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going_stag June 13 2006, 08:06:34 UTC
"Ugh... shags." He finished his sandwich and turned, resting his head on Sirius' shoulder and spilling the crips onto Padfoot's chest, licking the salt off his finger tips as he ate each crisp one by one.

"Now what's this about you and Moony? You've made up only you haven't made up?" He stopped, propped himself up to look at Sirius, wanting to pay attention. But then shook his head. "No, tell me later. As long as you're speaking again I'm fine for now, mate." Padfoot looked too sad about it. Ther e was no need to bring it up now. Not when they were both into the drink and feeling mellow.

"Though that makes us a right sorry pair. Except you'll gain your reputation back no worries. I'm bleeding Harry Potter's, father, and I look like him. I imagine that'll cause no end of trouble some how or other. So it might be some time 'fore I get my end away. Too much to get to know and figure out first. Pity."

He sighed a bit, with a hint of a pout. "I'm not used to the problem. But you'll keep me from going mad, won't you Pads?" The flirt was automatic, but James pulled it in. "Wizarding chess to all hours, random midnight walks. We'll keep busy. And then one day I'll walk in to hear the mattress squeaking away and have to quietly walk out again, while leaving my wand of course, to record every sound of it."

James grinned and rested his head down again, body angled so he and Padfoot weren't quite touching.


toujours_sirius June 13 2006, 08:30:20 UTC
Sirius looked down at his crisp-covered chest. First a pillow, then a house-elf, and now a plate. What would James have him be next? Well, whatever it was, Sirius would be glad to do it. Having James alive and next to him was the best thing ever, and if it meant he had to impersonate a Muggle coffeemaker, he would do it without hesitation.

Although he kept his face impassive, Sirius was fairly relieved to hear that James didn't expect to be going bird hunting anytime soon. He truly couldn't imagine James with anyone else besides Lily, and he knew how hurt Lily would be if James were to date anyone else. Under normal circumstances, like those of twenty years ago, Sirius would have protested James's assertion that he'd be shag free for some time, but with the way things stood, Sirius had no desire to encourage him towards other women.

Instead, he said, "Yes, yes, wizarding chess, walks, Exploding Snap, whatever you like. And if you're asking if I'll return the favour from the other night, you know I'm good for it, Prongs. Hasn't it always been that way with us?"

He flipped over onto his stomach and turned his head, which he rested on folded arms, to regard James. "And you sick, sick bugger, wanting to record my shags. Dare I ask what on earth you would do with the recordings? I hope you don't use them as background noise while you wank."


going_stag June 14 2006, 02:57:13 UTC
He waved his hand, his face slightly blank and didn't mention Sirius' offer. Instead, James plumped his pillow and leaned back, still on his back. "Do you imagine I need to hear you puffing away at some bloke to get a happy? Nah mate. Not at all. Just thinking it'd make lovely background music in the Great Hall. Or maybe I'd charge for it, let the playmates in on what's in store for them. They might give you some pointers with your pillow-talk."

There were crumbs over both of them, and this time, James grabbed Padfoot's wand to focus on making them go away. He was only a little sloshed, but he'd rather have a wand to help than disappear anything important. Padfoot'd have howled if he lost his chest hair.


toujours_sirius June 14 2006, 03:10:48 UTC
"Hey now, bloke or bird, you know I don't discriminate. In fact, I was working on a bird...until a certain mate of mine had a bit of a row with her." Sirius pointedly cleared his throat. "It might not be a bad idea to play your recording for my prospects, though. I think it would be quite a selling point for me, don't you? I think people appreciate a man who tells them exactly how they're making him feel. Better than a quiet bloke, you don't know if you're pleasing him, boring him, hurting him, or what."

Sirius grabbed James's wrist, the one holding the wand. "What are you doing with my wand? You're drunk, and I don't want you vanishing my willy by accident. Last time you had my wand, you put notches into it, and let me tell you, it wasn't easy getting them out, you nutter."


going_stag June 14 2006, 03:17:23 UTC
James rolled his eyes at the mention of Sara. "Whiney lil' tart." He mumbled under his breath.

But he blinked at the mention of damage to Sirius' wand, trying to remember why he'd done that.

"Oh, yeah mate. Notches .I was gonna measure, but then you got all distracted." James smiled a bit, somewhat wickedly. "We still should. Simple no cheat notch spell, easist thing in the world. Why didn't you come to me for the counter-spell ?"

He twisted his wrist in Padfoot's hand, trying to get free and pull away somewhat. Some of the sense of easy comfort in him, sliding ever so slightly away.


toujours_sirius June 14 2006, 03:35:04 UTC
Sirius caught the eyeroll and the quiet grumbling about Sara, but decided to let it go. He'd have to work on her at some point, and until then he knew there was no way he'd convince James to change his mind. It was a protective thing between the two of them, and he would be the exact same way about anyone, bird or bloke, he thought had done wrong to James.

Sirius smiled, and he could feel a small flush creep up into his cheeks. "Er, yes, distracted, although I would remind you that that was your fault in the first place. Now, who are we measuring, you or me? Or both? We need some ground rules, then, and the main one is that only human forms count, because you know Padfoot could never beat Prongs when it comes to willy size."

Taking James's wrist twist as part of their usual games, Sirius tightened his grip. If James wanted to wrestle, he would wrestle.


going_stag June 14 2006, 03:44:10 UTC
He didn't really think about wandless magic or not. Or what he was doing. James just said the charm that expelled a gust of wind from the pointed object - to shove Sirius away.

The twist to his arm, and them both tangled up in the sheets and Pads being, bigger - it was hard not to feel like a first year about to be cruelly pranked. It took more effort than he could give while soused to remember the body beside him actually was his best mate.

"Oi Padfoot, that's my wand hand it is."


toujours_sirius June 14 2006, 03:54:44 UTC
Hit with the sudden gust of wind, Sirius recoiled for a moment, letting go of James's wrist in the process. "Oi! What was that for? Now you're playing dirty! I didn't think you were that wasted. And I wasn't going to do anything to your hand...although now that you're blowing air gusts at me, I definitely can't trust you with my wand!"

Playfully, Sirius threw one leg over James and made another attempt to grab James's hand, the one holding Sirius's wand.


going_stag June 14 2006, 04:00:09 UTC

Out and fast. No holds barred. It seemed the room flashed white halfway through James saying the word.

He exhaled, wriggling back on the bed. "Bloody hell, Pads! Give a bloke room!"

James crouched, his own wand in his hand from an accio he didn't remember casting.


toujours_sirius June 14 2006, 04:14:31 UTC
There was a flash of light, and Sirius suddenly felt like an invisible rope had grabbed him by the ankle and yanked him heels over head into the air. For a moment, his vision went blurry and his head was spinning. When his eyes finally came back into focus, he found himself staring at a crouching upside-down James from somewhere high above their bed.

"The fuck? What'd you go and do that for? You were the one who started with the wrestling, and now I'm dangling up here like Snivelly!" James had both of their wands, so Sirius was stuck hanging there until James let him down. "And what do you mean, give a bloke room? I mean, fine, whatever, but since when has it ever been like that?"

Sirius flailed around for a bit. "Are you going to let me down?"


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