Harry's Birthday

Jul 30, 2006 03:10

Semi-open RP down by the lake.Lily stood in a small clearing by the lake and looked at her handiwork. Trees were strung with fairy lights, there was a large, enchanted bonfire complete with salamanders (though, to be honest, the salamanders hadn't been intentional), and there were several tables and chairs about the area, each with it's own ( Read more... )

mokuba kaiba, luna lovegood, oliver wood, adam young, edward elric, sirius black, rp, lily potter, hermione granger, ginny weasley, harry potter, primavera bobinski, james potter, ryuuji otogi, ron weasley

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missprimavera July 30 2006, 18:18:10 UTC
Primavera wrinkled her nose at Ron's bizarre understanding of exactly what Ginny and Harry would probably be doing with the tie even though it wasn't made for that purpose. She let him take the box. "No, a necktie. You wear it around your neck. It's ... decorative?"

Speaking of decorative, Primavera had tried to wear demure wizard-style robes for this occasion. It was Ron's best friend's party and considering her efforts to tart up advise Ginny, she thought it might be wiser for she herself to be less conspicuous than usual. Being Primavera, she didn't understand that wearing bright purple robes wasn't a good way to duck attention. Also, even though she wasn't wearing the robe's hood, she was beginning to feel a little overheated, and pondered whether it would be all right to shuck the robes and go around in the dress she was wearing underneath. It was, after all, summer.

What the hell did wizards wear in the summer anyway when they wanted to be all wizardly? She'd looked it up but all she could find was a lot of maundering about being 'skyclad', and she was pretty sure that wouldn't go over well.

Smiling brightly (but not brightly enough to show her fangs), she linked her arm in Ron's, ready to head over with him to where the presents were so he could add hers to the pile.


dungbombsrule July 30 2006, 20:42:38 UTC
"Around your neck?" He frowned as he imagined a chord being tied around Harry's neck, and then his best friend turning blue. "That can't be that comfortable. I mean, I guess it is! Since you got it for him. Heh." He stopped talking when Primavera linked her arm around his, and frantically looked to see if his friends were watching.

"I like your robe," Ron complimented. Though he'd probably would have said the same thing if she was wearing a burlap sack. The redhead, on the other hand, was just wearing his Slytherin uniform.

He carefully set her present down and then grinned at her. "So. Punch?" He remembered the old 'Punch?' trick his brothers played, and laughed aloud. Primavera probably wouldn't like a joke that ended up with her getting hit in the arm.


harrylives July 30 2006, 21:18:06 UTC
Harry meanders over, a biscuit in one hand and a cup of pumpkin juice in the other.

He smiles at them both "You must be Primavera?"


missprimavera July 30 2006, 21:25:52 UTC
"I'm Primavera," she agrees, smiling. She doesn't hold out her hand to shake because Harry's are full. "And you're Harry, I'm guessing?" She can tell by the beam on Ron's face.


harrylives July 30 2006, 21:31:53 UTC
"That's right! I've heard a lot about you." Harry smiles at her, to show that they weren't bad things. Well, not from Ron anyway.


dungbombsrule July 30 2006, 21:35:29 UTC
Ron grins, giving Primavera a squeeze. "I can't believe it took you so long to meet her. But I thought it might be best to keep her away from Slythendor. It's safer for her that way, you know."

He gave Primavera a soft look. He was like a hero!


missprimavera July 30 2006, 21:47:37 UTC
Primavera remembers Sirius's wacky owls, and the ones that Ron had sent while James was ... using him as a pillow? ... and is fairly sure of some of what Harry might have heard about her, but doesn't really mind. It's not as though she wasn't open at her Sorting about having been a contract killer in Bangkok. As long as people didn't insist she is doing things that she isn't doing, she won't get angry. Yet.

She catches Ron's look and smiles. "Slythendor sounds like it could be a scary place sometimes. Targeted by that awful noseless evil wizard..." She affects a shiver.

Then turns to Harry. "I've heard about you too, mostly from Ginny," she says amiably. She doesn't read wizarding newspapers -- or any papers at all, really -- so she isn't up on the whole Boy Who Lived mystique, and mainly understands that Harry is a person she ought to get along with because he's Ron's friend. She looks around to try to catch sight of Ginny. "Speaking of Ginny, I need to go talk to her for a second -- " She untwines her arm from Ron's and, with a pat on his shoulder that might seem more fitting for a pal than a girlfriend, wanders off.


dungbombsrule July 30 2006, 21:59:51 UTC
Ron grinned after her for several seconds, before looking at Harry. "Isn't she the laugh?" He moved his shoulders and quickly put his mind on his best friend.

"How's the party been, so far? Sucks that I've missed so many of your birthdays. I mean, it really blows."


harrylives July 30 2006, 22:20:18 UTC
Harry smiles a bit wanly. "I'm just glad I don't have to spend it at the Dursley's for once. Or, ever again." Harry perks up considerably.

"Did you see the cake? It has a Quidditch match on it!"


dungbombsrule July 30 2006, 22:26:34 UTC
"Yeah I did! Is it charmed for him to catch the snitch as soon as he blows out the candles? Hey, is the score your age? That would be brilliant."


harrylives July 30 2006, 22:34:23 UTC
Harry looks at Ron for a second.

"Well, the score's going to be over a hundred and fifty, so probably not."


dungbombsrule July 30 2006, 22:39:52 UTC
Ron waves his hands. "No, I mean, it's at 180 when you blow out the candles. And then he catches the snitch and... explosion!"

He shrugs. "That's what I would have done."


harrylives July 30 2006, 22:48:03 UTC
"Explosion? I uh, don't think Lily will have done that." Although Harry looks suspicious all the same.

"I'm gonna say hello to Ryuuji, want to come?"


dungbombsrule July 30 2006, 22:56:20 UTC
"Ryuuji?" Ron made a face. "He's the guy who wants to do this huge 'Hug a Slytherin' day, just because I got in a row with him during a bad day. Sure, the Slytherins are real oppressed. What with being ahead in the points and all. Puh!" He crossed his arms.

"'Sides, I don't think he likes me, and he got me in trouble with Primavera. But you can go ahead." Why were all the people he didn't get on with stalking Harry? It couldn't be a coincidence!


harrylives July 30 2006, 23:00:47 UTC
"Hug a Slytherin?" Harry screws up his face in confusion "Very odd. Well, alright I'll catch up with you in a moment."

Harry heads off to Ryuuji.


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