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wooster_code July 31 2006, 03:51:19 UTC
Shuffling forward awkwardly in the brightly coloured and patterned kimono and stiff wooden shoes, Bertie smiled weakly. He had the help of several house elves to get dressed, but without Jeeves strongly disapproving of the entire endeavor available to help, it had been a trying chore indeed.

"Oh, I say. I feel a bit of an ass in this ensemble, don't you know?"


pdbw July 31 2006, 04:20:49 UTC
After some research, Wimsey settled on a traditional hakama ensemble: black haori over kimono and trousers. He's not very comfortable in the clogs at all, but when in Rome and all that...

Arriving at the party, he scanned the gathering for a familiar face, and seeing one, waved. "Profesor Wooster! Good to see you, old chap."


wooster_code July 31 2006, 04:32:21 UTC
"What-ho, what-ho!" said Bertie, suddenly cheered. "You're looking well, Wimsey. How'd you manage to not look absolutely sil? Oh, and call me Bertie, would you? The Professor Wooster wheeze gets old."


pdbw July 31 2006, 04:36:28 UTC
"Well, if you do insist; I daresay there's no need to stand on ceremony, is there?" Wimsey replied genially. "You're looking very ... colourful. Quite striking."


wooster_code July 31 2006, 04:46:02 UTC
Bertie looked down sadly at his garments. "The Wooster eye alighted on something cheerful and one of those Auriental chaps said it was appropos. I'm not certain, though. I feel a right chump."


pdbw July 31 2006, 12:45:00 UTC
"Oh, I don't know about that. Suits your cheery disposition, I daresay. Anyway --" he gestured at his own clothes, "-- seems to me that both you and I are at sixes and sevens compared with our leader." He nodded towards Lord Tamaki. "Can't say as how this monocle goes all that well with these togs, really."


wooster_code July 31 2006, 21:30:12 UTC
"Bit of an odd choice for fancy dress, what? Better than a Mephistofeles, maybe, but not by much."

Bertie glanced nervously around. "So what's this all for, old thing? That little chap didn't really explain. Only that I was to be polite to girls and not play dinner roll badminton, though I hardly needed the reminder. A preux chevalier bally well knows when dinner roll badminton is appropriate dinner behaviour and when it will meet with a fishy, disapproving eye."


pdbw July 31 2006, 21:50:31 UTC
The corner of Wimsey's mouth twitched a little. "Well, if I understand friend Tamaki's meaning correctly, this is a little social organisation meant to provide entertainment for the ladies of the school. Nothing untoward, I think," I hope! he added quickly, "I believe we've been selected for our manners, taste, and ability to provide witty conversation."


wooster_code July 31 2006, 23:28:31 UTC
"Oh, I say!" Bertie exclaimed. "It's hardly sporting to put chaps in dresses and have girls come and laugh at them. I don't mind a little back and forth, but this sort of thing leads to unwanted engagements in my experience."


pdbw July 31 2006, 23:32:26 UTC
A very tiny snort of laughter, quickly suppressed. "Oh dear me, no -- I don't believe the purpose is to be laughed at. Quite the, er. Contrary? Not the word I'm looking for. I believe it's to be ... admired. And," pause, glitter of amusement in the grey eyes, "to provide intellectual stimulation." He glanced over at Tamaki. "I strongly doubt that engagements of any kind are the order of the day here. Just a hunch, you see."


wooster_code July 31 2006, 23:39:10 UTC
This was sounding worse and worse. The only person who'd ever admired him was Madeline Bassett because she was a soppy girl that believed in wee fairy noses and that the stars were God's daisy chain. And the only person who'd ever used the terms 'intellectual stimulation' in Bertie's hearing was Florence Craye, in the sense that she wanted him to have some. He'd been engaged to both of them on more than one occasion.

"Perhaps not for you," replied Bertie dispiritedly, "but without Jeeves about, I'm in the soup."


lord_tamaki July 31 2006, 23:41:59 UTC
"Nonsense!" Tamaki says quite forcefully, clapping Bertie enthusiastically on the shoulder. "You're a Gentleman-type, and ladies always love a Gentleman-type, even if they are... Ah... Not exactly the most talented in the world at conversing on intellectual matters. I'm sure you can more than make up for it with tales of your travels and adventures!"

Tamaki pauses for a second, and a dreadful idea seems to occur to him. "Er. Your travels and adventures... They are suitable for mixed company, are they not?"


wooster_code August 1 2006, 19:38:08 UTC
"Why? Are girls likely to go 'round the bed when they hear of how Wooster, stout-at-heart, was pinned atop a wardrobe by Stiffy's dashed terrier? Or how when I was besieged upon by aunts and forced to return a silver whatsit, I had to take on the persona of Alpine Joe, a notorious silver thief?"


lord_tamaki August 2 2006, 17:19:45 UTC
Hm. I believe you may be misunderstanding the purpose of the club. The point is not to get girls to "go 'round the bed", but, rather, to entertain them. Stories of daring adventure and zany exploits serve admirably for this!


wooster_code August 2 2006, 17:34:17 UTC
((OOC: Ahahahahaha! *facepalms* That was a typo. I meant to say bend. If Bertie had a girl in bed, he'd probably want to tell ghost stories. XD))

"Oh, I've plenty of zany exploits, old fruit. Most of them rather humiliating to the Wooster person, unfortunately, but entertaining. I've penned most of them already, you know."


lord_tamaki August 4 2006, 17:40:00 UTC
((OOC: Whoops! I thought it was some weird Wooster slang or something! XD))

"Sounds like you're set then!"


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