I think we're all agreed that Hogwarts Hocus is a huge big barrel of sweet, delicious crack. But why? Because of the wonderful, beautiful characters we have here. Most of us are fangirling over characters and plotlines and pairings not our own, but it's difficult to express our love without disrupting RPs
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Okay, maybe I should come back when I have something SENSIBLE to post and when my inner fangirl is comatose.
Gogo and Prima make me smile ALL THE TIME. xD For them, I refresh obsessively.
ZEX is love. SO MUCH LOVE.
The Sorting Hat deserves a shiny internet because those posts are sometimes my favorite in an application.
-- Okay, more when my brain is working.
Also, *cough* http://community.livejournal.com/hms_surprise/ *cough*
"The first hit is free."
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