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going_stag July 19 2006, 05:53:49 UTC
"Custard." James said with a very straight face. "There was custard. It got on things. And skin. And things. Custard. And now we're off to find a bath and finish dinner."

He glanced at Sirius, "Anymore left, mate? Not that Lily deserves custard, haunting the school like Peeves, ready to send poor ickle first years to their beds in fright. But you were always nicer than I am."

Cool as a cucumber spelled to chill, despite being naked as the day he was born and considerably more pornographic under the cloak.


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 06:18:33 UTC
Sirius nodded soberly. "Yes, custard. Bit of an accident with custard and an incantation gone wrong. Very messy. Sinister stuff, that custard, but if you want some, I think there's more." Sirius felt around on the tray and pulled out a ramekin of the delicious yellow stuff. Thank goodness they had left the other ramekin, the one Sirius had dipped his fingers into, in the room. Giving that to Lily would have been so, so wrong.

"Just don't go casting any spells at it, or else you might end up covered in the stuff, too. Anything else I can get you from under the cloak?" With a wicked smile, he added, "You know, crepe, roast beef sandwich, willy o' Potter or Black...?"


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 06:23:28 UTC
Lily's eyebrow went up and she tried to force back a smile. "Custard?" she said, her voice even and not trembling a bit as she struggled not to laugh. "Dangerous stuff, that. Brave lads, the both of you, for taking it on alone. And of course, this custard is the reason that the very fine Gryffindor baths aren't sufficient?" Not waiting for an answer, she reached out and took the ramekin. Dipping one finger in, she licked off the custard, her eyes considering James and Sirius.

"And I wasn't haunting the place, Potter," she grinned. "At least I was all visible, and not, apparently, carrying around most of Hogwarts' food stuffs."

She burst out laughing at Sirius' offer. "Hmm...tempting Black. Been a while since I've had a good one." She nodded slowly and held out her hand. "Crepe?" she said innocently.


going_stag July 19 2006, 06:29:14 UTC
James elbowed Sirius, sharply. Willie o Potter or Black? Was he drunk? Was he even thinking? According to everyone he knew, they were currently speaking to his wife right now. He may not have been getting along with Lily, but leaving too many clues about, could be something that would hurt her. And not having expectations was very different from having life slapped in your face like a large trout.

He flashed Sirius a stern look. "Well then, best give up your crepes now. You offered after all. When you're starving later, don't look at me. I'll just eat in front of you."


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 06:55:08 UTC
A sharp elbow to his ribs and Sirius nearly dropped the food tray. He looked down at James, puzzled. He suspected it was about the willy remark, but hey, their willies would be under there no matter whether they were wearing their thickest winter longjohns and three layers on top or their birthday suits. And Sirius always spoke this way to Lily, although he supposed James wouldn't really know that, not having lived through the several years of his life during which he had dated Lily and Sirius had become her friend, and then not having been privy to Sirius and Lily's more recent conversations.

He shrugged at James and then smiled back at Lily, handing her a crepe through the opening in the Invisibility Cloak. "Here, bon appetit. And no, the Gryffindor baths are not sufficient, because...because someone left a dungbomb in there, and it wasn't us this time. The whole loo reeks like my mum's breath, only worse, and there's no way we're washing up in there, so Prefect's Bathroom it is ( ... )


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 07:10:49 UTC
Lily accepted the crepe, smiling, and took a bite. "Excellent, this," she said. A quick tap of her wand and she miniaturized the crepe and the custard and put them in her pocket for later.

She looked at Sirius for a moment, "Don't suppose I have to tell you to watch your back, yeah?" She grinned, "And I'm guessing you'll need more Firewhisky for the trip? Shall I send you down a case, then?" She didn't need to explain that she doubted Sirius running around the school would be a wonderful idea. Harry seeing his godfather turned seventeen would likely be a bad experience and Lily trusted that Sirius and James were clever enough to realize it.

The excuse for the prefect bathroom was...well, shite, Lily was fairly certain. But she wasn't inclined to look much deeper into it. For one, she was almost positive she didn't want to know. And she knew just a little of what James must be going through. If someone had offered her a week - hell, a day - where everything was a bit more normal, where she didn't have to constantly remind ( ... )


going_stag July 19 2006, 07:18:07 UTC
"Fine fine, no throwing eggs, or bits of paper into trees or stealing bobby caps or setting of fireworks in public. It's not like Muggle jail could hold us." But he grinned, glad to keep things simple and easy.

"There's only so much trouble we can get into in a week anyway. And we'd need time to get out of most of them again. Time we don't have." The last was added a little softer. But James wouldn't dwell on the time limit.

"Alright, enough chitchat. Colored bubbles and rubber duckies, Pads. And this time, keep the noise down or I won't let you drink all that Whiskey." He doffed an imaginary cap at Lily, and just caught the drop of cloak that bared the tiniest glimpse of shoulder.

"As you were, Potter."


toujours_sirius July 19 2006, 07:41:35 UTC
"Pfffft. After Azkaban, Muggle jail's got to be a piece of cake." On one hand, it was probably a bit dissonant to watch a seventeen-year-old Sirius mention his time in Azkaban. On the other hand, Sirius's easy, casual grin made it very clear that the subject was all right with him. At this point, he was so content that even talk of Peter might have provoked little more than a frown and a grunt from him.

"But yes, of course we'll be careful," Sirius continued. "And Firewhisky is always appreciated."

Sirius caught the soft, sad note in James's voice, and he carefully reached for James's hand under the cloak and took it in his. He felt kind of bad that Lily was right there, but she couldn't see anyway, and besides, it's not like he was grabbing James's willy or anything.

That would come later.

"Right. Well, off we go. Keep your nose clean, and be careful with that custard, yeah?"


lilypotter60 July 19 2006, 07:58:30 UTC
She noticed James' tone at the mention of time, but simply swallowed back any sympathy she wanted to offer and grinned. "Potter," she nodded at James, "Black," a quick nod in his direction. A small gesture with her wand had her bag flying gracefully over and settling back down over her shoulder.

She headed off towards Ravenclaw, in the opposite direction of the Prefect's Baths. Waving slightly, she rounded the corner and disappeared from sight.


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