First ever banning.

Jun 24, 2006 13:18

The mod trio has reached its first official decision together -- unfortunately, that decision is a sad one. severus316 has been banned from the community, and the mun will not be picking up the role of Severus Snape or any other character in the HH. The reasoning behind that is as follows:

1) He attempted to use the IRC channel as a pick-up source, thereby making several muns uncomfortable, who complained to the mods. The mods discussed it with him, he promised to stop, then went right on making the mostly-female playerbase feel targeted and harassed.

2) He godmodded within the party thread, but as he deleted the offending comment when asked and reposted something else, that in itself wouldn't have been enough to get him banned as it seemed like an honest mistake.

Therefore, with all that taken into consideration, the char journal has been banned from commenting to the comm, he's been banned from the HH IRC channel, and has been notified via e-mail of the decision reached.

Bree-mun, the mod trio would like to apologize to you for the deleted thread at the party -- clearly, since we're not allowing him to unpopcorn Snape, that meeting between them never happened.

To everyone else that had to interact with the mun and reported him, thank you for speaking out. Your opinions do count and matter, and sorry as we are to have to actually take such drastic measures, it's preferable to having the playerbase feel threatened by the presence of a mun who has proven himself to not understand that what he might (for some bizarre reason) find as funny, other people will take as offensive/harassment.

Also, in view of this, the unpopcorning process will probably be overhauled to try to find some way of making sure this doesn't happen again. As it is, our requirement that he speak to other muns whom his character will interact with is what saved us from having to retcon a lot of RP as opposed to one thread, since that kept his character frozen pretty much since the moment he joined.

Thank you for your patience with this long announcement, and hopefully, next time we will have better news to report.

~Your mods: Damien and Prima.

Liz agreed that he should be banned, but wasn't here while the post itself was written, hence why only two mods have signed it. Action-wise, all three mods are in full agreement.

announcement, mod, ooc

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