beyond that. A gentle smile was added to it, along with slightly closed eyes, so the over all look was almost pleased. "What, Kira?"

Kira muttered, "I'll go get the collar."

Hands behind his head, Setsuna took this moment to stretch out, back arching, head tilted back, eyes closed, and mouth slightly upturned as he considered to himself, That was almost a little too easy. Weird. You think senpai would have tried to pull rank or something. But he's always like that.... But's Kira. He's not the type to let anyone walk all over him. He wouldn't. And Setsuna didn't want to, either.

Arms now raised, tightly jean clad legs raised on tip toes, and all the while Setsuna stayed in the chair, enjoying the the cat-like stretch. It was almost like he had forgotten Kira was even there. Well, he was somewhere - getting that collar he mentioned.

Wait.... Something tickled the back of Setsuna's mind, but he decided to worry about it later and just enjoy the stretch now.

Kira flushed, murmuring something incomprehensible to himself, as he grabbed his jacket out of the closet and shoved it on. "Well. You ready?"

Finally coming out of the stretch, eyes half-lidded, Setsuna's body went back to relaxed as he said, "Right.... Senpai...about the club? Forget it. I just remembered we have to be wearing a lot of leather, or a little and nothing but that.... And well, I'm not walking in there only in a collar. So...we can try that another time. Don't worry about it for now." Setsuna pulled away from the chair and joined Kira by the closet.

"I'm not really dressed for this yet, am I?" Setsuna asked as he looked over his current clothing - faded ice-blue jeans, and a simple black, loose shirt.

And there was something else, wasn't there? "Oh yeah! And about the dinner plans with the Mazaki girl. I forgot to owl her." An easy grin followed as Setsuna covered that with, "But, I can just owl her later in the week. You have any free nights for that?"

"....Setsuna, what the hell club were you going to take me to?" Kira asked, sounding both amused and highly alarmed. "I'm not sure I want to try it any time." He turned to face what he thought was a chair and saw Setsuna more close to him that he'd previously realized.

"Dressed for what?" Kira asked. He shrugged. "You look fine to me."

"Yeah. Sure. Just let me know."

"Well...." Setsuna considered this for a moment, then decided he might as well just tell Kira. "I didn't think you'd object too much. It's just a BDSM club I heard about." Still with that easy going grin, Setsuna's voice carefully added, "And since you're into that sort of thing, I thought it wouldn't hurt to take you there so you could look around and see if you liked it."

After Kira commented on his apparel, Setsuna took another look, then shrugged. "Well, I'm good-looking, so I'm sure I look decent all the time, but I.... Oh never mind. I can't be picky when I don't have any clothes but the ones I showed up in, and the couple of pairs I had in my bag." Maybe he should fix that? But how? Well, he could worry about that later. Not now. He was supposed to be taking Kira out now so the two could have a wonderful time.

"Okay... How's Thursday night for you?"

"........." Kira's whole face turned pink and he was momentarily speechless. A BDSM club?! With Setsuna in tow?! Oh nononononononononono. Bad idea. Bad. Who'd been telling Setsuna about BDSM clubs, anyway?! "Setsuna, who the hell told you about a club like that?" Calm, calm, stay calm. Kira was always calm. Always controlled. Never losing his temper. Never blushing like a schoolgirl. Never.

Kira snorted when Setsuna felt it necessary to mention that he was good-looking. "And modest, to boot!" he said sarcastically. "You can always borrow my clothes, but they might be a bit... big... for you, in more ways than one." He smirked and looked suggestively at Setsuna's crotch, hoping his double-entendre was obvious.

"Thursday's fine." Kira's smirk became a real smile.

Setsuna watched Kira's reaction, and, as he had thought, Kira was not taking it too well. How odd, though. "I thought you liked that sort of thing, senpai?" Setsuna asked, cautiously as he decided there was no way he was going to admit where he was getting club suggestions from.

"And...I have no idea, actually. See," there was a certain tone in his voice now - the story telling tone. Setsuna was always so honest about what he said, unless he was joking or making up stories with Kira.... "I didn't know where to go, or who to ask for ideas, so I sent out some anonymous owls, and got some anonymous answers back. idea who it was. Sorry." His eyes shifted to looking at Kira's chin, and followed when Kira's eyes went downward. Bastard. "That's only because you're always turned on, though, you pervert." There was a sudden twist of Setsuna's lips, into a warning smirk as he mused out loud, "Then again, it's probably as simple as I'm just not as fat as you."

He knew that was complete nonsense - there couldn't possibly be an ounce of fat on Kira - but he didn't care. If Kira was going to throw around statements like that, he could just deal with them being thrown back at him.

"Good. I'll keep it in mind for when we get back and I can owl her." With Thursday set on the calendar mentally, Setsuna decided to shrug the clothes issue off and opened the door to walk out, but he stood there, beaming as he held it open and offered, "Ladies first?" Oh yes...Setsuna wasn't going to let go of the crotch crack for a while.

If there was any way to verbalize "!!!," Kira would have done so when Setsuna asked if he liked that stuff. Instead he just turned a darker pink. "You don't, though," he said with a little cough.

Kira's eyes went wide when Setsuna mentioned always being turned on, but he seemed to visibly relax when Setsuna turned it into a fat joke. "Please. It's all muscle. You're just a scrawny son of a bitch, that's all." Kira laughed.

If Setsuna wanted to play that game, Kira could play too. Crossing his arms over his chest, he said, "What, not going to carry me like a proper gentleman?" he teased.

"You turn interesting colors sometimes, senpai," Setsuna commented offhandedly, then explained, "Yeah, I'm not into it. But I wanted to make sure you're playing things safe, so I thought about looking into this stuff. I just want to make sure no one hurts you. Well, more than you want. I guess I could always ask about more BDSM clubs specifically." Setsuna considered this, then sending out real anonymous owls for that, and possibly putting up posters - this inward consideration was displayed by Setsuna obviously staring at a wall, head slightly tilted.

But...Kira's scrawny comment snapped him out of it. Dark, narrowed eyes turned Kira's way, and to respond to both the remark and Kira's request to be carried, Setsuna retorted, "What? And get squashed under your fat ass? I think not."

"Trust me, I'll never be hurt more than I want." Anyone who tried would be mincemeat, and Kira wanted a lot of pain, anyway. He doubted if anyone could hurt him enough, really. "That's sweet of you, though." He knew he couldn't acknowledge the interest colors comment without turning magenta, so he ignored it.

Kira pouted and pretending to sniffle. "You... you brute. You should never make fun of a girl's weight."

That was no comfort to Setsuna, who disliked the entire thing from the beginning. But if Kira wanted it.... Well, then that was Kira's choice. Still.... "I'd prefer at least knowing what's going on with you, and making sure you're being taken care of," Setsuna insisted.

"Well, I want to oversee as much as I can without having to be the one hurting you."

Seeing as they weren't getting out the door with this conversation, Setsuna got behind Kira and aimed to put
his hands on Kira's back to push him out the door. For effect, he said, "I can't help saying something when the girl is a cow." And that was actually true. He could never stop his mouth from dropping open and musing out loud.

Kira laughed. "Sweet or creepy, then. One of the two."

"Whoa!" Kira said, surprised when Setsuna tried to push him out the door. So much for his stalling tactics. He grabbed a hold of the doorframe, trying to keep himself from being pushed too much.

Completely unaware of any stalling tactics, Setsuna found himself pressed up against Kira, unrepentantly. This elicited a slightly annoyed, "Hey!" from Setsuna as he slightly backed away, hands still firmly on Kira's back.

"Senpai, what are you doing?" He'd return to the subject of worrying over Kira's BDSM habits later. Once they were out the door, at least.

"I'm standing in the doorway with my hands pressed to either side of the doorframe," Kira explained sweetly. He tried to dig his fingers into the wood without much success, looking over at Setsuna with an almost coy little smile. "At least, that's the way it looks to me, anyway."

"That's not what I meant, smart ass," Setsuna shot back as he removed his hands and settled for flat out slamming his shoulder against Kira's back. Was Kira trying to prevent them from going out for his own good? Since when did Kira pass up a chance to go out anyway? He was always the one dragging Setsuna off.

"Hey!" Kira protested when Setsuna rammed into his back, trying not to let his fingers slip. As much as he loved going out, he was hesitant to go right now, partly because he just wasn't in the mood and partly because if some anonymous perv was sending Setsuna to sex clubs, who knew where else they might end up?!

"Hey what?" Setsuna asked as he tried the same tactic, but didn't dare add more force. He didn't want to hurt Kira in the process of trying to help him. That sounded utterly unproductive.

Kira immediately let go of the doorframe. "What?" he asked curiously, not having heard Setsuna right, before stumbling out the door. Kira sighed a little. Might as well let Setsuna try to help, then. They could always run away from any pervy clubs.

Following the stumble, Setsuna straightened up some, then asked, "I was asking you what first," while half-glaring at Kira. "And what's the big idea? You don't want to go out now? Why didn't you just say something earlier when I asked? I never said we have to go." After all, Kira seemed more himself lately, so there was no desperate need right that second.

With a slight tilt of his head Setsuna added, "Just if you have another of those dark periods, and I try to drag your ass off, and you resist, you're getting your ass kicked - hard." After was what Kira would have done for Setsuna, most likely. In the least, Setsuna was pretty sure Kira wouldn't put up with Setsuna languishing about how he was pathetic.

Kira didn't say anything except, "Yeah, whatever," and then rested his head on Setsuna's shoulder.

"Just as long as we don't go to anywhere perverted, this could be fun." He knew, given his mixed feelings for Setsuna, that resting his head on Setsuna's shoulder was probably a bad idea, but Setsuna was warm and there and it made Kira feel both safe and oddly protective to be so close. "I'm just scared of winding up at another S&M joint with you by my side."

"Huh? But the other places are normal. I don't see a reason to worry about it," Setsuna insisted. "And the place is actually upscale, and safe. I don't see a problem in at least checking it out. Obviously now is a bad idea."

If he had known it would get to Kira this much, he wouldn't have suggested it in the first place. And, in an odd way, Setsuna was relieved he was finding out how Kira would take it now, instead of after walking into one.

"I guess...I could always go check this one out without you." It would feel awkward to be there without the reason, but Setsuna still wanted to do this. Whichever way.

Then there was Kira's head on his shoulder.... Setsuna looked over and fondly smiled at Kira, before putting one arm around Kira. "If you're tired or something, really...we could stay in tonight. I don't mind. I just thought it would do you some good to get out. It's not going to be any good for you if you don't feel up to it, though."

Kira made a mental note to avoid the place. Upscale? Safe? Probably not his bag, then. He knew he'd be out of place there and probably wouldn't get what he was really after, anyway. "It's still a sex club. How embarrassing to go somewhere like that with you..." Kira sighed and made snuggling motions as they walked.

Check it out without him?! Kira's eyes opened wide. "NO," he said firmly. "You are NOT going anywhere disgusting without me!" Going with Setsuna would be embarrassing, but Setsuna going alone, to a place he didn't like full of horny people? That was considerably worse.

Kira smiled again when Setsuna put an arm around him. "Let's go," he said decisively. Yes, he really should let Setsuna do something nice for him.

"You know..." Setsuna's eyes narrowed some, "you can't just tell me where to and not to go. I'll go if want to." But it wasn't like he really wanted to. Setsuna was starting to feel a little unnerved by Kira's reactions, though. Why was he being so...what was it anyway? Oddly protective? Was that it?

"I mean...first you say it's embarrassing to go with me, but then you won't even let me look at places without you? I'd like it if I could at least follow this logic," Setsuna complained, then noticed the snuggling. It just made him more determined to look after Kira and not let anything else bad happen to him. Whatever happened while I was gone.... He says nothing, but I seriously doubt it. And a lot can happen in six months. Maybe senpai's just embarrassed because most people don't consider whatever it is a huge deal, so he feels he can't tell me, but it's really bothering him?

At least they were now out the door and headed in the right direction, though Setsuna was starting to have misgivings about it. Ryuuji's tastes, after all, weren't like theirs. Then again.... If we dislike it, we can just turn around, leave, and wander around in the general area.

"Fine," Kira said, a little reluctantly. "But I don't want people hitting on you or something, which is bound to happen if you go alone. I'd rather be embarrassed than have some weirdo hitting on my best friend." Kira chuckled. "Logical enough for you? And if we hate these places, let's start a fight. I like fights."

"Hitting on me...!" Setsuna immediately saw a few things odd about the concept, but the biggest matter remained, "You know, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself. I don't need some sort of guard just because I'm attractive!" Besides, didn't Kira get hit on plenty himself? It's not like it was life-threatening.

"Sure...or we could just go somewhere else." We're going to end up banned from at least one of these places Ryuuji recommended. Aren't we? Setsuna thought to himself, eyes watching Kira for a moment. He still couldn't believe Kira was making so much fuss over Setsuna possibly being hit on. They were going to clubs. Setsuna was going to get hit on at least once or twice before the night was over. Then what?

"You are. But I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Kira snorted when Setsuna mentioned his own attractiveness. It was true, of course, but it was still amusing to hear him actually say it.

"We could fight and then go somewhere else." What a compromise!

"Sure," Setsuna agreed, while wondering if them being banned from any of Ryuuji's regular spots would ruin any of Ryuuji's future plans. Hopefully not.... But Setsuna didn't know him well enough..

"Whatever you like, Kira." Oh well, as long as Kira had fun, that was the main point of tonight's excursion. With that, Setsuna tilted his head in the direction down the hall, indicating they should get going.

When they finally arrived in London, Kira was pretty sure what he had to do. He'd spent the whole time traveling there plotting how to distract Setsuna from the clubs -- clubs with people who might hit on him! Against Setsuna's will! Against Kira's will! The sheer horror! Really, helping Setsuna get a girl was one thing. Taking Setsuna somewhere to be hit on by a bunch of strange men? A whole other thing, for sure.

And now he thought he had the perfect way to get out of it. He gently tugged at Setsuna's sleeve. "Hey!"

Not thinking about any of this stuff - because Setsuna had no reason not to trust Ryuuji yet, and he didn't seem like the type to send his friends to bad places - Setsuna was highly distracted with just walking around London and looking around him. He hadn't even considered taking out the map to start looking for the first place. He was wide-eyed and looking for the heck of it when he felt Kira tug on his sleeve.

"Eh?" Setsuna asked turning in Kira's direction. "What has you pulling on me like you're a five year-old?"

Kira, of course, didn't put it past some anonymous pervert to send them to all kinds of sicko places. WHAT IF RAPHAEL--?! But Setsuna seemed distracted now anyway, so there wasn't much issue.

"Ice cream!" said Kira cheerfully, pointing to an old-fashioned ice cream shop. He remembered, with a touch of nostalgia and a hint of pain, that his father had always tried to take him places like that as a child and Kira always made it difficult.

"What do you say we get ice cream?"

If Setsuna had thought Kira was going to think he was getting advice from perverts - and probably later forbid Setsuna send anything else off - he might have thought up a better lie, but for now, his mind was on ice cream.

Everything switched to ice cream, for the sole reason Kira seemed so intent on getting some. And when he was tugging on sleeves like that.... The simple phrasing.... It was something. There was something that made Setsuna unable to turn away, or even think of night clubs. It was ice cream, and Kira seemed to really want it. He was so happy.

"Sure! Ice cream sounds great," Setsuna easily gave in. Hey, they were already out, and ice cream was a happy thing! There was no harm if they got ice cream instead.

"Just go in and let me do something real quick?" Setsuna asked.

"Okay," said Kira reluctantly. He frowned and rubbed his neck. "Just what do you want to do, anyway?" He didn't want to smother Setsuna, but he couldn't help being worried.

As Setsuna had already lied once to Kira that evening, his mind went completely blank. His mouth was always ahead of him and saying everything for him, it seemed.

But Kira didn't seem keen on the idea before, so Setsuna wasn't willing to just say what was on his mind. "Err.... What do you think I am? Ten? I can handle myself, Kira. Just go ahead and go on in, and I'll follow."

There. That was honest. And Kira wasn't likely to push for an answer. Hopefully.

Kira looked suspicious. He could tell Setsuna was trying to evade the question.

"Where are you going?" he pressed.

"Irk?" Uh-oh.... Kira didn't press very often, but when he did, it usually meant he intended to be stubborn about the matter. And he had ways of making Setsuna stop, even without force.

It was just something about Kira....

"I'm not going anywhere," Setsuna muttered through his teeth. It wasn't that far, really. His eyes looked right at the ATM machine, just across the street. "I just wanted to do something right quick. And again - I'm not ten, Kira. Let it go. You know I'm going to do it no matter what."

Setsuna's eyes set into a warning glare. He looked up to Kira, he didn't want to disappoint Kira, but he also wanted to pay for the evening, and didn't think getting money from his father's account was that big of a deal. Yes, he could be tracked like that, but with all hope they would be out of London whenever that started.

Kira saw Setsuna look at the ATM machine. "I can pay," he insisted, suddenly paranoid. Oh shit, they were going to track Setsuna!! They were going to find him! He couldn't let that happen! "I can get money from my dad's account, probably. Let me pay?"

"Gah! Kira!" Setsuna half-whined. "I'm supposed to be treating you tonight. This...this was all my idea. I should be the one paying. It's usually you that pays."'s not like he was going to take money and right that second they would figure out where Setsuna was. And it was perfectly fine to take money from his dad's account. He was supposed to do that. At least his father had been okay with it before....

"I want to pay. It'll make me feel a lot less useless if you let me pay..." Kira said, biting his lip. He wasn't sure how quickly Setsuna could be traced, BUT STILL. Kira took Setsuna's hand in his and looked pleadingly at the younger boy.

Oh. Damn. Setsuna could tell he was being emotionally manipulated - that was so emotional manipulation - and his other hand was ready to lift and whack Kira for that, and....

It never went anywhere as Setsuna sighed, slumped a little and said, "Fine. You pay tonight. But I swear, first thing we're doing when I have money is go out, so I can treat you."

"Okay," Kira agreed. He didn't like manipulating Setsuna -- it made him feel dirty and rather guilty -- but it was better than letting Setsuna get tracked or kidnapped or something. Besides, that line about feeling less useless if he was allowed to pay? Wasn't entirely false. It did give him a certain sense of pride and duty, paying for Setsuna's meals.

He trotted towards the ATM, hoping he still remembered his father's account number.

"Okay...senpai," Setsuna said plainly. Like he had a case for arguing? At least, if nothing else, Kira seemed more himself, and Setsuna could easily feel comfortable turning and walking into the ice cream parlor.

What was he going to even get? Setsuna looked at the menu over head and decided on something with cherries. Definitely. Like a sundae, with extra cherries.

Kira watched Setsuna order and for himself, just got a plain vanilla sugar cone, shaking his head and smiling a little as his friend's appetite. "Extra cherries?" he said quizzically.

Setsuna shrugged to that as he was handed his sundae, topped with several of the stemmed red fruit. "I like them, okay? Something wrong with that?" Setsuna asked with a testy tone, just in case Kira thought it something to tease.

Eager, Setsuna already started to spoon up some of the strawberry sauce covered vanilla as he saw a booth in a corner - near he window - and took a seat in it, waiting for Kira to follow. Setsuna's tongue happily licked away the ice cream from metal, then let it melt in his mouth, savoring the mixture of flavors, before starting the process over again.

Kira said, completely straight-faced as he joined Setsuna, "So, can I pop your cherry?" He arched an eyebrow suggestively.

A normal person would've realized how completely cheesy that joke was, but Kira seemed completely enamored with his own cheese.

And Setsuna usually found Kira's humor, and liked to play along. He was feeling especially good with sugar running through his veins now.

"Of course," Setsuna jested in return, "I wouldn't let just anybody do that, though." He had a slight smile on his lips as he grabbed one of the cherries, firmly by the stem, and held it out - at mouth level - for Kira to take. It was silly, and he knew it was, but hey...if Kira was having fun, why not just enjoy it?

Obediently, Kira took the cherry from Setsuna's hand with his mouth, and when he swallowed, only the stem remained behind. Kira leaned back in his chair, tying it in a perfect knot then spitting it out before licking his own ice cream cone.

Setsuna stared at the knot wide-eyed.

How? When? Kira was showing off, was he? Fine. Setsuna would do that too. Ha! Not that he ever had managed it before.... Maybe today would be the day?

Setsuna picked up a large, ripe, bright red cherry and unconsciously put it to his lips, slowly. Deciding he wanted to enjoy the fruit first, he pulled it right off the stem, making a slight pop sound as he sucked it in, then continued to drain the sweet juice out of it, before chewing it.

Then when it was gone, he looked at the stem, determinedly. It soon followed into his mouth, but the rest of the act was hardly so elegant. His tongue tried to grip around the thin, wiry thing to no avail. It seemed to wrap in a circle in his mouth, not obeying in the least.

Kira watched Setsuna attempting the cherry trick and tried not to laugh. "Having trouble?" he couldn't stop himself from asking.

Setsuna stopped, stem somewhere under his tongue now, and then conceded. He pulled it out, then with all sincere innocence, Setsuna held out his still unknotted stem, pointed to Kira's perfect knot sitting on the table and bluntly asked, "Will you teach me how to do that?"

Well, now.

Kira frequently tried to pick people up by claiming he could teach them to do that. "..." But Setsuna was his best. Goddamn. Friend. "Uh. Well. Er. Sure, I guess I could..." Breathe, Kira. Breathe. He's totally innocent. He's not coming onto you. Of course, Kira knew that, but Setsuna's adorable innocence wasn't helping the situation any. Kira was determined to take it in stride. Taking and eating one of the other cherries until only the stem remained, he told his friend, "You do this..." and began the demonstration.

And they forgot all about the clubs.

kira, rp, setsuna mudou

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