Owl to Eros

May 20, 2006 17:41

connor kent, owl, rp, eros

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*in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 00:56:19 UTC
Okay! Come up and get them.

~Eros ♥


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 01:07:00 UTC
Kon pushed his way into the Gryffindor dorms, not noticing that his fingers nearly splintered the Pink Lady's frame as he swung it back. He was shaking like a leaf, and, if he had the presence of mind to think about hit, he'd have wondered how he could actually manage to walk in that state. Kon was trying NOT to think-- pinpointing the goal to get to Eros. The rest of his thoughts were taken up by a swirling morass of guilt, angry, fear and depression. And an overwhelming desire to just be numb.

He'd screwed up. he knew he'd screwed up, but Tim had-- Tim was-- Kon raissed his hand to knock on Eros' door and left a dent two inches deep.


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 01:37:04 UTC
The door simply dissolved, and Eros looked up at Kon with a wide, childish smile, friendly and open. He had a mini-quiver slung over his back, complete with arrows, and he held a tiny, beautifully-carved bow in one chubby little hand.

With the other hand, he offered Kon a baby bottle filled with red-purple wine, cheerfully telling him, "Hello, mortal alien person! Would you like a drink first, or to be no longer in love with Timmy-Robin?"


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 01:47:51 UTC
Kon paused, trying to reconcile the young boy he saw before him with the (mostly) self-controlled, if bitchy god that usually wandered the hall of Hogwarts. The sight, in fact, did manage to snap him back into focus a bit, the roiling emotions fading for a moment, as he took in the sheer CUTE that was Eros's child form. "A drink. Yeah." He took the... baby bottle? And stepped inside. "Thanks for doing this."


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 01:57:00 UTC
"You're welcome!" Eros adjusted the wreath of thick, bright flowers that sat on his curly golden locks, and tilted a sunny smile up at Kon from underneath them. The baby bottle was made of clear glass with hearts carved into them, and inside was wine from a particularly fine vintage. Eros couldn't quite remember the year, but it didn't matter.

Toddling over to a pile of cushions, he plomped himself down, and grabbed another baby bottle filled with wine. "Toast?"


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 02:04:14 UTC
"Sure." Kon strode into the room and flopped down beside the young god. "Shit, you weren't kidding when you talked about love sucking. If I had known..." Kon's angst warred with a sharp spike of amusement at Eros's attitude. The hard lump of anger and guilt hadn't gone way, but the red haze was fading from his vision.


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 02:14:31 UTC
"Love is ouchie." Eros told Kon with the odd solemnity of a very young child who doesn't understand what it means to be wrong. "Girls pull your hair and steal your flowers and make you chase them around. And boys throw mud at you and threaten you and kiss you."

He took a suck of his bottle, a little of the fermented grape juice dribbling down his chin but wished it away easily enough.

With a smile, bright and cheerful again, the baby god informed Kon, "I'm glad I'm just a kiddie and not in love. You should be a kiddie too."


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 02:28:49 UTC
"Not physical mud," Kon grumbles, and took a long drink. Drinking from a bottle was definately weird, but the wine was really nice, and made a warm fuzzy feeling begin to suffuse him as it hit his stomach. "And he wouldn't let me kiss him. Being a kid's probably nice. But weren't you an adult before?"


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 06:21:12 UTC
"Depends on where you are when you argue." Eros nodded his head emphatically, wreath going a little askew as he did so. Pouting, full lower lip jutting out stubbornly, he fixed his flowery halo again, and then sucked at the bottle earnestly, nodding to Kon's question. "I was an adult, but then Psyche came on my radio show so I decided to be a kiddie again. Kiddies don't have best friends that fall for bitter bad boys instead of you."


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 06:26:04 UTC
Kon tilted his head back for another swallow of wine, and then leaned over to muss Eros' hair up a bit. "You're cuter like this. And less bitchy." He paused, feeling his stomach knot at the mention of 'bad boys.' "They don't, do they?" But it would be really irresponsible of him to end up a kid-- and anyway, the last time he'd done that his powers had gone missing for months. "Stupid Tim. Stupid JASON."


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 06:39:50 UTC
"And you're lots taller!" Eros giggled happily, the sound light and carefree, and leaned into the hand playing in his hair. He liked this mortal. Maybe this mortal could be his daddy! Except he was a mortal, and Eros wasn't, so Kon probably wasn't his daddy because mortals had mortal babies unless they'd have sex with a god, and Kon probably hadn't done that.

Eros checked. Yup. No sex with gods so far.

Helpfully, he echoed back, "Stupid Jason and stupid Tim. That's why you should be a kid. You can play with me, and I'll hit you with an arrow of indifference, and everything will be all fun instead of emo-pouty."


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 06:51:35 UTC
Oh hell, Kon hadn't had sex yet at ALL. Sex with a god was completely out of his league. And, hell, he was only sixteen-- not too much time in there for being Eros' daddy.

Kon sighed, frustrated and tugged gently on a lock of Eros' hair before leaning back and taking drink. That's what he came here for, so he wouldn't keep thinking about damn TIM and all of the stupid shit Kon had done because of him since getting here. And Eros had a point-- he hadn't had any fun since he got here, not with Tim getting all weird, and then the shit with Jason, and the other Superboy, and now THIS? "Hit me up, little bro," he said without thinking.


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 07:19:15 UTC
"YAY! I have someone that I know is my brother and not possibly my daddy or my child!" Eros clapped his hands together gleefully, chubby palms not making much noise at all, and put down his bottle of wine. He put the arrow down next to it, then simply grabbed a lead-tipped arrow from his quiver and stabbed Kon in the thigh.

The arrow melted away as soon as it struck the teen, and Eros used that hand to make an airy wave, changing Kon's body instantly from that of a teen's to a child's. Now he had a playmate!


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 07:37:42 UTC
Kon didn't have time to yelp when the arrow pierced him-- it faded away, apathy wrapping around the fear and anger and love and dulling them into a grey mass, safely tucked away where they wouldn't bother him again (at least not for a while.) He felt as though gigantic weight had just dissolved, and exhaled slowly, feeling a lot better suddenly.

And then-- the world seemed shrink and get brighter, more colorful. "Wha--?" His voice was higher too.


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* spiritoferos May 21 2006, 07:45:44 UTC
Eros threw himself at Kon promptly, pounce-tackle-hugging him and wound both of his plump little arms around Kon.

"YAY!" He cheered again, utterly thrilled as they hit the cushions. He grinned at Kon, eyes blue and divinely pure, and picked up a tasselled cushion and whacked Kon with it while giggling, "Pillow fight!"


Re: *in very childish writing, carefully formed* superclone May 21 2006, 07:53:35 UTC
Kon laughed as he tumbled over backwards, feeling the sudden, childish urge to give Eros a great big hug right back. He'd never felt quite so FREE before. Then the pillow whacked him and he yelped covering his head with one arm as he grabbed for another pillow.

"Pillow fight!" Kon echoed, jumping at Eros and whomping away with abandon. Obvously, the pillwos were well made, since Kon's thoughtless throws weren't causing them to explode yet.


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