Extremely late owls, sent out to most of the people he chatted with during his radio show.

Jun 19, 2006 22:41

((For the purpose of explaining why they're so delayed, I'm assuming this happens after Ryuuji and Wolfram are kidnapped by giant bees. The OOC reason is that mod/IRL stuff kept me kinda too busy to get my act together, sorry, but I've got no clue how this works with Ryuuji being there for the wolfhunt/lessons, except maybe to say that he was shadow-projecting or cloning himself the way Naruto showed him.))


Giant bees kidnapped me but I'm back now. Mokie, got any manga with you? I met a chick called Gogo Yubari who's also from Japan and would like to do a manga-night with us. Seto, I've got pie and it's tasty. You should eat some. Also, argh, I smell like honey and nothing I'm using can cover it up. Anyone got anything stronger than my usual soaps and shampoos?


Dear Adam,

I'm really, really sorry about everything that I said on the radio show. I was incredibly drunk, as you might have noticed and swear that I have no intentions of trying to get you together with Oz or send you toasters for wedding presents or er, anything else that I might have said. I would have sent you this owl sooner, but I was kidnapped by giant bees (and only in Hogwarts would that sentence even make sense) so please don't take the lateness of this apology as meaning it's less sincere than it would have been had I sent it off straight after the radio show.

So yeah, very sorry, have no clue why I said all of that, and if it would help any, I can send in a retraction to the next WART?



Sorry about the My Little Ponies deluge. They didn't hurt too much, did they? I would have owled before, but I just spent a week being captive by giant bees -- long story -- so this is the first chance that I've had to get write notes of apology. And er, if you did give them to Gert, I hope she appreciated them!



I'm sorry for trying to name your ship with Adam 'Ozam'. It sounds stupid. You deserve a better shipname. Or you deserve to not have your friends try to pair you up on air. One of the two. Anyway, sorry about it, sorry the apology's so delayed -- I blame the giant bees that kidnapped me -- and I hope you're still okay.


Dear Gogo,

Hey! Still up for that round of sparring I promised you during the radio show? Sorry that I didn't owl you about it sooner, but giant bees kidnapped me -- insanely long story, trust me, it's one of those things that sound better in person -- so I've been kinda not-here. But I'm here now, so I'll check in with Mokuba about the manga night, and I'm willing to spar anytime you are.


Dear Nightwing,

I'm still sorry I turned you into a kitten. And I've given you plenty of time to cool down which was admittedly partly because giant bees kidnapped me, so are you feeling better yet? I brought you perfectly-innucous honey from their giant hive. It's completely safe. I tested it. Can it be a peace-offering?


Dear Stephen,

I've got some great samples of blood and other materials from a giant bee for you, along with a corpse if you want to study it. And honey that they produced. It's pretty tasty, from what I've tried so far.


P.S. My life is a progression of weird events, that steadily grow weirder.


Got kidnapped by giant bees. Thought you might like to know.



Want to fence anytime soon? Sorry about abruptly cutting off mid-communication but giant bees took me away to a honey-covered mansion on a hill. I'm back now, though and again, sorry about the delayed response.



victor mancha, owl, richard grayson, mokuba kaiba, adam young, gogo yubari, ryuuji otogi, terry mcginnis, oz, seto kaiba, stephen maturin

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