Open RP: Kate Goes for a Walk

Jun 01, 2006 00:39

((Following the events of her conversation with Sawyer (which, admittedly, isn't finished yet)))

Kate gets quiet when she's mad.
The normally life-filled sounds of the corridors and stairs and rooms of the subterranian wing of the castle usually filled Kate with a mood of pleasant irony... a silent small joke on the decades and centuries of dark Wizards who had called Slytherin thier home. Evil, she surmised, seemed to prefer silence and brooding contemplation and hidden grottoes where small groups can conspire inconspicuously... but whoever had designed the long corridors and hollow spaces in the bedrock beneath the school had instead turned the entire place into an echo factory.
And normally, she'd love it.

But today, the stairs rising from the dungeons seemed restless to her, too filled with echoes of dripping water and the faraway sounds of footsteps on smooth stones. It drove her a little mad to be surrounded by so much random sound when all she wanted to do was think... to be alone with her thoughts and away from him.

So she climbs quickly, almost jogging as she reaches the hallways of the first floor, breaching quickly into the entrance hall and through the doors onto the grounds. Sitting heavily on the steps, she sets to retying the laces on one of her shoes... but stops almost immediately to just breathe, head propped up on an arm splayed awkwardly across her knees.

kate austen, rp

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