Closed RP: Byakuya and Rukia and their Issues go for a walk.

Jun 07, 2006 06:39

((May be open to others (especially the other shinigami types) at a later time, if any are interested.))

He'd had well over a month to consider everything after noticing his sister's ' secret' posted on one of those inane boards, and he wasn't any nearer to knowing what to say, what to do, than he'd been on that troubling day. All he did know was that he couldn't put off the conversation forever, and it shamed him to realise how much time had already passed. Placing the blame on Gin's continuous distractions would be a weak excuse at best. And Byakuya wasn't a man who shirked responsibility.

Beyond all that, Rukia deserved better.

Even if the words wouldn't come, he'd have to at least make an effort. She was the only family he had left. He focussed on that thought as he lightly knocked twice on Rukia's door.

byakuya kuchiki, rp, rukia kuchiki

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