Hey. Just an FYi, I'm staying at Hogsmeade for the time being. Things at school are just... too weird for me right now. It's not like we have any -classes- or anything anyway... And Devi thinks I look like you too.
I took Rigel with me, since he needs food from the village anyway.
Just in case you were wondering where I was,
PS: Dare I ask how things are going with you?
Luna, everything's gotten so... complicated and I thought I could deal with it all, but I can't. So I'm hiding out at Hogsmeade until I get my head on straight. I've been hanging around the Three Broomsticks a fair bit, so if you want to see me, I'll meet you here.
Why does everything have to be so complicated?
...I'm trying to give you space to let you think about things. But there's something I do want to know while you do...
Did you say no to me because you're scared of me or scared of yourself?
(attached to this owl is another small bag of dark (normal) chocolate from Honeydukes, with a card reading "To keep the darkness at bay" in Dib's handwriting, as well as a single white rose.)
Professor Grant,
My tribble seems to have stopped eating. I'm not sure if it's because it's scared of the devil Nny gave me, or something else. It was eating heavily before Rigel (my devil) arrived, but they seemed to have gotten along fine and Rigel's pretty quiet-natured.
Any ideas?
This is sort of random, I know. We haven't really talked since the Fillerbunny Day party, but I remembered that we had talked and gotten along pretty good there, and I -really, REALLY- need someone totally neutral to talk to about some things.
It's just... I'm so confused about a lot of things right now...
I miss you
((OOC: Will be responding to other dangling threads - hi ZEX! and Tommy! - a bit later today. I'm finding I can't focus my attention on the comm 24/7, so it's easier to respond in short concentrated bursts of play a couple of times a week. XD Anyway, to the owls!))