Setsuna and Kira with a pair of handcuffs

Jul 25, 2006 20:54

[[OOC: Warning - handcuffs, innuendo and mature themes. *snerk* Like that means much with these two.]]

Sometimes, things randomly occurred to Sakuya Kira. Sometimes it was relatively harmless things, like, "This applicant's head is the weirdest shape." or "Damn, someone smells like B.O." Sometimes it was not-so-harmless things like, "Hey, I bet I could lob someone's head clean off with this thing!" Right now, though, the thing that had just occurred to Kira was far more important than anything else that had previously randomly occurred to him:

Setsuna couldn't leave campus, and the protection from death that campus entailed, without Kira. So, when he saw Setsuna walking in the corridors, Kira practically flung himself at the shorter boy, wrapping his arms around Setsuna's shoulders. "You aren't going off campus without me by your side, all right? You got that?"

"What?!" Setsuna's first instinct, naturally, was to wonder just how drunk Kira was this time, so he immediately started smelling close to Kira's mouth.

"I can't believe they allow drinking on campus. And senpai, why did you just suddenly bring this up?" Poor Setsuna...completely in the dark of his sealed fate to have a living hell for a life. He had yet to associate how bad his time had been at the military school with the fact Kira wasn't around. He just knew he had been completely alone, and things were fairly awful.

"Besides, senpai, I can take care of myself. I'm not a little kid, you know?" Setsuna muttered, feeling a bit put off by this. It was weird.

"Can't believe it?" Kira said, sounding amused. "There's an open bar in our common room." He pulled away when Setsuna started to sniff too close. Kira wasn't drunk, but his breath did stink unattractively of cigarettes and pastrami sandwiches.

Kira became a great deal more serious now, releasing his hold on Setsuna. "You know that nobody can die on Hogwarts grounds, right? Well, whenever you're off the grounds, I want to be where I can protect you." Kira doubted Setsuna would need protection were it not for the curse. But the curse existed, and Kira knew that meant he had to protect Setsuna with all he had.

"I know," Kira admitted. "You're probably more mature than I am, in your own brave kind of way." He shifted awkwardly. "I'm just... nevermind." Okay, so maybe months apart had him acting loopy. He was always overprotective of Setsuna, but he wasn't usually this obvious or this unreasonable about it. "Sorry. I trust you, okay? You can take care of yourself."

Pause. "But I'd still like to come with you, if you ever go anywhere." And it wasn't a lie.

Setsuna shook his head. "Senpai...." He stuck out his index finger, slight frustration starting to show as Setsuna said, "Use your head a second, idiot. Who do I go out with always? YOU! Who do I almost never go anywhere with? YOU! Why would I leave campus when I know those jerks from the military camp are looking for me, and if they find me, it's not going to be pretty?" Here Setsuna got closer to Kira to start yelling his ear. "And further more, if I do leave here, who is it I'm going to leave with to get back to Tokyo? YOU!"

He backed down a bit and asked, "That good enough for your head to return to normal?"

Kira reeled a little, holding a hand to his head. "Yeah. That'll work." He rubbed his ear, wincing. Ow, ow, ow. Paaaaiiin. Of course, he was mostly grateful to Setsuna for helping him get his head back on straight, and pain never lasted long with Kira anyway. "Thanks." Kira grinned. "I needed that."

"Yeah, no shit you needed that," Setsuna snapped at him, then shook his head, wondering what the heck got into Kira. "Damn.... Kira, what are you so worried about anyway?" Setsuna asked, now highly suspicious.

Kira hadn't been quite that protective before. He saved Setsuna in the past, and got him to stop things by calling him a worthless idiot, and would tell his gang something if they went too far...but this....

Wait! Was it the six month thing? Setsuna hadn't had such a great time himself, but what if what happened to Kira was worse. What if someone died back home? Setsuna started to run through a list of things that could possibly break a person and got at once concerned as he rethought how Kira had worried him before.

Putting one arm around Kira's shoulder Setsuna leaned in close and asked, "Are you sure nothing severe happened during our separation? No one back in Tokyo died? I've never seen you panic like this over me before."

"No, nobody died," Kira said, not even trying to fight the urge to snuggle into Setsuna as he snaked his own arm around the other boy's shoulders. "And I wouldn't care if they did. I'm a cold-hearted bastard." Of course, that was a lie, but Kira hoped Setsuna didn't know that.

It was then that Kira realized just how dependent he was on Setsuna. Setsuna gave him purpose. Setsuna made Kira feel that living a series of endless reincarnation after reincarnation was worth it. Setsuna grounded Kira, Setsuna kept him sane, Setsuna gave Kira someone besides himself to focus on.

"I told you. I've just been kinda down lately, and I've been kind of weird ever since." Kira smirked. "But hey, I'm getting better. And anyway, I only worry because I love." Kira pretended to sob and did some obviously fake sniffling.

Kira said no one had, sure, but Setsuna knew he was a liar, so he was supposed to believe that because? He knew Kira cared about some other people, just not very many. Okay...probably like one or two, but still....

At least I'm one of them. I think.

"You're a bastard, yeah, but...cold hearted doesn't sound right when you're practically cuddling me in an open hall, and demanding I take you everywhere with me. It completely ruins your attempt, senpai," Setsuna explained, watching Kira with slightly narrowed eyes.


Stupid logic. When did Setsuna get so smart, anyway? "I like to cuddle," Kira said, pretending to pout. "Anyway, just be glad I haven't handcuffed you to my bed or something."

That was something Setsuna would heavily scoff at and remind Kira he went to the same damn school he did, with fairly high demands on their students IQs. Just because Setsuna was hot-headed didn't make him an idiot, it just meant he rushed into things without thinking first (in other words, he was an idiot). Thankfully, he wasn't aware any such thing might be on Kira's mind.

He went straight to giving Kira a heavy death glare. "Handcuffed? Wouldn't Mr. Wires and Keys get a little unhappy if you did that?"

Then without really thinking about it, Setsuna added, "Besides, you're MY sword according to our conversation the other day, so you should be handcuffed to my bed, not the other way around. That way you're always with me, or something."

Of course, Kira didn't really think Setsuna was stupid. But he was used to being mentally ahead of most humans, even the brilliant ones. Of course, Kira would have done well to remember that Setsuna was no ordinary human...

Kira laughed. "So? It's my room. He's just visiting. Let him be unhappy, if that's what he wants."

Kira was about to protest, but he secretly liked the fact that Setsuna wanted to keep him close. "Are you serious?" Kira asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, I've got handcuffs under my bed, but..." But he wasn't expecting Setsuna to go looking for them.

With his eyebrows suggestively arched, Setsuna asked, "Under your bed, huh? Bet it's convenient," then headed right for Kira's room. He had every intention, of course, of doing this if he said he would. If nothing else, Setsuna figured a couple of hours chained to his bed would cure Kira of this bizarre clingy mood.

It wasn't that Setsuna minded the clinging, but having Kira panic so randomly and demand Setsuna not leave without him threw Setsuna off, and he could tell he wasn't getting answers from Kira, at least not honest ones. If Kira wasn't going to fess up, then fine, Setsuna would just cure him off the strangeness.

Assuming that could be done.

Kira, for his part, was absolutely determined to cure himself of the strangeness. He knew he couldn't go on acting like this. It wasn't good for anyone. ...But he hadn't felt so good since Setsuna'd gotten here. He hadn't felt so wanted, or so liked, or so USEFUL since... since Setsuna'd arrived.

Still, he knew he was being weird and even creepier than usual and he knew it had to stop.

The suggestive arch of Setsuna's eyebrows made Kira blush, and he quickly followed his friend, both apprehensive and secretly enjoying this. "You can't be serious!" Kira complained, but he actually didn't mind the idea half as much as you would have thought.

"You should know I'm serious," Setsuna said, plainly. He thought Kira would know him well enough by now... Sure, Setsuna could joke around, but he meant most of what he said, in the most sincere manner possible.

Once back in Kira's room, Setsuna ignored Seto on his laptop and reached right under the bed, feeling around for whatever was there.

"What kinds do you have?" Setsuna asked as he pulled out a pair and stared. "Uhhh...."

Kira, of course, knew Setsuna was serious. And the same time, though, he was incredulous this was actually happening, and afraid it might end if Setsuna thought he was enjoying it too much. And when Setsuna pulled out a pair of pink, fuzzy handcuffs, Kira's eyes went wide with genuine surprise.

"...If you're going to do this," Kira said, trying to sound long-suffering, "at least have the decency not to use THAT pair!" Kira genuinely didn't want to be cuffed by something pink and fuzzy. Metal ones might chafe, but Kira's wounds healed instantly anyway.

"Err...I kinda don't want to anyway. Do you have any other pairs?" Setsuna asked, hopefully, because when he returned the pink pair - which gained a look of curious disdain from Seto, then caused Seto's eyes to flicker towards Kira, even as keys kept clicking away - and searched for another, all he found were a more old fashioned, hard metal pair. Setsuna winced visibly when he saw them, then bit his bottom lip as his hand went fishing again, hoping there was something else.

Anything else.

Setsuna didn't know about Kira's ability to heal so quickly, and despite knowing Kira could take a lot didn't mean Setsuna wanted to harm Kira if it was preventable.

Kira breathed a sigh of relief. When Seto looked over at Kira, Kira shot him a cheeky grin and a little wave before refocusing on Setsuna. "...There should be another metal pair encased in plastic under there," he said. Those shouldn't chafe as bad.

Kira was unable to resist adding, as an aside to Seto, "He's going to cuff me, beat me and then we're going to have kinky sex." Of course, Kira didn't really expect any sex to occur, but it would've been fun to see both their reactions to that statement.

"I already told you, Kira senpai, you're not my type," Setsuna growled out as he grabbed for the other pair of handcuffs, grateful for it. Though...after that little statement, he was almost tempted to using the regular metal cuffs.

Seto raised an eyebrow at Kira and asked, "You really do like that stuff, don't you? I'll have to remember that.... I prefer using rope over chains, though. And by beat, just what do you mean, specifically?"

That got an immediate reaction out of Setsuna who was off the floor in seconds and grabbing Seto by his collar to viciously tell him, "You even think of hurting Kira senpai like that, and I'll kill you. I don't care if you guys have sex, or if you tie him up, but don't you dare hurt him."

Seto's eyes narrowed coolly as they trailed from Setsuna's eyes to the hand holding his shirt, and then his laptop between them. Oh yes, he was thinking of hurting this kid very much right then.

Kira laughed at Setsuna's declaration. "I know, I know. I'm just joking."

To Seto's question, he leered. "I mean, I like it when I get a good, hard smack on the -- "

Uh-oh. When a Setsuna-Seto confrontation seemed inevitable, Kira twitched a little, gently taking hold of Setsuna's shoulders and trying to pull Setsuna away from Seto. "What if I ask to be hurt?" he said teasingly, trying to keep his tone light. "I might like getting beaten up a little. Or a lot." He smirked deviously.

Then the demon laughed and gave Setsuna a playful, thoroughly platonic hug. "Really sweet of you to stick up for me, though. I'm lucky to have a friend like you, aren't I?" He was touched that Setsuna'd tried to stick up for him this way even in the face of no real danger, and he did want to make it clear to Setsuna where his loyalty was, first and foremost.

Setsuna found himself squirming in Kira's arms a bit, eyes shut tightly. Kira liked it? Being HURT?

Okay, fine. That didn't mean Setsuna had to like knowing about it.

"But...just.... Fine. But I don't want to hear about it." Setsuna's voice dropped a little as he asked, "How can you like it, senpai?" Sure, it didn't matter if they got hurt in a fight. That pain went away and everything was all right. But to get hurt for the fun of it? Liking it? Setsuna would punch Kira around playfully at times, and seriously if Kira needed it, but.... Setsuna shook his head against Kira's shoulder, indicating he didn't like it, didn't want to hear about it, and didn't even want to think of someone hurting Kira for fun.

Seto sighed a bit, unsure himself if he could do that. He didn't trust himself to not go too far.... But they should definitely talk about it later, away from Setsuna. He just shot Kira a neutral look with a shrug, then went back to the laptop.

"Hey, it's okay," Kira promised, giving Setsuna a little hug. "Really. I won't tell you any more of this shit, all right? Will that make it better?" Normally, he would've teased Setsuna for being a pussy, but Setsuna seemed really upset, so he refrained. "I'm a freak, okay?" He laughed, trying to make a joke out of it.

Shooting Kaiba a smile and a wink, he started to turn Setsuna towards the door. "Now let's go get something to drink," he said, trying to pretend he was trying to get Setsuna to forget the handcuffs. He hoped Setsuna wouldn't really forget, of course...

"Nuh-uh! Wait a minute," Sesuna insisted, immediately trying to pull away from Kira. His eyes were narrowing a bit, and he knew the two would establish this destructive relationship further - when he wasn't around - so it was best to lay some ground rules with Seto right now. And so help Kira if he dared refer to Setsuna as any such thing.

After all, Setsuna was just trying to protect the other, and simply didn't like the idea of him pointlessly hurt. Okay, if Kira liked it, then fine.... Still. Setsuna's mind was a jumble on the matter, and he simply couldn't stop to piece everything together. He had to threaten Seto first.

...Apparently, Setsuna had forgotten the handcuffs. "Uh-oh," Kira said, reluctantly letting Setsuna go but ready to jump in if this went too far.

Actually, Setsuna hadn't, they were just momentarily put aside in his mind - currently in one of his pockets, one end hanging out.

Setsuna gladly took his moment of freedom to turn on Seto, eyes narrowed and tone low, grating across dangerous as he growled out, "Listen, Mr. Big Shot Corporative Executive, I don't care how rich you are, if you ever, ever, ever hurt Kira in a way he doesn't like, or if you ever hurt him when he tells you to stop, or if you ever go overboard - I'll kill you."

He would have preferred grabbing Seto by the collar again, but the businessman looked so calm, and Kira hadn't liked it last time, so Setsuna settled for pointing an index finger in Seto's direction as he finished off, "I mean it. Senpai doesn't deserve that kind of crap. If he likes it, sure, go ahead, but you better be damn careful, and make sure he's in the mood for it. And when he says stop you'd better listen. Got that?"

Okaaaay, time to nip this in the goddamn bud!

"He'll listen," said Kira soothingly, looking at Kaiba over Setsuna's head with an expression that said, 'Not one word. We'll discuss this later.,' wrapping an arm around Setsuna's shoulders and trying to usher the younger boy toward the door. Kira didn't want a fight erupting in his dorm. He would've rather played with the handcuffs. "All this stuff is my idea, anyway. I'm not even sure he's into it." Kira neglected to mention that if Kaiba wasn't into it, he intended to find someone who was, but Setsuna had made it plainly obvious that he found information of that nature upsetting.

"Besides, you know me, Setsuna. Has anyone ever been able to hurt me?"

Setuna looked up, bit his bottom lip for a second, then said, "No, but...I don't want to take any risks on the assumption you're always safe just because you're you. Especially if you're going to be tied up, and maybe gagged, and what if someone doesn't take you seriously when you try to explain they've done enough and they keep going?"

Setsuna couldn't stop himself.... He knew Kira wasn't helpless, and Kira could take a lot, was Kira. And just as Kira was feeling a bit protective after being separated for six months, so was Setsuna. And Setsuna was normally protective.

With a heavy sigh, Seto closed his laptop - it made a harsh snap. He stood up abruptly, walked by them, handed Kira a piece of paper (with the password to Slytherin and the password to the Etoile suite on it) and said, "I'm sick of putting up with the brat's accusations. If he actually thinks I'm so sick I'd pull any of that he's not very bright. You know where to find me if you want me, Kira."

With that, Seto turned and headed towards the door.

Kira raised his eyebrows. Interesting. Part of him was a little sad to see Seto go, especially since he couldn't help feeling his attachment to Setsuna had driven the other boy off, but the other part was glad to apparently have his own room again. Pocketing the paper Seto had given him, Kira decided to make use of it...later. Maybe in a few days. Right now, he had other things to occupy himself with.

"Looks like I fucked up with yet another person," Kira said with a boisterous laugh. "Ah, well. I wasn't expecting any different. And hey, I might still get laid!"

"...." Knowing better, Setsuna's eyes dropped to the floor for the moment. "But you didn't do anything. I think the person that messed it up for you was me, senpai. I didn't really think he's not like.... Gah."

A wince of frustration followed as Setsuna realized maybe saying all of that had been unnecessary. He had never intended to indirectly insult Seto, but perhaps the CEO was easily offended?

In the least, it didn't seem like Kira was affected, so there wasn't much to worry about. Maybe.

Kira shrugged. "I would've fucked up eventually. I always do. Seto's... sensitive, and I'm a bastard. It was bound to turn foul." Kira refused to blame either Setsuna or Seto for this. He should have known better than to bring them anywhere near each other, the way their personalities clashed. So it was all Kira's fault, in the end. Oh well.

Setsuna's eyebrows met together as his mouth started to twist angrily. "I understand when you push people away on purpose, but the way you said that, senpai, makes it sound like you have low self-esteem."

No...Kira was not putting himself down, AGAIN. Hadn't Setsuna warned him about that?

Kira laughed at that. "Bastard's a good thing for a gang leader, I thought."

And now it sounded like Kira was just trying to laugh it off so he didn't get punched for obviously cutting himself down. Setsuna peered at him suspiciously, then lifted the handcuffs from his pocket.

"Fine. Whatever. Just tell me where the key is for these things," he asked, trying to just get away from the subject now. It was best not to force Kira to admit he was insulting himself, and just move away from the topic, Setsuna felt. Otherwise, it would look like he was fishing for reasons to hurt the other male.

Kira was relieved when Setsuna didn't press the subject. He knew Setsuna would never try to hurt him, but he wanted to seem invincible and happy while still subtly insulting himself in language that would sound simply obnoxious and even cocky to anyone else... well, anyone else but Setsuna, who seemed to know him too well.

"Do I have to?" Kira fake-whined, trying to seem reluctant.

The slight suspicion slipped into a full warning as those narrowed, half-lidded eyes turned to mere slits. "Yes, you have to. I forget how we got off on this handcuff thing, but I'm going to stick to it."

Voice switching to low and commanding, Setsuna demanded, "Where's the key, now, Kira?"

Yes, it was probably much better to just focus on this for a while, and then while Kira was attached to Setsuna's bed, they could have a nice, long chat about a few things running through Setsuna's mind, and this odd fascination Kira had with insulting himself. That had to stop, now, even if by force.

"I was going to handcuff you to my bed. We could still do that, if you want." Kira smirked, putting a hand to his chin and looking Setsuna over suggestively. He added, "They should be under my bed. If not there, just feel around on the floor. They should be there somewhere."

Voice still containing that throaty demanding air to it, Setsuna flatly said, "No. You're the one that's attached, so you need to be chained to me for a bit to see what it'd be like to be around me almost twenty-four seven. Hopefully that'll fix this little problem."

Kira had to be playing around with that look. Not that they hadn't joked about this sort of thing before, but Setsuna wasn't good at playing back when his heart just wasn't in it, for some reason....

"And I have to get back on the floor...?" The earlier tone left and was replaced with a whiny one, but all the same Setsuna was back on his knees, rear in the air, and was fishing under the bed yet again, all the while muttering about Kira's messy room, bad habits, and not having enough sense to hang the key somewhere easier to get to.

Kira rolled his eyes. "I know where everything is. You're just being a pussy. ...Hey, if you find a bagel under there, give it to me, okay? I've been wanting to finish that thing for, like, a week now."

Feeling awkward with his butt sticking out like that, Setsuna turned slightly to shoot Kira a glare. "Watch it, senpai, or I'll leave you chained to my bed for days. I'm hardly being anything of the sort if I'm the one looking for the key. You're the lazy ass just standing there, despite supposedly knowing where the key is."

Other than that, Setsuna didn't really have complaints about Kira's sloppy room. It was just now, when he was looking for a little key, Kira's slothful habits became a problem, so they were complained about then.

Kira chuckled. He just liked teasing Setsuna, more than anything else. "Stuff it or I'll pants you. You make a pretty good target right now, you know." Kira was going threaten spankings, but even in his head that sounded too suggestive, and Setsuna didn't seem to be in the mood for that tonight.

With a heavy sigh, Setsuna had to admit, he was aware his backside was an all too obvious target at the moment, which was why he disliked being down there, and disliked Kira's bad habits even more.

" stuff it," Setsuna retorted, despite the warning. "I'm pointing out a fact, and you know it. You just dislike the fact I'm right, so think using a threat to keep me quiet is justified. Well, it's not. I'm still the one looking, and you're still just the one doing nothing and watching."

With that, Setsuna started to try pulling himself under the bed for a better look, this required a little wiggling on the part of his bottom, and slightly flattening out against the floor to get underneath comfortably. Right now, he was really frustrated with beds, messes, and Kiras.

That caused a fair amount of laughter from Kira, who seemed to think wiggling rear ends was funny. Then Kira became unexpectedly quiet and turned away from Setsuna completely.

"HA!" The triumphant noise signaled the finding of the key as Setsuna was grateful to finally pull himself out from under the bed. "About time."

He shook his head, hoping to dislodge any lint from his hair, then checked to see if the key fit in the cuffs. With a bright grin, Setsuna told Kira, "Okay, now we can go get drinks in the bar, but we're taking them back to my room to finish this, senpai. And I have a couple of things I want to ask you now."

"Uh..." Kira wasn't sure he wanted to go to the bar in his current state. He could hope Setsuna wouldn't notice, but out in public, in front of a houseful of people who were supposed to be bright... "Forget the drinks." Of course, it would be really, really bad if he seemed overeager to get handcuffed and Setsuna noticed. Shit, what did he do now? "And the handcuffs." Kira smiled. "We can do it tomorrow?"

"Err...." Puzzled by Kira turning down drinks, Setsuna suddenly had to wonder if Seto leaving didn't damper Kira's spirits more than first speculated. Was that possible? It made more sense for Kira to drink, if that was the case, right?

Setsuna blinked up at Kira, obviously thrown off by the sudden switch. "But senpai, it's not like you to turn down drinks. You okay?"

As for the handcuffs...Setsuna was not waiting until tomorrow. He could just handcuff Kira to his own bed, like originally planned. Brown eyes studied them for a moment, and Setsuna decided he was definitely not giving up on that bit so easily.

Kira's spirits were dampened, of course... but going out to the bar with what he feared was a noticeable erection did not seem like a good idea. "I'm fine," he said, trying to sound mellow and easygoing. With any luck, his body would start behaving itself soon.

"I'm fine," said Kira, trying to sound cheerful.

"Kira...when you have to repeat, 'I'm fine,' it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself," Setsuna blatantly pointed out as he got up from his position on the floor. With the cuffs in hand, smile starting to grow on his lips, Setsuna approached Kira, though slowly.

For some reason, the act was starting to take on an air of playfulness. After all, he had no intention of harming Kira, and it was just a small lesson.... That's it. Besides, it might end up fun if Kira put up a fight. Then he could just tickle Kira into submission. It would be easy.

"I am fine," Kira said, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible, taking several steps back. Being handcuffed sounded fun before, right up until his nether regions decided it was a different kind of "fun" altogether. Kira laughed and tried to seem completely at ease...while taking another giant step back. "So the only one who needs convincing is you, apparently."

Kira blinked. "Hey, you're smiley."

"Yeah? What's so bad about that?" Setsuna asked before lunging at Kira. He was not going to put this off - no way. The lesson needed to be driven home, and what better way than to do it, especially if Kira was starting to step back and show signs of protest?

"And I don't need convincing of anything, senpai. If you're fine, great, then I can cuff you and there's no problem."

Kira felt Setsuna's body hit his own and his eyes went wide. His mind screamed every swear word it knew. Please don't notice my hard-on, Kira pleaded silently with Setsuna.

"...Okay. Sure. Cuff me. No problem."

The plastic covered metal slapped over Kira's skin, then snapped shut over his wrist as Setsuna beamed up at the other. "Ha. Caught."

Thankfully for Kira, despite how close Setsuna was, he didn't notice at the thing. His legs just weren't at the right angles for it. And wouldn't noticing have produced some interesting questions?

Without any hesitation, Setsuna started to pull Kira closer to the bed, using the handcuffs. "Come on."

"Noooo," Kira protested, trying to wriggle away. "I changed my mind. Let me gooooo...." Kira started to yank, trying to avoid being handcuffed to anything. Maybe it would be wise to try and get away, to relieve himself, first...

Setsuna shook his head. "Nuh-uh. You started this by suggesting I get handcuffed. So you know what, if you can't handle it, why should I be handcuffed to you? And now who's the pussy."

A broad grin showed Setsuna's opinion of this entire situation as he tried to pull Kira to the bed anyway, despite the strong yank. This was going to end up in either a fight, or a tickle war, wasn't it?

Kira pouted, slowly being dragged to the bed despite the fact that he occasionally tried to pull away. He'd been looking forward to this until... dammit.

Pulling as hard as he could - despite misgivings about hurting Kira's wrist - Setsuna eventually had Kira close enough to the bed he could snap the other cuff to a slender bar at the head of the bed, forcing Kira to have sit on the mattress, where the pillows were. Smirking, Setsuna then took a seat next to him. what? What did people normally do with people chained to their beds? Never mind.... Setsuna didn't want to think of that, or the conversation they had with Seto.

Acutally, no - scratch that; he did.

"Now...senpai, I want to you promise me that if Seto, or anyone else ever hurts you more than you want, or goes beyond what you're capable of dealing with, or if you tell them to stop and they don't," Setsuna's tone was completely serious as he spoke, the smile had faded, and was replaced with firm lines, "then I want you to promise me you'll tell me. Understand?"

Kira squirmed a little, but then he grinned and shrugged. "Okay, okay, I promise. Sometimes people say 'no! stop!' as part of the mood, but we could always work out some kind of safe word, then. 'Red light!' or something, so that they know I really mean 'stop' this time."

His grin became the sweetest smile he could manage. "I can go now, right?"

"Nuh-uh," Setsuna said as he shook his head, then that smile bloomed fully into a devious grin. "I didn't chain you there to make you promise, senpai. You were going to be cuffed to the bed either way, remember?"

Still oblivious to Kira's "problem," Setsuna sat on the bed, pulling one bent leg up so he could wrap his arm around his knee and look at Kira. "Besides, I have more questions to ask. You see...every time you freak out about something, I wonder what happened, and I keep asking about your gang, but I never did ask about your father...."

There was a change of Setsuna's tone from playful to serious as he asked, "But this time I thought of him, and wondered when was the last time he heard from you. Does he know where you are? Did you bother to let him know you were leaving, at least?"

Kira struggled a little. "Yeah, but..." When Setsuna grinned deviously, Kira grinned back, hoping that meant something fun was going to happen. Of course, what would be really fun was not having to squeeze his legs together like this to hide his boner.

Kira's grin faded quickly at the mention of his father, a painful rush of guilt taking hold of him. He remembered distinctly missing his "daddy" while he was depressed. "My father's alive, that I know of. The rest isn't your business." He looked away.

That was all Kira was going to admit to? Ha. In the least, Setsuna knew one thing, he wasn't lying. He was avoiding the information. Cute, Kira, real cute. Means you don't like lying to me all the time, does it?

Frowning in aggravation on the surface, Setsuna reached out, hand aiming to grab Kira's chin roughly and force him to look at Setsuna.

Kira's eyes widened a little when Setsuna grabbed him like that and he was forced to look into those brown eyes. Why are you torturing me?! Kira asked Setsuna silently, although he knew it wasn't intentional. His legs spread apart. His dick stood at full attention.

Although it wasn't the only part of Kira that was giving Setsuna its full attention. "I told him I was going to the same military school you were. I told him it would build character." Pause. Deep breath. "Okay, first I told him to go die and tried to run away, but he ended up hunting me down, and..." And Kira could've slugged him and taken off, but that was just too painful. His father's eyes held so much hurt and worry. "So I fed him this bullshit about military school and how it'd be good for me, and how I'd finally be free of HIS stupid ass."

Kira took another deep breath, his chest heaving. "I don't know if he ever sends me letters or if he knows I'm not really there or what's going on. Not like it matters anyway."

Well, at least the poor man knew when Kira had left, and wasn't wondering in the dark, or something. But.... Setsuna's eyes hardened to a glare, then lost their hold when Setsuna thought of all of the things Kira told his father, when the elder Kira honestly cared so much for his son.

With his answer, Setsuna let Kira's chin go and said, "Much better of a response. I didn't even have to ask again." He couldn't stop himself from smirking, because he hadn't expected such a reaction. He thought he'd have to at least try the question again.

"I'll have to remember that.... For straightforward answers from senpai, chain him to something and force him to look into your eyes. Much more effective than anything else I've tried so far." In the least, Kira's "issue" went unnoticed, yet again. It was probably for the best, as Setsuna wasn't going to help Kira with it if he found out about it.

"You know, though," Setsuna said as the smirk cracked and faded to a disappointed frown. "It kinda makes me sick how you treat the man when he puts up with your shit, and you don't mean half the crap you yell at him. He knows it, you know it, but you do it anyway to push him away. And despite all of that, he still really tries. I bet he does send letters, and I bet it kills him every time you don't send something back...."

Narrowed brown eyes combined with the downward tilt of his lips, Setsuna all too soon forgetting how sensitive Kira had reacted last time to disappointment.

Kira nodded a little, closing his eyes and biting down on his lip. He... made Setsuna sick? He made Alexiel sick? He was the King of Hell, devoid of human feeling, so of course he wouldn't cry. And he remembered Kaiba's reaction to his tears. He knew Setsuna was right, but... he just couldn't explain the promise, the little dying Sakuya, everything. He couldn't explain why he couldn't let his old man in on everything.

And thinking of his father's reaction to every letter than was sent that got no response made it worse. Kira tried to curl into a little ball as much as he could when his hands were cuffed the way they were, but stopped because his erection made that painful. So he kept his eyes closed and just tried to pretend he was invisible instead. He wanted to be invisible.

Seeing the reaction caused Setsuna to soften, look switching more to concerned. Kira was obviously not fond of what was happening, so why did he do it?

Voice gentle, soothing, Setsuna asked Kira, "Why don't you at least give him a call once in a while? You can keep up the act of being at military school, and you can claim you're calling just to make sure he's still alive, but he deserves to hear from you once in a while. Don't you think?"

Maybe I shouldn't interfere. I probably don't understand everything between them, and can't help myself from liking senpai's father, since my father's kinda...well, not there. But Kira came here because of me, so it kinda is my business. And it doesn't look like Kira's okay with all of it. So why does he do it? Setsuna kept his ponderings to himself, and watched Kira, one hand now reaching out to lightly run through Kira's hair in an affectionate calming manner.

Kira shook his head. "No. He deserves a good life without me in it," Kira said, surprised by how raspy his voice was, how he strained to hold back tears. But Kira was not going to cry. He'd cried once before with disastrous results. When Setsuna started to run his fingers through Kira's hair, Kira moved into the touch, only whimpering slightly in protest. The affectionate touch, although pleasant, was starting to dissolve the erection caused by Setsuna's more forceful moments, to Kira's relief. He tried to think of something gross to make it go away completely.

"I'm good for nobody." Kira kept his eyes closed.

Mouth twitching, Setsuna raised one fist and slammed it across the back of Kira's head as he shouted, "What the fuck do you mean by that? Stop spouting nonsense, Kira!"

He had been willing to let the earlier statement go, but not this one. It was blatant self-loathing. Setsuna wasn't going to listen to it either - he flat out refused. Didn't Kira have any idea how much he meant to him?

Don't tell me I'm not grateful enough, because that's bullshit.

Kira yelped loudly when Setsuna smacked him. "Hey..." he protested, opening his eyes to glare at the other boy, but the glare quickly softened. Kira took yet another deep breath. "I'm not trying to put myself down," he said. "I'm just being honest." He was never honest. But he didn't know what else to be right now. He thought he was over these pathetic human emotions, but apparently...

He was persisting? Setsuna's face flamed up with rage, eyes wide as he pulled his fist back and aimed it at Kira's face this time. He didn't really think of the consequences if the punch landed wrong, or how Kira might react, he just considered holding back only enough to avoid jarring Kira's neck too much when the fist connected.

The sound of flesh striking flesh was accented with, "Knock it off," yelled in Kira's face.

Kira couldn't keep holding back the tears anymore. He could hold back tears in the face of guilt or shame or depression or physical pain. But now he was overwhelmingly touched and that just proved too much to keep inside. He knew, or thought he knew, why Setsuna was doing this. It hurt (and that made the erection start to come back sda;k;sgads), but Kira could sense the concern in Setsuna's fire and passion. He wanted to knock it off, but he wasn't sure quite what to do yet? Should he apologize? He never apologized. So he just cried and said, "Thank you." instead.

"Don't thank me just yet," Setsuna said sternly as he took Kira's chin in his hand again and forced Kira to look at him. "Listen to me, clearly and get it through your head."

How many times was he going to have to do this? What the hell had happened to Kira over this six months? What went wrong?

"Don't you dare sit there and tell me you're good for no one. That's such utter bull shit. Did you just magically forget the times you've saved my life? So many I don't even bother counting or trying to pay you back for it, I just do what I can. And sometimes you're the only person I have in the world to turn to."

Seeing Kira cry forced emotion to well up in Setsuna's own eyes, and he hoped this didn't detract too much from Kira's personal problem - whatever it was - or that it made Kira feel awkward, but Setsuna couldn't stop his mouth anyway as he plowed on.

"My father's practically never home, but I can always go to your place for a meal, or just for company. And while I was at that stupid military school, with those pissy teachers, and their idiotic rules, I spent every night alone wishing I was back in Tokyo, with you, in your loft. Constantly I kept thinking of how I'd much rather be there," and the most important part had to be said, again, "and if it wasn't for you I'd be dead. If not when I was younger, probably recently, because I don't know if I would have gotten into this school to hide without your help, so STOP talking about yourself like this, and stop thinking like that."

The urge to yell died away as Setsuna softened his voice and he added, "You have to be good for someone, at least me, if no one else. And I'm sick of hearing you talk about yourself like that when it just isn't true."

Kira wanted to grab Setsuna for a hug, but the handcuffs prevented it. He rasped, "It feels true sometimes," because he didn't know what else to say. He was a lot more somber, although his wounds from Setsuna were starting to heal over already. "I feel so worthless here, without you." He didn't want to get too mushy and scare Setsuna off. But Kira needed to get all this out. "I feel like I have no purpose without you in my life. It's like I'm living for nothing. My friends here are great, but they aren't... aren't Setsuna."

Setsuna's eyes widened as he lightly thumped the back of his hand against Kira's cheek this time, then turned it around and gently rubbed. "You idiot...I'm here now. That should change. We're back together, and I'm not leaving without you, remember?"

This was getting tiring, as Setsuna wasn't one for patience.

Kira was tired, too. Being the person who was depressed was equally exhausting, and he wished he could just make his stupid feelings all go away and never come back. He smiled at Setsuna, sniffing. "Right," he agreed. Then added, "And if you tell anyone I cried, I'll" -- hiccup -- "take you out back and shoot you, got it? I'm not kidding. Anyone finds out and you're dead." Kira hoped this would be enough to distract Setsuna from his anatomy, which was still not laying down the way he wanted it too.

"Senpai? What would be the point of saving me all of those times to just kill me over something so minor?" Setsuna asked, tone perking up as he pulled his hand away. Kira sounded more like himself now.

Setsuna's eyes closed with relief - though he thought it might be a while before Kira felt honestly better - and when he opened them, he didn't intend to look down, but something caught his attention.

Brown eyes blinked, then stared at the all too obvious sign.

"Err...senpai...still thinking about Kaiba, are you? I didn't know you were enjoying the conversation that much. Sorry I scared him off. Things might have gotten interesting otherwise. Though, don't blame me for not wanting to watch." And Setsuna managed to say this with his eyes still glued to Kira's crotch.

Kira turned beet red. He'd been doing so well at hiding that thing until now. The demon coughed and cleared his throat, looking up at the ceiling. Then, "I'm not still thinking of Kaiba, I got this when you brought up my father," Kira said sarcastically. Okay, fucking ew, but he did NOT want to admit that Setsuna gave him the damn thing by wiggling on the ground and smacking Kira. That would be...

Kira couldn't help but smirk when he realized where Setsuna's eyes were. "Uh, hey. Yo. Setsuna? My face is up here."

Cheeks a bit red, Setsuna's head snapped up to face Kira, and he muttered, "I know where it's at, damn it. I just can't believe you're still hard just over talking about it. Err...."

Setsuna trailed off when he considered Kira's current location, and his eyes trailed from Kira's eyes to Kira's wrist, then to the bed. "Unless you like being chained too, and that's not helping?"

Kira found himself oddly unwilling to be uncuffed yet. He didn't expect Setsuna to help him out here, but he did like being the center of the other boy's attention, and as painful as the erection was, it also felt good. "How will I ever learn anything if you don't keep me here?"

A slight look of baffled suspicion followed as Setsuna inquired, "You want to learn? Or do you really feel it's necessary to remind me of my original goal here?"

In the least, that distracted Setsuna from wondering if anything he had done or said had anything to cause Kira's erection. The interesting possible outcomes of that conversation would keep Kira's mouth busy for a while.

"And you know...I think I should go get those drinks after all," Setsuna said, slipping off the bed. "Did you want anything specific?"

"Yeah!" Kira said, trying to resist the urge to rub against anything he could rub against. Which, given his position, was nothing. "Bring me back a Sex on the Beach!"

"Hmph, because I'm sure that helps with your current state, huh?" Setsuna asked, shaking his head. He gave Kira one last look, eyes peering carefully to make sure Kira really seemed better, before walking out the door. He planned to be quick.... And he didn't plan to go back to his room for a while. Not until Kira was better - much better.

Forget this. Maybe I should just move into his room? Would he mind? Would that be a problem?

Kira blushed when Setsuna mentioned his "current state." Oh God oh God oh God this was so... But then when Setsuna eyed him, Kira just grinned at Setsuna until the other boy was gone. Then he closed his eyes and tried to think of something really gross. He was determined to make the thing whither before Setsuna got back.

When Setsuna got back, he handed Kira his drink, "One Sex on the Beach for you," and kept a bright, electric blue drink for himself, "And one Too Drunk to Fuck for me."

There was an ever so soft smile on his lips as he spoke, aimed right at Kira. Setsuna liked how it was sweet, and tasted almost like fruit juice instead of alcohol. In fact, the only way you knew it was an alcoholic beverage was how it made you feel after having one. Not only that, but he got a nice, red cherry to go with it. Perfect.

Kira grinned and took his drink, smiling. He hoisted it into the air. "A toast!" he declared. He liked making toasts. He wasn't sure why. "To Setsuna, and his complete lack of a sex drive."

With obvious dislike for Kira's toast, Setsuna muttered, "It's not that I lack a sex drive, senpai. It's that you're not good looking enough, and lack curves. And you're not my type. How many times have I told you that?"

Setsuna clinked his glass against Kira's, then took a long drink before he lifted his glass and toasted, "To Kira, and his inability to turn me on," with a huge grin.

The glass waited there in the air for Kira to accept or not.

Kira clinked it against Setsuna's, grinning. If he dished it out, damn well he could take it. "I know, I know," the older boy assured Setsuna with a laugh.

"You don't dig me. I understand. It's just that teasing you never gets any less fun..."

Kira held his glass to lips and tipped.

And that's one reason Kira and Setsuna got along so well, from Setsuna's point of view - Kira's ability to understand jokes, and that like for like was justified.

Setsuna drank to that - emptying his glass - then with his cheeks burning slightly from the alcohol, he rested back in the bed, arms behind him supporting his weight, legs slightly open, backside barely on the edge of the bed, and he muttered, "I want a Quick Fuck now."

Kira sputtered and coughed as he nearly choked on what he'd been drinking. "Wh - what?" he asked, turning to Setsuna with a flushed face and wide eyes. "Uh..."

Seeing Kira's reaction was quite amusing, especially with the alcohols of a Too Drunk to Fuck running through his system so quickly. He wondered what caused Kira to react like that, then shrugged it off as he said - tone so painfully casual - "I'd ask you to get me one, but you're chained up. Guess I'm going to have to push myself up and go get one myself." But with the way his cheeks were turning red, and the relaxed way he just lazily remained there on the bed, obviously Setsuna didn't feel like going back to the Ravenclaw bar any time soon.

"One would be really good right now, though."

Oh. Ohhh, he was talking about an alcoholic beverage. Heh, heh. Kira knew that. Of course. But he was still squirming against the handcuffs. "I'll get one," he offered. But the handcuffs wouldn't let him leave.

"Or not." Kira sighed and let himself slump over. "Tell me about it," Kira said in response to Setsuna's declaration that a Quick Fuck would be nice right now. Setsuna looked really cute, just laying there. Kira was beginning to think he needed a quick fuck of his own.

"...You look comfy."

Seeing Kira try to get loose from the cuff, Setsuna grabbed the key from the bed and leaned over Kira's lap to unlock it.

"Yeah, I was comfy. Why didn't you just say you wanted out of these things?" Setsuna asked, forgetting why he had put Kira in the handcuffs from the start. The need for a lesson was completely gone from his mind, and making Kira a bit more comfortable was now main priority, Setsuna completely unaware that he probably just made Kira more uncomfortable.

Kira watched, curiously, as Setsuna grabbed the key. Setsuna was going to let him out, eh? Well, that was nice of Setsu...

Setsuna leaned over him to unlock the cuffs and Kira very nearly fainted. Setsuna was so warm and looked so very content and he was so close... Kira felt very, very hot and squirmy suddenly. Fighting the urge to grab or say something in his drunkenness, Kira yelped, "Ohh! That's all right! I'm fine, really!" And then he started chewing his lower lip, before favoring Setsuna with a cocky grin.

"Oh?" Setsuna stopped, leaning so close, and looked up at Kira to ask, "You want to stay like this?" While drunk like this, Setsuna didn't see any wrong with it; he just wanted to do whatever suited Kira best.

"I can just go get a Quick Fuck for myself if you do. You want a Quick Fuck too?" Had he not been out of it, Setsuna might have considered just what he was saying...maybe. Even while sober Setsuna sometimes was oblivious to that sort of thing.

Kira wondered if he had a fever or if they temperature in the room had just shot up a ridiculous amount. Setsuna was very, very close. Kira's stomach lurched and for a second, he couldn't answer Setsuna's question because he was sure he'd momentarily forgotten human speech. "Er..." If it had been anyone else, Kira would have teased the person about how suggestive their position was. But he couldn't do that with Setsuna...

"A Quick Fuck would be nice," Kira said finally, trying very hard to keep a straight face. "You sure you haven't had too much alcohol already, though?"

"Nuh-uh!" Setsuna insisted, shaking his head as he did, giddy smile still plastered on his lips. "Just getting started."

Truth was, he had, like always. Small frame, age and partial Japanese origin didn't help Setsuna hold his liquor, at all, but that didn't stop him from continuing. Especially when he was this happy while drunk.

"I'll get one to give you, okay?" Setsuna offered, still there. He would wait - still leaning down, hands on the cuffs - until Kira responded before taking off.

"Last one," Kira said, warningly. "After this, no more drinks, okay?" Although outwardly an admonishment to Setsuna, Kira decided that it would have to apply to them both. Unlike Setsuna, Kira could take a lot without getting too drunk, thanks to his demonic part, but he knew that when he did get drunk, he always went completely off the deep end. Not so far off as to reveal anything, of course, but...

And, ohhhhh, Setsuna was still there! Kira didn't whimper, but he wanted to. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine here. For now." God must hate me, he thought, before realizing just how much truth was in that thought.

A little lost, Setsuna asked, "Does that you mean you want one?" because, unless he was mistaken, Kira hadn't really answered his question. Or if he had, Kira was too drunk to realize he said "Yeah," then he was fine there. Didn't the last part mean he didn't need a drink?

Puzzled, Setsuna remained there yet again, head tilted at Kira. Did God hate him? Damn straight.

Don't do that, Kira pleaded with Setsuna. It's really adorable when you do that. I don't think I can't take it. "Yes, yes, I want one. Please!" It was the only way he figured he was going to get Setsuna off, anyway.

"Oh. Okay," Setsuna said as he finally moved away, and with that took his beaming smile and all out of the room to gather up the drinks. This was how life with Kira was supposed to be like. Going out and getting drunk.

Now Setsuna had to wonder what places were around he could take Kira too. Whenever it was Setsuna in his black moods, Kira always forced him out of it by making him skip school and go off to get drunk, or just mess around all day. Kira was always doing that, and Setsuna saw it as Kira's way of looking after him - keeping him happy. He missed a lot of school, but semi-appreciated the effort.

Obviously, now, it was his turn to return the favor. So...who would know about the surrounding area and places for a good time, Setsuna wondered as he headed back to the Ravenclaw bar.

Kira breathed a sigh of relief. Well, on one hand, Setsuna was drunk and out wandering the halls alone. That was bad. He'd chew his own arm off if he needed to go protect Setsuna from someone evil, though, and Setsuna wasn't right in front of him, making his face get hot, looking rather adorable, threatening to bring back his erection...

Kira shivered and tried to relax. Part of him was enjoying the situation way more than he should have been, anyway.

Not that Setsuna couldn't take care of himself - he was just tipsy at the moment, but still likely to get angry with little provocation.

He returned shortly, completely unharmed, bearing two drinks and handed Kira one of them. "There you go! A Quick Fuck for Kira. And you better enjoy it and get over this...whatever it is." Setsuna nodded, all hope of being stern in his slight lecture lost by his smile. And as for thinking of someone to inquire about places to go to? He'd think on that later.

That smile... a 'quick fuck for Kira'... the demon hung his head. How very... suggestive, and Kira hadn't missed it. Setsuna, innocent as always, seemed blissfully unaware of it, though. Kira just sighed and took the drink with a smile. "I will," he assured Setsuna, trying not to seem like he was behaving unusually.

Not that Setsuna was actually innocent - this sort of thing just went right over his head; he never noticed when he affected people. "Good," came a proud declaration from Setsuna. Just as long as Kira was happy and being Kira, everything would be right with the world. Setsuna would do whatever it took to help Kira out. In fact, that brought him to the next thought....

"And...would you mind if I started sharing this room with you? Move in?" He had momentarily forgotten about Seto staying there, hoping the other boy would eventually return to his brothers. Besides, what better way for Setsuna to help Kira - and keep Kira from freaking out over...whatever brought up his earlier scare about Setsuna going off campus - then by rooming together?

Normally, Kira would have said, 'Share a room with me! I'd love you too!' but at the moment, all Kira could think about was Setsuna dressing and undressing in front of him, and Setsuna sleeping in the bed right next to him, and... his mind reeled. He didn't want to tell Setsuna no, though. Kira could call Setsuna a host of unsavory names and even smack him sometimes, but he could never say a direct 'No.' And he really did want Setsuna with him, even if the alcohol was making him think weird things right now.

"I don't mind," Kira said with a smile.

"Okay. I'll bring my few things in tomorrow," a response full of glee. Setsuna couldn't be more at ease now as he tilted his glass back and let the alcohol burn down his throat.

Setsuna scooted closer to Kira and leaned against him. His eyes went back to the handcuffs, making sure Kira's skin was still unmarked, despite Kira's struggling from earlier. "You sure you still want to be in those things?" Setsuna asked as his eyes traveled downward to Kira's lap, seeing if the other was still highly uncomfortable, or if that problem had gone away.

Kira blushed like crazy, trying to stop himself from getting aroused all over again. He'd had some success making his erection wilt, but that was progress was being dramatically challenged now. He immediately crossed his legs, trying to prevent Setsuna from seeing any swelling that might have remained. "I'm comfortable," Kira assured him, his healing ability preventing any permanent marks from forming.

"Okay...." Setsuna remained leaning on Kira's shoulder, eyes now looking upward instead.

"You think you can sleep like this, then? I'd like to at least uncuff you if we're gonna pass out like this." Setsuna didn't think he'd have enough to do that just yet, but he was feeling so warm.... And he definitely wanted another something.... Whichever one of the two tasted better.

"Go ahead and uncuff me," said a thoroughly overwhelmed Kira. Setsuna was so soft and warm and adorable and... ooooh... he wasn't sure how he'd deal with sleeping like this! He supposed he'd have to try, though. Kira grinned and tried to look unbothered.

With a gentle smile, Setsuna reached over Kira's lap again, slipped the key in, and let Kira's hand free of the cuff.

"Okay, Kira." Setsuna leaned back again, thinking of just toppling over onto his back and laying on the bed like that, even if his legs were off the side of the bed and it was just not the right way. Right now it would actually be comfortable.

Kira yawned a little. "I'll -- I'll be right back," he said. Finally, he could quickly go to the bathroom and... relieve himself. Gently brushing a finger against Setsuna's cheek, he said, "Thank you."

Setsuna leaned his head into the light affection. "You're welcome. I'm not going anywhere, so it's not like you need to advertise."

Before Kira even returned, Setsuna fell asleep, properly on the bed, one arm hugging around the one pillow with the strongest of Kira's scent, and with a soft smile still on his lips.

kira, seto kaiba, rp, setsuna mudou

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