RP LOG: Pizza Party, Great Hall

Jun 08, 2006 11:03

((This log is for the day after the mudwrestling duel.))

< PhilipJFry> "PIZZA!" A heavy Brooklyn accent is shouting throughout the length of the Great Hall. "GETCHER PIZZA! HOT FRESH PIZZA!" He's FINALLY managed to get the house-elves to understand that you BAKE pizza, not BOIL it, and he's scheming to test-taste on passersby!
* JD walked into the great hall and looked around. He seen several other students around, and a guy shouting something about Pizza.
< PhilipJFry> "HEY! C'MON! FREE FOOD! You guys are school kids, right? Step up and stuff your face!"
* JD smiled at the pizza-guy.
< PhilipJFry> ".. I need a BELL or something."
< JD> I'll have a slice!
< Gogo> Gogo looks up. She hasn't had pizza for a long time, not since Miki-kun and the others. She bites her lip and smiles. "I'll eat some of your food, Pizza-Selling-san."
< JD> Oh, no! Not you!
* JD looks over fearfully.
* Nny remembers an applicant claiming to be able to provide pizza, but is skeptical.
< Gogo> *smiles* Oh, Scared-Doctor-san. How are you?
< Nny> "...is there a reason you're being rude to her?"
< JD> I'm..um, good. You Miss..?
< PhilipJFry> "Finally!" He pops his knuckles, spins a pizza-roller in one hand all cool-like, and slices off two decent-sized slices onto paper plates, one for Gogo and one for JD. "Hope y' like em."
< JD> Thanks! *starts munching*
< Gogo> *sniffs skeptically* What kind is it?
< PhilipJFry> "Pepperoni!
* Nny eyes the pizza-cutter speculatively and GRINS.
< JD> mphmunchI'm JDmphslurp.
< Gogo> Ah, okay. *takes a bite*
< PhilipJFry> Fry eyes Nny. "You're kinna skinny. Here." Cuts off a BIGGER slice for the resident maniac, who he kinda remembers from his Sorting-thingy too. "Try this."
* sensiblesusan is suspicious of free food, especially free food with lots of obvious grease. That's what happens when you live in Ankh-Morpork for any length of time.
* JD grinned in pleasure.
< JD> Nice!
< PhilipJFry> (A small group has gathered around where Fry is offering FREE PIZZA.)
* Emozronram is now known as Wolfram
< Gogo> This... isn't too bad. *takes another bite*
< Gogo> Who are you?
* Wolfram looks around the area.
< Nny> "Why the hell should it matter to you if I'm skinny?" He still takes the pizza, however.
* JD edges subtley away from Gogo and towards Fry.
< JD> Hi! I'm JD.
< PhilipJFry> Fry shrugs, offers a lazy smile in return. "Hey, just -noticing-." to Gogo, "I'm Fry. nicet' meetcha." Wipes his hand awkwardly on his pant-leg and then sticks his hand out.
< Gogo> Looking a little reluctant, she shakes his hand. "Yubari Gogo. Or Gogo Yubari, since you're American."
< JD> JD looked over, a little hurt. "Why couldn't you be that nice to me?" he asked the psychotic girl.
< Gogo> "I'm not being nice. I'm being polite. Besides, you didn't give me pizza." She takes another bite.
< PhilipJFry> "You're Japanese, huh? Neeeeat." Big grin as he takes his hand back. "Wow, a pretty girl shook my hand. s' my lucky hand for the rest of the day!" He looks around a bit. "Okay, you guys, since you're trying it out, whatcha think? I'm still kinna tweaking the recipe. These Keebler elves or whatever, they REALLY took forever to get the idea."
< JD> He frowned. "Well, what about if I get you a pizza? Will you be polite to me then?"
* Sarah_W smells pizza and wanders in the Great Hall, approaching the growing group with a smile.
* Nny gives JD a Look. If Gogo's not nice to him, she probably has a reason.
< Gogo> "No, it's more fun this way. And I'm never -impolite- to you." To Fry: "It's alright." A shrug, and another bite.
< JD> He looked at Gogo, shocked. "You tried to KILL me!"
< PhilipJFry> Fry waves to newcomers. "Free pizza! C'mon, I know you're hungry! Try it out!"
< Gogo> "But I was never -impolite- about it."
< Gogo> And then Gogo spots Nny. Nny in a -kilt-. Stares. Grins. "Hello, Nny-chan."
< JD> He looked back to Fry. "Add more Anchovies and it'll be perfect."
< Sarah_W> "Okay." Sarah move close to fry and takes a slice, munching silently and then grins. "Hey, this isn't bad, good job!"
* JD grumbled to himself about how killing is downright RUDE in itself.
< Nny> 6"Hey, Gogo. That guy's not being too obnoxious, is he?"
< PhilipJFry> Fry breaks into a HUGE GRIN. "ANCHOVIES! You're a man after my own heart, JD. In a totally platonic way." He looks distracted and seems to wander off into somewhere inside his head. That's RIGHT, there are still anchovies around at this time!
< JD> JD smiled at the guy. "Everything tastes better with anchovies. Even ice cream!"
< Gogo> "Scared-Doctor-san? No, he's just amusing." She cocks her head, smiling. "You look nice."
< Sarah_W> Sarah's eyes widen as she overhears. "On ICE CREAM?"
< Nny> #06"I still think I look like a half-open umbrella."
< PhilipJFry> Fry makes a FACE. "I knew this one guy, well, more of a LOBSTER, ate right out of trash cans."
< JD> He looks at Sarah and smiled. "Anchovies go with everything."
< Sarah_W> Sarah is amused. "I don't believe you."
< Gogo> "And I still think you look nice." Gogo looks at Fry again. "Can I have more pizza? -Before- you ruin it with anchovies?"
< JD> He looked at Fry astonished. "You knew a LOBSTER?!! Wow!"
< NinthDoc> The Doctor has decided to spend some time away from Gryffindor and ended up here. After observing these people around the pizza, he goes up to try a bit himself. "Mm, haven't had m'self some of this in a while...maybe some pineapple on it wouldn't be bad."
< JD> JD stared at Sarah. "Have you ever tried anchovies?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah shakes her head. "Little fish on my food? No."
< PhilipJFry> "KNEW him, he was my DOCTOR." Fry laughs. He nods at the Doctor as he comes up and takes a slice. "I'm trying to get it, but the closest I've been able to find around here so far are those goofy little tangerine slice thingies."
< JD> He smiled at the new comer. "Hi Doctor."
< JD> He looked at Sarah incredulously. "Never? Wow, you haven't LIVED."
< Gogo> Gogo sighs impatiently and takes another slice. She -had- asked.
< NinthDoc> "Hullo, JD." And takes another bite, satisfied with some food. Then to Fry: "Well, then try those, fruit on pizza isn't bad, and it makes it more healthy."
< PhilipJFry> "Hey, you guys are all magicians and stuff, right? Can one of you magic me up a SIGN or something that says free pizza? To put outside?" Pause, thoughtful.
* Nny tries not to wince at the idea of tangerines... or pineapple, for that matter... on pizza, and has a truly horrifying thought; what if Gogo tried getting this guy to make -durian- pizza?
< PhilipJFry> "HEALTHY? What are you, a Communist?" He eyes the Doctor suspiciously.
< Sarah_W> Sarah shakes her head. "Believe me, I have and just fine without anchovies." She nods. "I can make the sign."
< JD> JD smiled again, happily and swiped another slice. "'S good."
< Gogo> Luckily for the world, the thought of durian pizza does not cross Gogo's mind. "I don't like anchovies," she comments to nobody in particular.
< NinthDoc> "I think Communists were more about there being no social classes than about healthy lifestyles, really," replies the Doctor.
< PhilipJFry> "I thought it was all about the big FURRY HATS," Fry laughs. "Furry hats and vodka."
< Sarah_W> Sarah smiles at Gogo. "then you and I need a separate pizza before the rest bring in the anchovies."
< PhilipJFry> "I'm totally gonna get the elves to find me some of those fish. Salty and slippery. There's nothing LIKE them."
< Gogo> "Perhaps we should all get a pizza each? I'm not very good at sharing." But she doesn't sound like she's actively -snubbing- Sarah, just stating a fact.
< JD> JD groans, thinking of the anchovies. "They're so GOOD."
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods, as it is a good idea, and turns to fry for a moment. "how about it, think you can make more pizza, with all different toppings?"
< NinthDoc> "That'd be a lot of work for those house elves."
< PhilipJFry> Fry smiles, nodding with a similarly blissed-out expression. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I got some others if you wanna try those." Gestures to a table that the house elves are even NOW bringing forth, while others march out with boxes "They're like big-eared ANTS," he smiles fondly.
< Gogo> "They're servants. That's what they're meant to do." Gogo says to the Doctor.
< PhilipJFry> "... Nobody swat 'em, okay?" Wow, his brain can go off on tangents.
< NinthDoc> "It's just he was saying how long it took the elves to make one pizza. Ah well, they learn quick, don't they?"
< Sarah_W> "And they can make them much faster than we can... plus they like helping, I've never had someone so eager to help," Sarah adds.
< JD> JD looks at the elves incredulously. "Cool! What are those things?"
< Nny> "Not that they're all that good at it." He grins at Gogo.
< Gogo> Gogo smiles back, privately counting how many of the elves have notched ears.
< PhilipJFry> "It took them a while to grasp the INTRICACIES. LIke, y'know, not putting the cheese inside the dough."
< JD> JD looked at Fry. "You're a chef?"
< Gogo> "They're more incompetent than I thought," she sighs, having realised that all but three of the elves have at least one notch.
< PhilipJFry> "No..." Dramatic pause. "I'm a delivery boy! But I used to make pizza for Panucci's."
< JD> JD smiled. A job was a job. "Sounds..nice. Was it good?"
< Sarah_W> Before going to see what other pizzas were made, Sarah pulls a piece of parchment from her pocket, unfolding it as she pulls out her wand. She frowns a moment and then quietly enlarges it, then sits on the floor to write on it. When she finishes she holds up the free pizza sign. "Will that work?”
< PhilipJFry> "Ey." Two thumbs-up from Fry! "Just make it go fly around outside or something. Maybe have it swoop down on people's heads. Hehehe. That'd be awesome."
< PhilipJFry> "It SUCKED. But it's something I know how to do," he tells JD.
< JD> JD laughed. "Well, it gets you by, right?"
* Sarah_W grins and gets up, going outside to figure out just exactly how to make it divebomb people's heads.
< NinthDoc> "Anything that gets you by can never be all that bad," comments the Doctor.
< JD> He nodded in agreement.
< Gogo> Gogo shakes her head. "I'd never work as anything that I didn't enjoy immensely." A small, sharp smile.
< Nny> "Si non amarem, non facerem?"
< JD> JD shrugged. "I worked to help people. I'm a Doctor."
< PhilipJFry> He leans back against the wall. "Oh, hey! Have any of you guys seen a big metal robot about my size? He was s'posed t' be here to help me with the pizzas, but I wonder if he's off sneaking into the school offices or something instead. Name's Bender...?"
< Gogo> Gogo cocks her head at Nny. "That isn't English. Is it?"
< JD> "'Bout my height? Grey? Nope, haven't seen him."
< PhilipJFry> Fry eyes JD. "You've got awfully good HAIR for a doctor."
< JD> JD grinned. "Thanks! New wax..."
< PhilipJFry> "You make your own too?"
< NinthDoc> "Oi, who says doctors don't have good hair?"
< JD> He frowned. "Umm..., no. I buy it..."
< Nny> "Latin. Kind of pretentious, but it's traditional for mottos, or something." He grins at Gogo. "It means 'If I didn't like it, I wouldn't do it'."
< PhilipJFry> Fry laughs. "Too bad. Nature didn't BLESS you with the gift of everpresent wax." adjusts his hair a bit with one hand
< JD> JD grinned nervously. "Wouldn't it just come out in the shower?"
< PhilipJFry> He stares away for a second. "Never had that problem..."
< JD> "Oh, my hair goes all floppy after a shower."
< Gogo> "Oh. I don't think we ever had a motto. But that's a good one." A thought occurs to her. "So that means you DO like wearing sk- kilts?"
< PhilipJFry> "You need to discipline it better, that's all."
< Nny> He blushes. "I don't know yet. I'm still deciding."
< JD> JD grins. "Bad hair!" he said, slapping his head. "Ouch" he muttered.
< PhilipJFry> Fry laughs! "Hahah, I can't BELIEVE you did that!"
< Gogo> "I hope you do. But at least you're trying it before you decide." She takes another bite of pizza.
< JD> JD blushed at making himself look stupid AGAIN.
< NinthDoc> The Doctor can't help but laugh. "Oh, JD, I think I might have just figured out why Jack likes you so much."
< PhilipJFry> He's pleased. Looks like Panucci's old recipe still works, even back here in the Middle Ages.. wait... no, not the middle ages, right. Right. Gotta remember that. Past but PRESENT, except not PRESENT because he's from the FUTURE...
< JD> JD spun around. "Why? He isn't...BORED or anything?"
* JD waited nervously.
< NinthDoc> "Bored? Of what? You?" The Doctor has to laugh again. "Never, I'd guess."
< JD> JD sighed, relieved. "Great! I was just...um, never mind. Paranoia I guess."
< PhilipJFry> Fry goes and sits in a chair behind the tables, getting out the issue of Non-Human People he pilfered from Bender at his Sorting, and idly thumbs through it, as it looks like everyone that's tried the pizza who's gonna have done so for now. The elves will keep bringing out more as long as there's at least ONE student about.
< PhilipJFry> "Oh, hey, guys! Tell your friends, will ya? I'll be here all night."
< NinthDoc> "He really likes you, I can tell." He picks up another piece of pizza and gnaws on it thoughtfully. "More than just in a 'hey, how are you, my name's Jack, let me hit on you a while' kind of way."
< JD> JD blushed, but was elated. HE REALLY DOES LIKE ME! "I'm glad. I really like Jack.." he said, half to himself.
< NinthDoc> "I'd hope so, else you're a really good actor," the Doctor comments cheerfully.
< JD> JD grinned. "So how long have you known Jack then?"
< Ichimaru> Off for a little stroll, Gin indulges his curiosity and wanders over towards the small group. Something smells.. unusual, but tasty.
< PhilipJFry> "PIZZA!" Fry announces randomly at the top of his lungs, still flipping through his magazine. "FREE FOOD! SORRY, NO BEER!"
< Gogo> "Hello, Ichimaru-san. Would you like some pizza?" Gogo smiles, as if the pizza is hers to give away.
< NinthDoc> "We've known each other...hm..." It's hard to tell how long you've known someone when traveling through time. "Not THAT long, compared to a lot of other people."
< JD> JD smiled. "Well, he likes that you're friends. He said that you guys traveled together?"
< Ichimaru> "Pizza?" Gin asks Gogo, smiling. He's /very/ out-of-date with some modern creations. "Is that what this is?"
* JD winced when Ichimaru showed up. It's that other Psycho who attacked me! He thought unhappilly.
< Gogo> She cocks her head - is he teasing her? - and nods. "Yes. It's an Italian thing, I think. Originally. Very nice."
< NinthDoc> "Oh, yeah, we travel. Will continue to travel as soon as I find wherever my ship's gone, I should think. Me, Jack, and Rose."
< JD> JD smiled. "Sounds nice. I didn't know that you sailed." he said chatting conversationally.
< PhilipJFry> Fry deftly switches out a now-empty box for a fresh new pepperoni.
< NinthDoc> "Nah, not sailing, though that's rather fun. Space ship. Space and time. Been all over the universe, me," explains the Doctor.
< PhilipJFry> "Space ship? I done that too. I sure miss it. I mean, NOT that being here isn't fun and all, but... y'know.;"
< JD> JD looked a little confused. "Like in...books? Wow! Sounds cool!" he looked at Fry. "You too? I used to want to be an astronaughtic doctor." he grinned. "So, you can just go in and out of history?"
< JD> He privately wondered if you had to watch where you stepped in case you changed history.
< NinthDoc> "Oh, sure. I've even been to the end of the world." Him? Like gloating? Naaaah...
< PhilipJFry> Fry grins at JD. "I think the term you mean is 'space doctor'. And, yeah. I worked for Planet Express 'fore I came here. Good job, even though we never got paid and the hours were lousy and the boss was my crazy nephew from the future."
< JD> He smiled at the doctor. "How was it? Was everyone saved somehow?" to Fry: "Space doctor huh? Wow. Still, you worked on a space ship! Did you have lasers and stuff?"
< Ichimaru> Gin, upon spotting JD, waves cheerily at him before deciding to try this mysterious 'pizza' thing. "Italian? How interesting," he muses, and picks out a slice of pepperoni, not quite sure where to start.
< JD> JD winced again, but waved back, hoping to avoid a repeat.
< PhilipJFry> "Lasers? Well, nah, we usually ran away from people shooting lasers at us. But we had a cupholder in the front and a martini mixer and the engines ran on something I don't understand, which I guess is kinna like magic."
< Gogo> "You're much more polite to Ichimaru-san than you are to me, Scared-Doctor-san," Gogo pouts.
< NinthDoc> "Everyone had already left. There was nobody on the planet." He does, of course, decidedly leave out the part about Cassandra trying to kill everyone on Platform One...
< PhilipJFry> Fry smiles at Ichi. "Free! Enjoy. Tell your friends!"
< JD> JD was stunned. "You still have Martini's in the future? AND you had magic??"
< PhilipJFry> "Sure! Bender and I were even working on our own magic act before we got here! Bender'd make people's watches disappear."
< JD> To Gogo: JD smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be rude. You just seem so happy at the thought of killing me." To Doc: "That's good then! Did we all move to another galaxy? Do aliens really exist?"
< Ichimaru> "Oh, of course," Gin replies vaguely to Fry, before deciding that starting at the pointy end of the slice might be best, and begins his taste test. It's... not bad, he decides after the first mouthful. But too much cheese.
< PhilipJFry> "An' we got almost everything in the future that we have now, except video tapes and Star Trek movies and those little comedy rubber dog vomit toys. And believe me, I LOOKED."
< JD> "No...Star Trek?"
< PhilipJFry> "Nope! Apparently it caused some kinna HOLY WAR or something so they were all shipped off to some bunghole planet in the middle of the Forbidden Zone and now you have to watch bootlegs."
< NinthDoc> "Spread all across the stars, you Humans. And of course there are aliens, JD. Been there faaaar longer than your kind." The Doctor his amused at how naive and cute JD is being. It's refreshing.
< JD> "It started a WAR? Wow, I mean, it was good, but I didn't think it'd be annoying."
< PhilipJFry> "They just weren't ready for its amazing awesomeness in the future. Plus, they were starting to get more converts than the Catholics."
< Ichimaru> Gin, 100% out of his element, eats pizza and listens. Star Trek? Spaceships? Lasers? Catholics? WTF?
< JD> JD stared at the Doctor incredulously. "When do we meet them? I mean, are they blue with tentacles, or normal? If I know this, will it change history?" he adds the last one in worriedly.
< PhilipJFry> "Nothing you guys do is gonna matter," Fry laughs, "'cause the whole planet gets bombed like four times before the year 3000."
< JD> JD grinned. "They had a Start Trek religion? Do they have Jedi?"
< JD> We get BOMBED?
< JD> ""
< PhilipJFry> "Oh, yeah, alien death fleets, the whole deal. I think the first time it's because our radio wave transmissions of I Love Lucy are interfering with their reception."
< NinthDoc> "Not so much with, really. Trust me, I'd know all about changing history with future knowledge. But, ah..." The Doctor's a little unsure. "Can't really say when. Time's a fickle thing. Things change a lot now, more than it used to."
< PhilipJFry> Fry looks at Doc. "Nah, this I know for SURE. See, I got frozen... well, past-tense? Yeah... got frozen in the year 2000 at midnight and woke up in the year 3000 an' all that stuff actually happened."
< JD> JD groaned. "I always said that programme would kill someone." To Doc: "Oh, cool. I just didn't want to hurt the human, or, er, any other races out there. So history can change then?"
< NinthDoc> "Look at it this way, JD," he starts, "if you can go to another point in time and change something, be somewhere you shouldn't, keep someone from being somewhere, stuff like that, that changes history, doesn't it?"
< PhilipJFry> "Well, as long as someone invents a crazy time machine and goes around doing stuff in the past..." HMM. He gets out a pen and makes a note in his magazine, 1) Build time machine 2) go back to Ancient Rome 3) check out the chicks 4) profit?
< JD> "So, no matter what I do, it'd have already have happened?"
< PhilipJFry> "Yeah! That's right, JD. Live it up! Nothing you do makes a LICK of difference to the future!" Big smile.
< NinthDoc> "Whoa, hold on, I never said that."
< JD> He smiled. "But what if something crazy happened, like you kill your parents, or you became your own grandad?"
< PhilipJFry> "Yes you did! Or maybe that was me. Anyway, it doesn't matter, really. The planet gets blown up. Society rebuilds from the ruins. There might be a period where apes rule in the middle. ... damn dirty apes."
* Doctor_M enters the Great Hall, whistling to himself. For some reason he appears to be in a good mood.
* Doctor_M catches sight of Gin, who seems to be eating something strange.
< JD> He looks at the Doctor. "I'd be SO careful if I traveled time. Aren't you scared that things might be changed for the worse?"
< Doctor_M> "A good day to you, Mr Ichimaru. May I congratulate you again on the happy event of your union with Mr Kuchiki?"
< NinthDoc> Apes, just like these stupid ones in here. The Doctor wonders if he could ever try and get these two to make sense of time, but that was a longshot at best. "All the time, JD. That's why I AM careful. A few others should learn that rule..."
< Ichimaru> Gin waves cheerily to Maturin, even though he just KNEW what was going to come up. He set his pizza down. "Whatever do you mean, Professor?"
< JD> JD smiled. "I wasn't accusing you or anything. I'm sure you're very careful." he smiled apologetically again.
< Doctor_M> Stephen smiles and, without waiting to be invited, sits beside Gin (but not too close!) "Why, do flowers have an unromantic meaning in shinigami culture?"
< NinthDoc> "Very. In fact, I try and fix time and history, try and get things to happen the way they should. It gets a little wrong sometimes."
< PhilipJFry> Fry leans back and peers at Doc. "Seriously, RELAX. Anything important that changes was meant to happen to make that change ANYWAY. It all smoothes out in the wash."
< PhilipJFry> "Kinna like when you put a red sock in with the whites and it all turns pink but you find out that pink looks better on you anyway."
< JD> "Other people mess with time? So, aliens could come to earth today, but be from a million years in the future?"
< PhilipJFry> "It's happened." He decides HE wants to have a slice of pizza now, and eats one.
< Ichimaru> "Flowers can have many different meanings," Gin smiles. "I'm surprised that you think there seems to be only one. Is your culture so terribly dull, then?"
* JD also grabs another slice.
< Doctor_M> Stephen raises an eyebrow. "I imagine the bouquet which Mr Kuchiki gave you was a very eloquent one indeed."
< NinthDoc> "Ah...well, not many aliens have such technology. A few races do. And me. And seeing as I'm the resident time traveler here, I think I know what I'm talking about."
< PhilipJFry> "Hey, you're not the only one that's been around in time, y'know." Points a pinky at the Doctor. "The Omicron Persei 8...ians... they show up in 3000, after seeing shows from like 1992, and they're pissed off 'cause they don't know what the ending of the show is 'cause I kinna spilled beer on the transmitter back in 1992."
< JD> JD grinned. If he had to believe one of them, Jack's friend would out.
< NinthDoc> "I've seen the dinosaurs." It's a competition now.
< Ichimaru> "Oh, very," Gin says blithely, changing the topic. "Would you like to try some of this 'pizza' food, Professor? It's not quite to my taste, but not terrible. I think it might be better with some mayonnaise, maybe. And less cheese."
< PhilipJFry> "I've RIDDEN a dinosaur. And it ate my HANDS."
< JD> JD looked on, bemused.
< Sarah_W> Sarah comes back into the Great hall after having duplicated the sign and charmed them to buzz the heads of passerbys and goes close to Fry. "It's Fry, right? I made your signs, and they are swooping down somewhat on people, hopefully my charm work isn't bad enough they get poked in the eye." She grins. "Though I'll deny they were my doing if that happens."
< PhilipJFry> "Yeah, thanks!"
< Doctor_M> Stephen looks curiously at the food Gin indicates. "It looks as though mayonnaise would render it even more terrible. Still, it is a new cultural experience or somesuch, is it not?" Carefully he picks up a piece, and is very surprised when most of the triangle promptly droops downward.
< NinthDoc> "The siege of Troy," counters the Doctor. "Picked up a companion from there, too."
< Ichimaru> Gin suggests helpfully, "I think starting with the pointed end seems like the best course of action, if you don't want it to get everywhere."
< PhilipJFry> "Yeah, well, I was emperor of a planet with three suns! For a whole month!"
< PhilipJFry> "And I built the pyramids on a planet that was just like ancient Egypt except meaner."
< NinthDoc> "I've been President of my planet. Turned it down, though." He waves this aside. "I've met myself before. A few times. Met a few of myselves a few times."
< PhilipJFry> "I sent myself back in time. I've dug up the grave of my brother's son who was named after me and I am my own grandfather!" Beam.
< JD> JD looked horrified. "You slept with your grandma?!?!"
< PhilipJFry> "I didn't KNOW she was my grandmother at the time! Uhm, an' that was kinna after I blew up my actual grandfather in a nuclear explosion at Roswell."
< Doctor_M> Stephen gives the pizza a dubious look. "I think it might get everywhere regardless." He has a thought. "Perhaps if I roll it around itself, like so."
< NinthDoc> "And that's EXACTLY why one needs to be careful in time!" points out the Doctor.
< PhilipJFry> "Pssh, it doesn't matter, cause I'm still here!"
< JD> JD stared. "So, you killed your grandad, slept with your Grandma and you're still alive?"
< PhilipJFry> "Because I'm like a ..nexus in time or something. At least that's what the giant floating brains said before they got sucked into that parallel dimension where everything tasted blue."
< Ichimaru> Gin is sure to sit well back from Stephen in case of tomato-sauce-related accidents. "I believe the toppings may come out the other end.. oh look, the cheese is dripping off."
< Sarah_W> Sarah nearly chokes on the revelation of Fry's and quickly wanders over to the table of pizza to keep from laughing, hand halting for a second in midair when she sees who is at the table. Smiles after a moment and takes her pizza like nothing is going on.
< JD> JD shook his head. "Oh, um...cool."
< NinthDoc> "Giant floating brains? Did it happen to be called the Face of Boe?"
< Doctor_M> "Why, so it is." Stephen is bemused. "It seems an extraordinarily inefficient shape for food."
< PhilipJFry> "No they were called... uhm..." He tries to remember what those bastard cute monster Nibblonians called them. "... Uhm... "
< PhilipJFry> "... Actually, I dunno what they were called."
< NinthDoc> "I went back to the creation of one of my greatest enemies to try and stop them from BEING created so that they wouldn't kill millions, maybe billions of lives." He doesn't, of course, say that he didn't stop them from being created. "'Nother planet, long time ago."
< Ichimaru> "Once more we find ourselves in agreement, Professor," Gin smiles, and hands over a paper napkin.
< Doctor_M> Stephen accepts the napkin and tries to use it to keep the pizza in one piece. The result is a strange nautilus of crust and paper.
< JD> JD looks over at the Doctor. "Hey, are you alright?"
< PhilipJFry> "Oh, that, well, I teamed up with Al Gore and Uhura and that guy who invented D&D to stop myself from getting thrown forward in time, an' when it didn't happen the whole universe imploded and I was stuck playing a level 5 half-elven ranger for like 50 years."
< NinthDoc> "Hm? Yeah, fine, why d'you ask?" he replied to JD.
< NinthDoc> He then rolls his eyes at Fry. "...Uh-huh. I'm...really sure that happened in your little mind."
< JD> He shrugged. "I dunno, you just looked...distant."
< JD> JD then looked around at Fry. "You played for 50 years and stayed level five? Wow, that's BAD."
< Ichimaru> Gin watches Stephen's efforts with some amusement. "Are you having some trouble there, Professor?"
< NinthDoc> "Well, it was a distant time and distant planet, so that might have something to do with it..."
< PhilipJFry> "Stephen Hawking ran me over with his wheelchair!" Fry protests, and then shrugs at JD. "You know how hard it is to level up when the endless void of nothing keeps eating your dice?"
< JD> JD smiled. "Sorry, I'll just, umm...stop talking. I was up late last night. Not really with it."
< Doctor_M> Stephen sets down the pizza-napkin conglomeration ... on the tablecloth. "I think so. Your mayonnaise idea may have had some merit."
< NinthDoc> "I've been to E-Space," continues the Doctor. "It's a different universe, more or less. Picked up someone from there, too."
< PhilipJFry> "Alternate dimension where you met your parallel self and the smooth-talking bastard had married the girl of your dreams and given her a diamond scrunchie?"
< Sarah_W> "You are going to put mayo on PIZZA, Professor?" Sarah asks incredulously, unable to keep silent.
< Ichimaru> Gin looks over at Sarah. "Is it not a good idea?" he smiles. "I thought it might taste a little better."
< Sarah_W> Sarah grins back at Gin. "Well, people like fish on their pizza, you could very well like mayo. I just don't recommend it."
< Doctor_M> Stephen shrugs. "If the mayonnaise could anchor the other things, it might be of use."
< Ichimaru> "Fish might be good too," Gin agrees, nodding. "And a little soy sauce." His idea of pizza is drifting a bit.
< NinthDoc> "Have YOU ever accidentally influenced the development of a colony by imprinting yourself on said colony's ship's computer, who then had multiple personalities? And then said colony thought of you as an evil god? And then picked up a woman from a warrior tribe from there after curing said computer?"
< Doctor_M> "I should like to try that," says Stephen. "Fish, soy sauce, and none of this tomato rubbish."
< JD> JD looked on surprised. The Doctor had been through a LOT.
< Sarah_W> Sarah snorts. "Anchor it? The cheese is supposed to do that." Leans in to look at the piece he had laid on the table. "What did you do, roll that in a ball?"
< PhilipJFry> "Well, we DID go to this Amazon planet that was ruled by a computer and the computer fell in love with my best friend Bender, who's a robot, and all the women forced the men to have sex with them like a hundred times each."
< Doctor_M> Stephen held up the strangely contorted thing for Sarah's inspection. "I tried to apply the paper as a sort of bandage to prevent the pizza from hemorrhaging."
< Ichimaru> "I'd thought you might use it to wipe up if you spilled," Gin interjects helpfully.
< Sarah_W> "Professor, the pizza isn't in danger of hemorrhaging," Sarah says, trying not to laugh. "Rolling it up was the problem, you need to keep it flat. Like this." Holds hers to her mouth and bites the end. "See, no spills."
< NinthDoc> "I had a robot dog." The Doctor thinks back more. "And I met a magician in Victorian London. Oh! And I met Charles Dickens. Don't say there's nothing amazing about that, I love his works, and he's brilliant, he is."
< JD> "I've read Charles Dickens books!" JD blurts out.
< PhilipJFry> "I had my actual real dog get fossilized and we almost revived him but at the last minute I decided not to. And *I* met the entire cats of Star Trek except for Doohan and got all their autographs!"
< Doctor_M> Stephen watches Sarah eating the pizza. "It should be biscuit-shaped, not triangular."
< Sarah_W> "Why not triangular?"
< NinthDoc> "Anyone can do THAT with a time machine," scoffs the Doctor. "I've died seven times. How many times have YOU died, then?"
< Doctor_M> "If it were more compact it might not be quite so precarious."
< Ichimaru> "And the cheese is very stringy," Gin adds to the pizza criticism. "Don't you think it makes it rather difficult to eat like that?"
< Doctor_M> "Perhaps if the cheese were inside the biscuit shape," Stephen suggests.
< Sarah_W> At that, Sarah grins. "The strings are the fun part. But, you can curl the corners in a bit to help." Taking another bite, she makes the cheese stretch as she curls the corners and then snaps the string sharply.
< PhilipJFry> Fry ponders this question.
< Doctor_M> "Food should not have strings," Stephen says, sternly.
< Sarah_W> Sarah grins at him more. "Then you've never had string cheese either, i bet."
< Doctor_M> Stephen looks from Sarah to Gin, eyes widening. "String ... cheese?"
< PhilipJFry> "Never," he finally says. "But that's kinna creepy to be proud of."
< Ichimaru> Gin, still smiling as ever, shrugs. He has no idea.
< Sarah_W> Unable to stop herself, Sarah giggles and then calms to explain. "It is cheese, mozzarella to be more precise, that is formed into a tube and the way it is processed you can pull strings off of it, sort of like... peeling a banana."
< Doctor_M> Stephen suppresses the sudden urge to make a quacking sound at Gin. He must be going mad!
< NinthDoc> "It's kinda creepy to be proud of being your own grandfather, too," the Doctor doesn't hesitate to remind Fry.
< JD> JD muttered something about how he was run over once.
< PhilipJFry> Fry's eyes narrow, though he grins. "You win THIS round, Doctor ... Doctor guy."
< Ichimaru> "String cheese. My, my. I have no idea how Urahara keeps up with all these strange new inventions," Gin smiles, speaking idly.
< NinthDoc> "Looks like I do." He grins widely at this. Ah, the wonders of being a Time Lord...
< Sarah_W> Sarah looks to Gin, curious. "Urahara?"
< Doctor_M> "Oh, I met your friend Urahara," says Stephen, grinning. "He is also quite happy for you and your new amour."
< Ichimaru> "You really do get the strangest ideas," Gin says cheerfully to Stephen. "Urahara is.. quite unreliable." He then notes to Sarah. "Simply a fellow who also happens to be attending the school right now."
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods and then flushes slightly in realization. "I'm so rude, I didn't even bother introducing myself. I'm Sarah." She holds out her hand.
< Ichimaru> "Ichimaru Gin," Gin smiles and nods a little to Sarah. Shaking hands isn't really his thing.
< Doctor_M> Stephen notes the omission and frowns.
< Sarah_W> Sarah blinks, then smiles and awkwardly covers her hand out by grabbing a napkin and dabbing at her mouth. "It's nice to meet you."
< Ichimaru> "Is something the matter, Professor Maturin?" Gin asks, bemused. And adds to Sarah. "Oh, likewise. What house are you in, Miss Sarah?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah slants a quick glance at Stephen at Gin's question, and then looks at Gin. "I was sorted into Gryffindor recently, and you?"
< Ichimaru> "Hufflepuff," Gin says cheerily. "But oh, Gryffindor. You have my deepest sympathies."
< PhilipJFry> "Hey! Lions are cool." Fry feels the need to chime in to protect his house thingy. That he hasn't actually BEEN to or anything yet.
< JD> JD overhears and says "I have some friends in Gryffindor. They're very nice."
< Sarah_W> Sarah blinks a bit, her smile puzzled. "And why is that?" She smiles at Fry and JD as they chime in.
< NinthDoc> "A lot of my fellow Gryffindors are nice, from what I've so far seen."
< Ichimaru> "Oh, well. It's /Gryffindor/," Gin says meaningfully, still smiling.
< Sarah_W> Sarah's smile freezes and doesn't respond, instead looking around. "Is there soda for with the pizzas?"
< Doctor_M> "Why, the finest man I have ever known has been sorted into Gryffindor," says Stephen, mildly.
< JD> JD nods fervently. "Jack's there, and lots of other really nice people!"
< Ichimaru> Gin pats Stephen on the shoulder, his sympathies rather more mocking than they were over the pizza. "There there. I'm sure you'll manage to get over it someday."
< Doctor_M> Stephen gives Gin a wry half-smile. "There are no ducks in Gryffindor, so I am unsurprised you find it not to your liking."
< Sarah_W> Gaze returning to the gathered people, Sarah bristles but stops at the mentions of ducks. She whispers to JD. "There are ducks in Hufflepuff?"
< JD> JD looked at Ichi again. "Well, Gryffindor is really nice. I'd rather be there. Yes, I'm from Hufflepuff."
< PhilipJFry> "So why doncha just move? Like anybody cares where you sleep?"
< Ichimaru> "None?" Gin is mock-horrified, enough to actually let his smile go (purely for the sake of drama.) "Why, your poor friend! My condolences on his unfortunate accident."
< PhilipJFry> "People used to switch dorms and stuff alla time when I was in college."
< JD> JD looked up. "I could...move in?"
< PhilipJFry> "What's the big deal? I mean, s' not like people are gonna notice, right?"
< Doctor_M> Stephen is both irritated and extremely amused by Gin's selective interpretation. "You forget that humans do not ascribe the same meaning to such waterfowl as do you shinigami."
< JD> "I thought that we were sorted to, y'know, keep us there."
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods. "That man who went nuts at that James boy's sorting moved in and he used to be in Slytherin."
* Ron_Weasley runs in.
< Ron_Weasley> I heard there was food here. Is there food here?
< PhilipJFry> "Pizza!" Fry smiles. "Free n' everything!"
< Sarah_W> Sarah holds out a pizza plate. "Right here!"
< JD> JD grinned. "Sirius is in Gryffindor? I might see. It's a little...complicated."
< Ron_Weasley> "Thanks! It looks different from what I've seen." He approaches, but looks curious. "Why are we speaking about Sirius?"
< Ichimaru> Gin's smile reappears instantly. "Then I'm afraid I don't know what you were getting at, at all, Professor."
< Sarah_W> "Oh, I just mentioned that he lives in Gryffindor now as an example."
< PhilipJFry> "The kid there wants to move out of his dorm and into the Lion dorm. Don't see what the big deal is- lotsa people swapped rooms and stuff when I was in school."
< Ron_Weasley> "Oh." Ron, having a tense look before, relaxes. "Yeah, you could do that. If you're not leaving anyone who needs you behind." He munches on his pizza with purpose.
< JD> JD smiled. "I'd have to speak to my... friend first/, but I'll try!"
< Ron_Weasley> "Maybe all of you could live together! In a suite!"
< JD> "I don't really know Sirius, I just helped him out. I'd move in with one of my friends I think."
< Sarah_W> "There is an awful lot of that, gives whole new meaning to co-ed," Sarah remarks idly.
< Doctor_M> Stephen, hearing this, colors a bit.
< PhilipJFry> "Well, you guys, enjoy the pizza, and be sure to tell your friends! I gotta go find the bathroom." He stands up, and grins. "There's lots more pizza, just ask an elf."
< Sarah_W> "More pizza, Professor?" Sarah asked, eyes amused a tiny bit.
< Doctor_M> "I think I should be going," he says. "My apologies. Mr Ichimaru, a pleasure to chat with you again, as always. And Miss Williams." He gives a correct and formal little nod.
< Ron_Weasley> "I didn't mean with Sirius!" Ron rolls his eyes. "I mean your other friends." He looks at Susan. "You know, it used to be impossible for blokes to go to the girl's room."
< Ichimaru> "Oh of course," Gin nods to Stephen and Sarah. I should be going as well, I'm afraid."
< JD> JD waved to Fry's retreating back. "I'd move into the men's dorms anyway, but yeah, I'll see."
< Sarah_W> Sarah grins back at him. "Nice to see you again, Professor, don't get yourself too tied down with work." She smiles at Gin. "It was nice to meet you."
* Doctor_M leaves without further comment.
< Ron_Weasley> Ron settles back. He was just a huge problem-solver. Everywhere he goes.
< Ichimaru> "Nice to meet you as well, Sarah," Gin smiles. "Perhaps we'll meet again sometime." And with that, he heads off down another hallway, leaving his half-eaten slice of pizza on the table.
< Ron_Weasley> "Man," Ron mutters as he stares after Gin. "Did he actually EAT anything?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah laughs softly. "He tried, I don't think he really liked the idea of pizza after all."
< JD> JD stares after Ichimaru. "He isn't nice. He tried to kill me."
< Ron_Weasley> "Yeah, I hate it when that happens."
< NinthDoc> "What? Why would he do that?" questions the Doctor.
< Ron_Weasley> Ron looks skeptical. "You're joking, right?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah's eyes widen. "Why did he try to KILL you?" She mutters. "The whole school is full of killers."
< JD> JD shrugged. "I dunno, I'd just spent time with Jack, I came back, was nice to them, and him and thay Japanese girl attacked me!"
< Ron_Weasley> "No kidding! Bloody You-Know-Who was a Professor!" He looked back at JD. "With magic?"
< JD> JD looked at Ron. "With pet cannon balls."
< Sarah_W> "What?!"
< JD> "She had a kinda spikey cannonball on a chain..."
< Ron_Weasley> "Ha! What's her name, again?"
< JD> "Gogo Yubari" he muttered.
< Ron_Weasley> "Huh?" Ron looks shocked, but then chuckles. "Oh, yeah. She's my girlfriend's best friends. You sure she wasn't just playing? Were you hurt?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah is surprised. "She was just in here for pizza, she was pretty quiet. I wonder why she wanted to kill you?"
< NinthDoc> "Manriki. It's a manriki, that's the weapon," the Doctor informs them. "Wow, haven't seen one of THOSE in a while..."
< Ron_Weasley> "Oh, that Gogo."
< JD> JD groaned. "She took a few swings, but I escaped. That guy just laughed and threatened me a lot."
< Ron_Weasley> Ron looks unsure, but then informs JD, "I'll talk to her and Primavera, alright? I'd bet it was only for fun, and she was surprised by how scared you got. You know, when you got attacked by a little girl."
< Sarah_W> Sarah covers a snort.
< JD> JD looked hurt. "She keeps at it! But, if you could talk to her, I'd appreciate it."
< Sarah_W> Sarah feels bad for laughing. "I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding."
< Ron_Weasley> "Sure thing! I'll tell her you don't think it's funny anymore." Ron tries to look at the bright side. "Maybe she likes you."
< JD> (to Sarah) "Then why did she have weapons?" he asked.
< JD> To Ron: "Umm, I don't think that that's the case, but thanks."
< Sarah_W> "I have no idea, maybe she carries them to protect herself?"
< Ron_Weasley> "Girls are weird that way, mate."
< Sarah_W> "Hey!"
< JD> JD smiled hopelessly. "Ok."
< Ron_Weasley> "What? Oh, sorry."
< Sarah_W> Sarah shakes her head. "Thanks."
< Ron_Weasley> "Gogo is just, I dunno, shy. And that makes her lash out. She had problems with James at his sorting, too. I still need to get to the bottom of it."
< JD> JD frowned. "I dunno, her and that Nny guy kinda attacked Sirius in therapy.."
< Ron_Weasley> "What!? I haven't heard about that!"
< JD> "Well, they attacked his friend at his sorting, and he asked them why, and then they all started shouting and stuff."
< Sarah_W> "I don't even know how I missed this," Sarah says, bemused.
< Ron_Weasley> "Are we being literal at this attack thing?"
< JD> JD nodded. "I think so. I had to leave at one point to get meds for Sirius to stop him hurting them. They also fought with another Doctor."
< Ron_Weasley> "So Sirius had to get the meds, but they're the ones who attacked him?" He frowns, and soberly says, "I think Gogo might be falling in with the bad crowd."
< JD> JD grinned apologetically. "Does your girlfriend hang about with them a lot?"
< Ron_Weasley> "Well, yeah. Gogo's her room mate." He sighs. "But I don't think they're as bad as you're trying to say. I'd bet Gogo was only attacking you like, how people pull the pig tails of the girls they like."
< JD> JD frowned. He didn't want to annoy this guy, but if his girlfriend was in danger... "Yeah, maybe. You should make sure that your girlfriends alright though."
< Sarah_W> "And Sirius was really upset when I left," Sarah adds. "Maybe she was just worried about that and that's why she attacked."
< NinthDoc> "Nearly killing someone isn't exactly the same thing as pulling hair in a friendly way, you know," comments the Doctor.
< JD> "That's what I was thinking." he murmurs to the Doctor.
< Ron_Weasley> "Hey, he seems alright!" He gestures at JD. "He has his arms and everything." He had been testing Primavera for a while now, though. "I'll meet with them and talk to them."
< JD> JD grins apologetically. "Thanks man."
< Sarah_W> Sarah is silent and then smiles at the men in the lull. "I seem to be in conversations a lot lately without introducing myself. I'm Sarah."
< JD> JD grinned and proffered a hand. "JD."
< Ron_Weasley> "I'm Ron Weasley!"
< Sarah_W> Sarah shakes his hand, glad to not have offended anyone this time with handshaking. "Nice to meet you."
< Sarah_W> Sarah shakes Ron's hand too. "It's nice to meet you too, Ron."
< JD> JD grins. "Nice to meet you, and you Ron."
< Ron_Weasley> Ron grins back. The nice thing about new Hogwarts is that hardly anyone has heard anything about his older brothers. It wasn't a nice thought to have, but he had it. "I'm from the Hogwarts from before. It used to be different, you know."
< NinthDoc> "Different? How so?" he asks. "Oh, I'm the Doctor, by the way, nice to meet you all."
< JD> JD looked surprised. "Oh? I didn't know that."
< Sarah_W> Sarah's eyes light up, she loves talking to people who were here before. "What was it like?" She smiles at the Doctor. "Nice to meet you too."
< Ron_Weasley> "Well, most people were from England. And from the 1990's."
< JD> JD smiled. "I'm from the 1990's, but I'm American."
< Sarah_W> Sarah grins. "I'm American too, and from 1989, so I lose on both counts."
< Ron_Weasley> Ron nods. "Right. And most of the students were, well, young enough to be students."
< Sarah_W> "So this was a high school?" she asks. "Or secondary school, I mean."
< Ron_Weasley> "Like that! First years to seventh years. And there were classes!"
< Sarah_W> "I've read the old school books, you had so many classes. Do you miss having them?"
< Ron_Weasley> "Not really. I mean, I wasn't that into classes. I was Prefect, though. Of Gryffindor."
< JD> "I was quite interested in doing magic classes."
< Sarah_W> "And you aren't in Gryffindor now, are you?" she asked. "I haven't seen you there."
< Ron_Weasley> Ron shakes his head. "My best friend and my sister were sorted into Slytherin, so I went with them."
< Sarah_W> to JD: "I have some things you can look at if you'd like to learn. I couldn't stand waiting to see if we'd have classes."
< Sarah_W> to Ron: "Do most people who were here before go to different houses? I met a girl from the old Gryffindor who is now a Ravenclaw."
< JD> "I go to the library a lot, so it isn't really necessary. Thanks anyway though."
< Ron_Weasley> Ron stands up straighter. "You've met Hermione?" He asks Sarah.
< Sarah_W> Sarah smiles. "You're welcome."
< Sarah_W> Sarah shakes her head. "No, Lily."
< Ron_Weasley> "Oh." Ron looks disappointed as he moves back down. "She's my best friend's dead mother."
< NinthDoc> "DEAD mother?" inquires the Doctor.
< Sarah_W> Sarah notes the look. "She told me about herself, so I take it your Harry's friend then? and who's Hermione?"
< JD> "She died too?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods. "Yes, she died and came here. There seems to be quite a bit of that at this place."
< JD> "Huh. Interesting. Doc? Can time rip?"
< NinthDoc> The Doctor nods. "Yeah, it's happened before."
< JD> "So, if someone died...and time ripped? They could end up here?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah looks curious. "Does all of us being here from different places and times cause any long term damage to this reality?"
< NinthDoc> To JD: "...Depends on the situation, I suppose. She could be from a sort of reality where she lived and got here. There's a number of possibilities."
< JD> "Oh, cool."
< NinthDoc> To Sarah: "That's what I've been trying to figure out. I was worried about it before, but...this is a very odd place." He laughs instead.
< Ron_Weasley> Ron jerks up as he checks the time. "Oh, geeze! I was supposed to meet someone five minutes ago! Damn bloody pizza!" He runs off.
< Sarah_W> "bye Ron, nice to meet you," Sarah calls after him and turns back to the Doctor. "so you study time?"
< NinthDoc> "Travel through it, actually."
< Sarah_W> Sarah blinks, surprised. "Voluntarily or against your will?"
< NinthDoc> "Voluntarily."
< JD> JD grinned. "It sounds cool. Is it dangerous?"
< NinthDoc> "If you don't know what you're doing, it can be. Course, I seem to get myself into scrapes all the time, somehow..." Ah, the fond memories...
< JD> JD smiled. "Cool. I bet you kick ass."
< Sarah_W> Sarah laughs softly and then looks at the Doctor curiously. "So do you just observe or... do you change things?"
< NinthDoc> "I only change things when they need to be changed. I try only to observe. I like seeing history happen in front of me, but if history's going wrong, I try to set it right."
< JD> JD sighed wistfully. "So you could go back and see, I dunno, Coronations, events, people!"
< Sarah_W> "but the changes you make, they were ones meant to be changed?" she asks, trying to recall that particular theory of time.
< NinthDoc> "Here, let me give you an example. Went to 1869 once, met Charles Dickens. This alien race tried to take over the world by possessing the dead. So, I stopped that from happening, and look now, a world without Gelth-possessed zombies."
< JD> JD was stunned. "Wow." he murmured.
< Sarah_W> Sarah smiles, unsure really what to say. "Well thank you, Doctor, for saving us from that."
< NinthDoc> "It's what I do. I've saved lots of worlds, really. Like it's my job in the universe or something," and he laughs at this. "When all I REALLY want is to have m'self a good time."
< JD> JD laughs. "Hey, we can all help you with that!"
< Sarah_W> Sarah grins. "Yes, Hogwarts seems to be just the place for you if you want to have a good time!"
< NinthDoc> "Yeah, but it's nothing compared to going through space and time. Though, I've got to admit, this IS a pretty nifty place you've got here... And seeing as I'm stuck here for a while, I'll just make do."
< JD> "Doctor, we should go out with Jack and Rose and go somewhere outside Hogwarts."
< NinthDoc> "Like where to?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah hears the words 'outside Hogwarts' and turn to grab another glass of water from one of the house elves.
< JD> JD frowned. "I dunno. I'm not from around here, but I'm sure that we could find somewhere good1"
< NinthDoc> The Doctor watches Sarah for a moment but turns his attention back to JD. "A place full of real magic, I'm sure there are plenty of places to hang around."
< Sarah_W> Sarah softly. "Hogsmeade is supposedly very nice and a friend told me Diagon Alley is too."
< JD> JD was actually really excited about spending some more time with Jack and the Doctor and Rose. Sure, he'd be uncomfortable because he didn't know the inside jokes, but it'd be great anyway.
< NinthDoc> "Diagon Alley...diagonally...ha, oh, that's cute." The Doctor's grin is there for a moment then gone. "Something wrong, Sarah?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah's eyes widen and she shakes her head a bit too vehemently. "Me? No, just wishing for some soda, not that I don't like the water." She knows how lame she sounds.
< NinthDoc> "You sure?"
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods. "Yep!" A bit too brightly and then turns to JD, needing a diversion. "So who're Rose and Jack?"
< JD> JD smiled. He didn't know the girl, but she seemed nice. "Rose is the Doctor's and Jack's friend, and Jack is my.." What? Boyfriend? They hadn't actually asked each other, so what were they? "Boyfriend." he decided on.
< NinthDoc> -Yes, but how long is THAT going to last?- wonders the Doctor to himself. "They're both in Gryffindor with me. Two of my most recent companions on my travels through time and space."
< JD> "They're both really nice." JD adds.
< Sarah_W> Sarah tries not to looked surprised at that revelation and then smiles at the Doctor. "I wonder if I've seen them in the Tower, I haven't met many people here yet."
< NinthDoc> "You might've, not sure. Rose, she's this young blonde girl, sweet thing, and Jack..." He laughs to himself. "Oh, once you meet Jack, I doubt you'll forget him." Seeing as he hits on everyone in sight.
< Sarah_W> Sarah suddenly smiles. "Wait, I met Rose at my sorting then. I liked her quite a bit, she was really nice. She's the reason I started thinking I was suited for Gryffindor. Now I know what she meant about saving the world"
< NinthDoc> "She's certainly a big help to me." And sometimes a big hindrance, but he wouldn't have it any other way. "It just seems that everyone who wants to help the world or somesuch end up in Gryffindor, usually, so I suppose that's why I'm there."
< Sarah_W> Sarah grins, thinking of ZEX. "Well, I don't save the world, but I help aliens who feel misunderstood, so I suppose that could be considered helping enough to keep me a Gryffindor."
< NinthDoc> "Just helpful people, I guess. Make the universe a better place to live in. Most people would strive for that, I think."
< JD> JD frowned. Gryffindor was so much cooler. "I ended up in Hufflepuff." he muttered.
< Sarah_W> Sarah smiles. "what are Hufflepuffs known for?"
< JD> JD looked reproachful. "Killing people, based on all the ones that I've met."
< Sarah_W> "But you don't kill people, do you? I'm certain they are just... unique."
< NinthDoc> "Er, yeah, not sure how you wound up there. It's for either the psychopaths or...I'm not sure. It just seemed to be, off the bat, for the usual people, sort of? I don't know." The Doctor shrugs. "I'm pretty sure you'd find other sane people there."
< JD> JD grins. "I'm sure I will. Somewhere."
< NinthDoc> "There are plenty of sane people around the school, at any rate. Like us, for example. It's not like you have to stay cooped up in the Hufflepuff dorm all day."
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods. "Even if you don't want to move there, you can still visit your friends there."
< JD> "I know, I get up early and leave most mornings, or I stay ov-um.., I stay in Gryffindor sometimes." he blushes furiously.
< Sarah_W> Sarah joins him by flushing slightly. "See, it works out."
< NinthDoc> The Doctor clears his throat, amused at the conversation's direction but unwilling to comment on it. "In any event, not much we can do about the psychosis-inflicted masses, as we're all students and teachers here now."
< JD> JD grins. "True. We can just do our best to avoid them."
< Sarah_W> Sarah nods emphatically. "avoiding sounds like an excellent idea."
< NinthDoc> "Like Gogo, sounds like," he suggests to JD. "Avoiding her might be good."
< JD> JD grinned. "Believe me Doc, I intend to."
< Ichimaru> Gin returns, carrying a jar of mayonnaise liberated from the kitchens, to the pizza table, humming merrily to himself.
< Dib> Dib into the Great Hall. "I got attacked by a flying sign that said something about pizza?"
< Ichimaru> (Well, if I have to RP my myself, then so be it. :D)
< JD> JD groans inwardly, and shifts himself to not look at Ichimaru.
< Sarah_W> Sarah smiles and then laughs at the sight of the mayo. "Welcome back... so, you are really going to try it?"
< NinthDoc> The Doctor chuckles in Dib's direction. "I think it was only supposed to swoop down and get your attention, but..."
< Sarah_W> Sarah turns red and makes herself busy straightening the food table
< Dib> "It went for my eyes!" He grins and walks over, sniffing at the air. "Is that REAL pepperoni?"
< Ichimaru> Beaming at Sarah (and with another little wave at JD), Gin replies. "Oh, of course."
< JD> "Hey! The pizza's great!" he says smiling warmly.
< Sarah_W> Sarah waits expectantly. "Now this I have to see."
< Dib> "Please TELL me that's -real- pepperoni. I've been DYING for some." He swoops in and takes a slice before Gin can do any sort of evil to what's left and takes a big bite. "... OH YES."
< NinthDoc> "If it's not real pepperoni, it sure tastes like it."
< Ichimaru> Gin sidles around Dib, "Pardon me, I think your head's in the way," and grabs a slice. Whipping out a butter knife from god-knows-where, he merrily proceeds with his food preparations, spreading a generous helping of mayo on his pizza.
< JD> JD reached over for his fourth slice. "mmmm"
< Dib> It's not QUITE a food-orgasm but pretty damn close; he shuts his eyes and GRINS hugely. "...REAL pizza." He's even in a good enough mood to ignore the smiling jerk for the moment.
< Sarah_W> Sarah watches the pizza turn white in mild horror and waits, certain it is going to be gross.
* Nny wanders back in just in time to see the terrifying spectacle of pizza being bemayonnaised.
< Dib> An eye quirks open at Gin. "... Why are you pouring mayonnaise on pizza?"
< Ichimaru> Gin takes a bite, chews, and nods happily. "Oh, isn't that much better. If one could only do something about the cheese..."
< NinthDoc> "That doesn't sound like too bad an idea, really," muses the Doctor.
< Dib> "... Then it's not PIZZA." he quickly grabs a couple of fresh hot slices that the elves just brought out to salvage them from the indignities of having stuff DUMPED on them, and shovels them onto a little plate.
< JD> JD looked over in horror at Ichimaru. He determinedly faces the opposite direction.
< Nny> More pizza seems like an excellent idea, and Nny sets about acquiring some. WITHOUT mayonnaise.
< NinthDoc> "It's just a condiment, I don't see what you're getting so worked up about..."
< Dib> Dib sidles clear and quirks an eye at Nny too, not sure whether or not to say anything to his friend until he gets a chance to gauge the other's mood.
< Ichimaru> "I don't think Italian food is really to my tastes," Gin agrees, moving over to (attempt to) lean a friendly arm on Dib's now-taller shoulder.
* Nny blinks dubiously at Gin's actions and hopes THIS isn't the someone Dib is dating.
< JD> JD stands up and slings his backpack over his shoulder. "I have to go now guys. It's been great speaking to you all." he grinned and waved.
< Dib> Dib blinks a bit as he's leaned on, and isn't quite sure what to make of THAT. "Uhm, that's fine, just don't ruin it for other people, y'know?"
< NinthDoc> The Doctor gives a small wave. "Another time, then, JD."
< JD> "Bye Doctor! We'll speak later!"
* JD leaves the hall, whistling happily.
< Ichimaru> "Oh, I would /never/ do that," Gin beams, and takes another bite of his mayo-laden pizza. Much better. "You really have grown, haven't you?"
< Dib> "Yeah," Dib returns a pointed smirk, "No more PICKING ME UP, huh? Too bad." Takes a rough bite from a slice of pizza.
< Ichimaru> "It really is too bad," Gin says regretfully, though still smiling. "I was punished terribly because of you." He doesn't seem too upset over that, though.
< Dib> "Oh, gee. I'm -so- sorry," Dib tips his head. "Yeah, I guess owling Stephen and Susan to let them know what you'd done was RASH of me."
< Nny> "Oh?" Nny smirks at Gin as well. "I'd love to hear that story."
< Dib> Dib glances at Nny, a silent question- you okay?
* Nny looks at Dib a little curiously, not quite getting why he looks vaguely concerned.
< Ichimaru> "Oho, is /that/ how it got around~?" Gin's smile broadens. Obviously this is news. "And well, Mr. C, that's private business, hmm?"
< Nny> "I didn't think you had any concept of 'private business'."
< Dib> Dib slides out from Ichimaru's hand -oops- to move maybe a foot or two closer to Nny. "Basically, after he started roughing me up in the Masquerade, I blew the whistle."
< NinthDoc> "Aw, now what's this about being rough on other students?" inquires the Doctor.
< Nny> "Since he didn't wind up in detention, it couldn't have been too terrible a punishment."
< Ichimaru> "Oh, it was quite terrible, I assure you. Much more cruel that I'm sure you're capable of," Gin smiles, a little cruelly himself.

johnny c, dib, sarah williams, ninth doctor, rp, gogo yubari, gin ichimaru, susan sto helit, wolfram von bielefeld, ron weasley, oz, john dorian, stephen maturin

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