Seventeen Again, Part 3: Into the Woods (Closed RP - James / Sirius...and James/Sirius)

Jul 23, 2006 01:35

((Continued from here, the post o' bathtime fun! This thread will likely be NC-17. Because it's young!Sirius and James ( Read more... )

james potter, sirius black, rp

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going_stag August 13 2006, 05:02:29 UTC
Except, what was feeling right about it? He didn't think he felt right about anything like that anymore. It'd never occurred to him that Sirius might have comparisons to make, or that he mightn't do it right, any of it. Especially the buggering part. There was a certain sort of pride he had about his drilling, and well, supposed he messed it up? Supposed he hurt his best friend! That was a thing he hadn't had to wonder about before. Everyone knew it hurt girls their first time, but that a nice bloke could make it hurt less. But this?

James grunted, soft and noncommittal. He lay on Sirius a few moments longer, then pushed himself up, chill air, compared to the warmth of Sirius' chest, making him shiver a moment. But he stood all the same and grabbed the blanket, ready to shake it out and make them a proper picnic space.

"Find us the roast beef, luv."


toujours_sirius August 13 2006, 05:54:11 UTC
While James lay there quietly on top of him, Sirius shut his eyes for a bit, revelling in the peaceful, still feeling of the evening. The sand underneath him was cool and dry; on top of him, James was warm, and he could feel a thin layer of sweat forming in the areas where their flesh met - just whose sweat it was, though, Sirius was unsure ( ... )


going_stag August 13 2006, 06:11:12 UTC
James tucked it up into his mouth and one hand snapped out to catch the pasty, like a Seeker with the snitch. He managed both blanket and food a moment, sending a puff of air right onto Sirius and not giving a damn about it. Before it could settled properly James slammed a cushioning charm under the cloth and then slammed his body onto it. He only bumped once before the charm molded to his body ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 13 2006, 06:58:28 UTC
Sirius was in far too good of a mood to mind the short blast of air that hit him when James fluffed the blanket. But James's first remark caused Sirius to lift his head slightly and glance at him, only to put it back down again, figuring James was joking around. He continued to work at his pasty, savouring the flaky dough and the dark flavour of the lambmeat.

It was only after he pushed the last bit of pasty into his mouth - a soft, doughy corner with just a hint of sauce on it - that Sirius caught James's mumble, although he hadn't a clue what he was on about.

At James's beckoning, he sat up sluggishly, still licking his lips and stretching. The food was delicious, and he felt delicious ( ... )


going_stag August 13 2006, 07:22:27 UTC
The dousing charm was right there on his lips, wand clenched in his other hand - greedy, brazen little... James waited for the right moment to splash icy cold water in Sirius face, only to find himself presented with the collar instead.

"Fuck." He swore, and changed his holding spell, but it still ended up snowing softly over both of them for a few moments.

James distracted himself by plucking the collar from Sirius' fingers. Unconsciously he shifted, moving closer to his friend as his fingers traced over and and under and around the worn leather.

He looked back over to Sirius, feeling the grain and nubs and shiny bits under his fingers. History. And much of it not good. There it was solid and real in his hand, and Sirius had kept it, some how. Some way. Or gone back for it - looked for it. For a moment James didn't know whether he wanted to punch his best friend or kiss him. It showed. He was shaking.


toujours_sirius August 13 2006, 08:10:25 UTC
"Guess I'm still the bloke who stole your eggs, huh?" Sirius laughed softly...and then James was cursing and out of nowhere, snowflakes were falling onto his cheeks. What in Merlin's name was that about? Sirius had thought everything was okay now. As far as he himself was concerned, everything was great. He and James had each other, the outdoors, and an entire week. And even though Sirius was still the same person, even though he wasn't really seventeen, even though he still had his memories of all the terrible things that had happened over the last twenty years, this week was a time for him to push all of that aside for a bit - to live a piece of the life he had never grown out of after all those years ( ... )


going_stag August 18 2006, 08:35:32 UTC
"Can't really forget, can we. This isn't even real." He motioned between them. But he meant more than how Sirius looked. What they were doing, his reaction, his relief.

James slumped down onto the blanket. "Wish I were the dog, I'd set my head in your lap and get my ears scratched. Everyone could do with a good bit of scratching when things just go arse up over tea kettle."

He rubbed the collar some more, words swimming at the surface, just by his lips. He couldn't fight, he couldn't fuck, he didn't wnat to think. His body tensed a moment, then struggled back towards relaxed and casual, lie that it was.

"Remember that summer you showed up at the house? Dripping wet and all beat up?" That was how James felt right now. He didn't look over at Sirius and his fingers just kept rubbing at the collar.


toujours_sirius August 18 2006, 09:03:50 UTC
"What's not real, Prongs? It's all real. I'm real. You're real," he insisted. Yeah, his looks were a bit of a facade right now, but that didn't make any of what they were doing, any of this week they had planned, any less real ( ... )


going_stag August 18 2006, 09:22:26 UTC
James looked up at the face looking at him and seeming, somehow, just as miserable and he pushed himself up further and then curled onto his side, until his head was in Sirius' lap.

"Arf. Also woof, mate. And a serious need of beef."

The collar was still in his hand, but he rubbed Sirius' leg, unconsciously trying to soothe. James pulled one of Sirius' hands into his hair.


toujours_sirius August 18 2006, 14:26:24 UTC
Sirius snorted softly, half of his mouth tilted up in a wry smile. "It's not pronounced 'Arf'. Or 'woof'. In fact, those are quite dirty words in dog language, did you know that? Say that to a dog with a bit of a mean streak and you'll find yourself at the wrong end of his mouth in a flash." Of course Sirius was joking, but he felt like James needed a light moment. He had taken the de-aging potion to help James relax, but maybe all James really needed right now was a lie-down and a bit of good humour - and then to wake up the next morning with a face he remembered looking back at him.

After leaning over and picking up his wand from where he had let it roll off his hand earlier, Sirius pointed the wand at the open bag and said softly, but forcefully, "Accio roast beef packet." He dropped his wand just in time to catch the packet that flew up and out of the bag towards him. His other hand was entwined in James's hair, absently tugging lightly at it, making the locks, stiff from the lakewater in the cave, stand up and out in their usual ( ... )


going_stag August 18 2006, 21:54:32 UTC
James nibbled at the slices of beef held out for him, a bit like a rabbit being coaxed with lettuce. "We're damn girls, Pads. In pink frilly pants."

He arched his hand around Sirius' waist and turned around. "And pigtails." A flicker of James' eyes as he looked at his best friend and a real smile broke through.

"One damn ugly bird in pigtails and her much cuter friend."

The tension was still there, unsettled and uneasy. But there was nothing he could do about it. He'd have to accept it. The gift this week was the reminder of familiarity not any stretch towards the way things used to be.

Above them the sky was purpling like a bruise, going softly towards red and the stars bright shining tears. James turned his head automatically looking for Sirius the star. He always did. And some of the tension went out of him just staring at it. The hand he had around Sirius waist held on tighter.

"You're so bloody lucky I don't Obliviate you, mate." The words slipped out, but James squeezed with his arm again. "But then you'd be an ugly ( ... )


toujours_sirius August 19 2006, 00:39:07 UTC
Sirius dropped his hand from James's hair down between his own legs and felt around for a moment. "Nope. Not a girl. My boys are still hanging in there, and they're definitely not covered by frilly pants right now." He put his hand back in James's hair, pulling gently at it again. Smiling, too, he said, "But I reckon you just might have enough hair for some wee little pigtails. It's a right mane, pigtails might serve well to tame it for once ( ... )


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