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spiritoferos January 28 2006, 16:31:07 UTC
((I have a little boy icon for him, since I figured he could switch back from adult to child however he likes, as the Greeks usually painted him as fully-grown which is how I'm used to seeing him, except the modern Cupid is a cherub. *nods!* Exactly. I loved that part. Even if Eros gives other people pretty compliments or flirts with them, he's always faithful to Psyche, above all else. A mortal in immortal Olympus, lover of the God of Love... It must have really been interesting for her. XD

Ah, okay! I guess that might work. How do you see the arrows working? I've always been under the impression that they only worked for Eros because otherwise, havoc would break loose with everyone trying to steal the arrows and use them. It's easier in this comm if I keep control of them by saying only Eros can activate them to make their magic work, so it's a combination of his will and the arrows themselves.

Which means he'd have to rescratch himself with a golden one to make himself fall for her again. Or he could ascend back to Olympus to have Hephaestus make more, and she searches for the arrows and a way to get him back down to scratch himself? Eros was originally just meant to show up on V-Day and cause mischief but now that you're here and signed up with Psyche, it seems evil to have him just disappear. XD))

*is thrilled to have her here, comments quietly* This break from my family will be wonderful - I know how overwhelming they can be when I'm not there.


late_born_myth January 28 2006, 17:51:32 UTC
((I've got a few different icons for Psyche, too. Those Victorians liked to paint them both as little naked winged toddlers, which is...kind of weird, IMHO. I like the idea of Eros changing his apparent age at will, though. Seems very him.

Hm. You know, the funny thing is that the myth doesn't have Psyche ever getting hit with one of the arrows, at least not that we see. So being in love with him is probably kind of her natural state. I wonder if Eros, on the other hand, stratches himself on a regular basis just to stay faithful, and because he really enjoys being in love with her. Now that I think of it, part of her value to him has to be that, in addition to loving him, she adores him (in the sense of worshipping him) beyond any of the other gods. Which has to be really something for him, since probably most of the rest of the Olympians don't take him all that seriously when he's not actively bugging them. Pesky kid!

And yes, it's probably good to have only Eros able to use the arrows. Otherwise the mayhem could get to be a bit much. But if he's able to hit people by accident (inc. himself) that has to mean it's not any kind of conscious activation. They're sort of an extension of himself/his power, made into his principal tool, I guess.))

Well, I've had a lot of time to get used to them, of course. And most of them are very good to me. But I always enjoy a change, as long as it's at your side. *could never be anything but thrilled to be with him*


spiritoferos January 28 2006, 18:41:16 UTC
((I like the butterfly ones. And yes, Fenrir here is a pedophile so I plan on having Eros torment the hell out of him by constantly switching ages in front of him.

*nods* I think that Eros must really love her of his own accord, even if it started as an accident. I wouldn't put it past him to keep scratching himself for her sake, even when he's not in danger of the arrows wearing off just to make sure that they never do. And yeah, Eros doesn't really take part in myths much, so I'm guessing he doesn't get much respect from his family when he's not setting his arrows loose. XD

*nodnod* Yup. They're infused with his powers to begin with, and when they leave his hand, that's when they're activated? So, for example, you can't just grab one from him and stab someone, but you could smack the bow and send his aim off to make someone else get hit? That would be hilarious!))

And I think it'll be good for us to spend some time with mortals for a change; like a vacation. A working on. *thinking of the trouble he's already caused, gives her a look of mischief mingled, as always, with adoration*


late_born_myth January 28 2006, 20:55:05 UTC
((And then there's this one, which was the only already-iconed image of Psyche I could find. It's Waterhouse's painting of her, pre-deification--I thought the pink was a bit much and might increase the likelihood of getting stuck in Sparklypoo. You do not want to see the cutesy dreck you have to wade through when you google "butterfly LJ icon."

Actually, *is plotty* you know, we could do it both ways, with the accidental-scratch thing: Eros, furious and holding his last remaining arrow, gestures carelessly while complaining to her, and cuts her slightly with the tip. She goes into shock, and starts backing away; he can't fix her without his arrows so dashes off to Olympus to get replacements, while she angsts and tries to keep herself together. She needs space to think, she tells him when he returns. Eros throws a fit, uses one of the lead-tipped on himself, and then (out of spite) shoots her anyway. So then Psyche has to figure out how to convince/trick him into scratching himself again. And...that's what I've got so far. Interested?))

"Having a wonderful time, glad you are here", huh? *brilliant smile* Does that mean you'll be wearing swim trunks at some point then? *waggles eyebrows lecherously, then collapses into giggles*


spiritoferos January 29 2006, 01:25:10 UTC
((*dead* I can imagine that. Sounds awful.

...OMG! That sounds hilarious. Stroppy!Eros would be far too fun to play. Sure, that works, and it'll be amusing to see Psyche find a way to get him to scratch himself once more. Though I fear for the safety of the school if an annoyed Eros is swaggering around...))

*laughs as well, glancing down at his toga* Well, I'd say that a toga would cover a lot more than a fig leaf...


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